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Jason and Mick, coming soon to a screen near you...


BSB Addict
May 9, 2010
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I'm all a twitter! I fell in love with Jason when he was on Broke Straight Boys before. Mick was never on Broke Straight Boys but he did a scene on Boy Gusher and on College Boy Physicals with Jason Creed and he just... as Deidra would say, he puts dew on my lily pad:)

I can't wait for the June 11 update! It's the first update I've anticipated since Broke Straight Boys 2.0 started! Thanks, Mark, for finally putting Mick on Broke Straight Boys!!!

I have one word to add......:lol: DITTO!
I am über excited for Jason's return!!!!! Let's hope he brought his favorite Under Armour with him again. :))) Good going management!!!!
I just watched Mick on College Boy Physicals, lets see taking a big dick and huffing poppers well thats my kind of boy!!! Looking for to seeing Jason again as well, nice personality and body.
I'm with you Laura, I think he is one special young man.

And I'm with you as well Ms. Deidra, I always liked Jason. Sorry he had to go through that experience, but I am glad he is well, and has come back.

Thank you Mark, for taking Jason back.He is a good performer.