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Jaxon Ryder

He was wearing Armani underwear.... that is not what broke guys wear. Gave this scene a 1.
He was wearing Armani underwear.... that is not what broke guys wear. Gave this scene a 1.

You gave it 1 too many. I gave it a 1 also, only because I could not rate it any lower.
Jaxon looks to be a nice kid but i dont care for body tats! Why do good looking young men have to disfigure their bodies like maori warriors just to be ugly?
Jaxon looks to be a nice kid but i dont care for body tats! Why do good looking young men have to disfigure their bodies like maori warriors just to be ugly?

The word is called 'insecurity'. Or perhaps he was in the slammer and had to get tattooed to protect what little image he was hiding behind. I did, however, enjoy his "Please do not fuck me" goatee.
Well, let's see. I applaud Broke Straight Boys on the full disclosure up front that Jaxson has worked elsewhere. It would have been a disaster if they had tried to cover up the fact that this was not his first rodeo. I think he's a beautiful guy with eyes that could melt butter. Having said that I agree that the tats are way too overdone. I'm not a fan of tattoos in general, although I tolerate them on some of my favorite models. Jaxson though has not taken much time to think out (in the long term view) which ones to get, and where. In my opinion he has taken a gorgeous canvass of a body and turned it (for the outside observer) into a wall of seemingly random public graffiti and street art. However, if I met him with his clothes on and covering the tattoos...I'd probably be swooning. haha

Of course the other big test of a Broke Straight Boys model beyond superficial looks is how well he interacts with other models. So we'll see how it goes.
Well, let's see. I applaud Broke Straight Boys on the full disclosure up front that Jaxson has worked elsewhere. It would have been a disaster if they had tried to cover up the fact that this was not his first rodeo. I think he's a beautiful guy with eyes that could melt butter. Having said that I agree that the tats are way too overdone. I'm not a fan of tattoos in general, although I tolerate them on some of my favorite models. Jaxson though has not taken much time to think out (in the long term view) which ones to get, and where. In my opinion he has taken a gorgeous canvass of a body and turned it (for the outside observer) into a wall of seemingly random public graffiti and street art. However, if I met him with his clothes on and covering the tattoos...I'd probably be swooning. haha

Of course the other big test of a Broke Straight Boys model beyond superficial looks is how well he interacts with other models. So we'll see how it goes.

Gee, Ma, do we have to? (His eyes may melt butter, but that makes me happy I am oleo. I would truly hate to see him paired with Paul, or Brandon, Daniel, or even the model formerly known as Spencer Todd. Dimmie, laissez faire.)
I think he is a cutie. Of course tattoos are no issue for me and never have been. An uncut cock is just fine as well. As far as his level of experience all I can say is that with any of the guys who have appeared here we have no idea as to the actual level of their prior experience unless we have seen them on another website. For all we know some of the most popular model on this site have been advertising in the local mags and renting their goodies out to the highest bidder for some time wherever they are from originally.

Essentially what Broke Straight Boys offers is a certain level of fantasy - the straight guy who needs to make some bucks and is willing to have sex with other guys to make that money. So if the model can come across in a realistic fashion when it comes to that fantasy then it is a win win for everyone. After all the title of the website is not Broke Straight Virgin Boys having gay sex for the very first time in their existence. Now if Brent Corrigan was to appear here, I would be saying "really". [Even though I happen to like him and his movies.] But if a model here has done some work elsewhere once ot tice I am not going to immediately strike them from my list of possible fantasies.

I realize different folks watch the videos here with different expectations but these are my dos centavos.
I think he is a cutie. Of course tattoos are no issue for me and never have been. An uncut cock is just fine as well. As far as his level of experience all I can say is that with any of the guys who have appeared here we have no idea as to the actual level of their prior experience unless we have seen them on another website. For all we know some of the most popular model on this site have been advertising in the local mags and renting their goodies out to the highest bidder for some time wherever they are from originally.

Essentially what Broke Straight Boys offers is a certain level of fantasy - the straight guy who needs to make some bucks and is willing to have sex with other guys to make that money. So if the model can come across in a realistic fashion when it comes to that fantasy then it is a win win for everyone. After all the title of the website is not Broke Straight Virgin Boys having gay sex for the very first time in their existence. Now if Brent Corrigan was to appear here, I would be saying "really". [Even though I happen to like him and his movies.] But if a model here has done some work elsewhere once ot tice I am not going to immediately strike them from my list of possible fantasies.

I realize different folks watch the videos here with different expectations but these are my dos centavos.

Your "dos centavos" are certainly worth more than the "muchos dolares" I often like to believe I contribute. You are indeed well spoken and most clear on your opinions. I must, however, slightly disagree inasmuch as the word "STRAIGHT" to me signifies the model is - and always has been - totally heterosexual throughout his entire life. Still, your fantasy philosophy makes perfect sense and expunges my tenets to a more practical purpose. I yield with gladness and pleasure.
"I must, however, slightly disagree inasmuch as the word "STRAIGHT" to me signifies the model is - and always has been - totally heterosexual throughout his entire life."

I certainly can understand your position on that issue. I have to say that my experience in life is that many young men who identify as heterosexual often strongly so, have at some time in their life for one reason or another strayed across the line. Perhaps out of curiosity, perhaps out of necessity as in no money for necessities, sometimes because they are in a worse situation in that they are abusing some substance and as one former client of mine once explained to me, it was a lot easier for him to make money by having sex with older men than it was doing auto burglaries and shoplifting and the risks were far fewer.

