kaalaaupuni, angelone,
My opinion of the Jamie episode was based soley on the comments of the model himself. He himself says he hasn't had sex in a long time because women won't look at him. And I don't care how you spin it, living under a bridge, in a box, is not conducive to good personal hygiene.
Let me put it this way: I don't care how good looking a guy is or if he lives in a penthouse and wears Armani, I don't want anything sexual to do with him if he's not clean.
You live under a bridge, in a box, you ain't gonna be clean.
Please spare me of the bleeding heart liberal sympathy routine for the poor downtrodden homeless.
This country has hundreds of local, state, and federal programs involving hundreds of billions of dollars designed to help these people. In blue states like New York where I live we have programs made up by people who think like you, that virtually gurantee each and every one of the hom eless in our states free housing, food and midical care.
And yet, in my city we still have tens of thousands of homeless people.
In Europe, which is also dominated by Progressives, they also have a terrible problem with the homeless.
In my eyes, it's the misplaced symopathies of Liberals that actually aggravate the homeless problem.
If mental illness is involved (the cause of much homelessness), unfortunately there isn't much society can do unless and until the individuals are a danger to others or themselves.
Otherwise homelessness, with all the programs available nationwide, is by-andlarge a voluntary thing. Anything is better than living in the entrayway of a building downtown, or in a box under a bridge or over a subway grating.
As for the myth of homeless veterans that the left loves to propagate, my dad volunteers for the VA. I have gone with him several times. I know for a fact that the VA has hundreds of vetran's homes nationwide and they aren't open-bay rooms with cots. Each vet gets a room to himself with kitchenette and bathroom.
.And please spare me of the moral lecture. It is trips to Costco and other such coddling, no matter how well intentioned, that I find immoral.