So I can accept the word of a young man who tells me he is gay for pay or that he has at some time in his life experimented with gay sex out of curiosity. After all when I was a senior in high school and later in college, I had intercourse with young ladies out of curiosity and I can assure you completely that I am most definitely not in the slightest heterosexual. I was certainly able to perform but it was more or less a lot of effort with little satisfaction from my perspective.

Again it is very much a matter of perspective and context. I have certainly met guys who I am more than certain were claiming to be heterosexual when the evidence was very much to the contrary. But those types are usually rather easy to spot [albeit not always].
I think he is a cutie. Of course tattoos are no issue for me and never have been. An uncut cock is just fine as well. As far as his level of experience all I can say is that with any of the guys who have appeared here we have no idea as to the actual level of their prior experience unless we have seen them on another website. For all we know some of the most popular model on this site have been advertising in the local mags and renting their goodies out to the highest bidder for some time wherever they are from originally.

Essentially what Broke Straight Boys offers is a certain level of fantasy - the straight guy who needs to make some bucks and is willing to have sex with other guys to make that money. So if the model can come across in a realistic fashion when it comes to that fantasy then it is a win win for everyone. After all the title of the website is not Broke Straight Virgin Boys having gay sex for the very first time in their existence. Now if Brent Corrigan was to appear here, I would be saying "really". [Even though I happen to like him and his movies.] But if a model here has done some work elsewhere once ot tice I am not going to immediately strike them from my list of possible fantasies.

I realize different folks watch the videos here with different expectations but these are my dos centavos.

Well put and I agree with your " point of view" 100%!
"I must, however, slightly disagree inasmuch as the word "STRAIGHT" to me signifies the model is - and always has been - totally heterosexual throughout his entire life."

I certainly can understand your position on that issue. I have to say that my experience in life is that many young men who identify as heterosexual often strongly so, have at some time in their life for one reason or another strayed across the line. Perhaps out of curiosity, perhaps out of necessity as in no money for necessities, sometimes because they are in a worse situation in that they are abusing some substance and as one former client of mine once explained to me, it was a lot easier for him to make money by having sex with older men than it was doing auto burglaries and shoplifting and the risks were far fewer.

So I can accept the word of a young man who tells me he is gay for pay or that he has at some time in his life experimented with gay sex out of curiosity. After all when I was a senior in high school and later in college, I had intercourse with young ladies out of curiosity and I can assure you completely that I am most definitely not in the slightest heterosexual. I was certainly able to perform but it was more or less a lot of effort with little satisfaction from my perspective.

Again it is very much a matter of perspective and context. I have certainly met guys who I am more than certain were claiming to be heterosexual when the evidence was very much to the contrary. But those types are usually rather easy to spot [albeit not always].

Good morning, Forumites. I trust you are all enjoying your Java-the-Hutt and a fresh doughnut, complete with the hole.
Juanjo, I stick to my guns vis-a-vis my definition of heterosexuality. There are many other options the lads in your office could have taken apart from the continued practice of gay-for-pay. During my experiences, I have counseled men who aver alike stories. A vast majority of them opted to sell their bodies for the temporary sudden flux of income to where they would do it countless times a night, akin to prostitution. In time, they learn this is the fastest and most effortless way to earn cash, so they continue with the practice, all the while maintaining they are "straight". To me, "Gay for Pay" is still "Gay", no matter how one wants to defend his masculinity or heterosexuality. I used the baseball analogy to enhance my tenet: When a person puts on a baseball uniform and enters a game, even if for a single pitch, that person is a ball player well after the game is ended.
Anyway, we can debate this forever and still not succeed at influencing the other to our side. Still, I am appreciative of your input and how it never ceases to cause a thought or two to cross my troubled brow.
Have a wonderful Sunday, forumites. Cheers!
"I must, however, slightly disagree inasmuch as the word "STRAIGHT" to me signifies the model is - and always has been - totally heterosexual throughout his entire life."

I certainly can understand your position on that issue. I have to say that my experience in life is that many young men who identify as heterosexual often strongly so, have at some time in their life for one reason or another strayed across the line. Perhaps out of curiosity, perhaps out of necessity as in no money for necessities, sometimes because they are in a worse situation in that they are abusing some substance and as one former client of mine once explained to me, it was a lot easier for him to make money by having sex with older men than it was doing auto burglaries and shoplifting and the risks were far fewer.

So I can accept the word of a young man who tells me he is gay for pay or that he has at some time in his life experimented with gay sex out of curiosity. After all when I was a senior in high school and later in college, I had intercourse with young ladies out of curiosity and I can assure you completely that I am most definitely not in the slightest heterosexual. I was certainly able to perform but it was more or less a lot of effort with little satisfaction from my perspective.

Again it is very much a matter of perspective and context. I have certainly met guys who I am more than certain were claiming to be heterosexual when the evidence was very much to the contrary. But those types are usually rather easy to spot [albeit not always].

I always appreciate the perspective you give to this "ongoing debate" juanjo, as I am always intrigued by the topic of: men who identify as heterosexual but, can or have participated in gay sexual activities. My belief is that, there is no right/wrong answer to what people choose to adopt as their "opinion/point of view". There are far to many situations and scenarios (not to mention experiences) that people can relate to or have had, for me to say so, I choose to keep an open mind and view it on an individual basis. I've met far to many men (including my buddy, and various members of his family) who are attracted to women, have children and families and yet,, have had or continue to (my buddy specifically) enjoy the stimulation of the prostate via a man's penis in some cases, well beyond their "young adult" years!
Thank you for the perspectives based on the experiences and "real life" encounters you've had!