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Did I miss something.... I thought this thread was about Jamie... not Matthew.

There are 20 posts on this thread, and only 7 of them even mention Jaimie.

There are at least 4 threads going, about the new Broke Straight Boys, the new narrator, and the different opinions on the kind of scenes we should have here. Those kind of comments should go there.

So far we have seen Jimmy, Vinnie, Zach, Rocco, Slink, and now Jamie. In my opinion, Jamie is the best looking guy we have seen so far. He definitely has the best body.:thumbup1: I don't know if the story line is true or not, but we will never know the truth, so why dwell on it.

I am really looking forward to seeing Jamie in new scenes. BUT, he seems pretty uninhibited, so I think there is a possibility that they could get HOT.:001_tt1: Some members seem very upset about the idea of hot sex scenes, so maybe there should be warning labels, or a new rating system...........:lol:
kaalaaupuni, angelone,

My opinion of the Jamie episode was based soley on the comments of the model himself. He himself says he hasn't had sex in a long time because women won't look at him. And I don't care how you spin it, living under a bridge, in a box, is not conducive to good personal hygiene.

Let me put it this way: I don't care how good looking a guy is or if he lives in a penthouse and wears Armani, I don't want anything sexual to do with him if he's not clean.

You live under a bridge, in a box, you ain't gonna be clean.

Please spare me of the bleeding heart liberal sympathy routine for the poor downtrodden homeless.

This country has hundreds of local, state, and federal programs involving hundreds of billions of dollars designed to help these people. In blue states like New York where I live we have programs made up by people who think like you, that virtually gurantee each and every one of the hom eless in our states free housing, food and midical care.

And yet, in my city we still have tens of thousands of homeless people.

In Europe, which is also dominated by Progressives, they also have a terrible problem with the homeless.

In my eyes, it's the misplaced symopathies of Liberals that actually aggravate the homeless problem.

If mental illness is involved (the cause of much homelessness), unfortunately there isn't much society can do unless and until the individuals are a danger to others or themselves.

Otherwise homelessness, with all the programs available nationwide, is by-andlarge a voluntary thing. Anything is better than living in the entrayway of a building downtown, or in a box under a bridge or over a subway grating.

As for the myth of homeless veterans that the left loves to propagate, my dad volunteers for the VA. I have gone with him several times. I know for a fact that the VA has hundreds of vetran's homes nationwide and they aren't open-bay rooms with cots. Each vet gets a room to himself with kitchenette and bathroom.

.And please spare me of the moral lecture. It is trips to Costco and other such coddling, no matter how well intentioned, that I find immoral.
I am really looking forward to seeing Jamie in new scenes. BUT, he seems pretty uninhibited, so I think there is a possibility that they could get HOT.:001_tt1: Some members seem very upset about the idea of hot sex scenes, so maybe there should be warning labels, or a new rating system...........:lol:

I have to say that I found Jamie to be very attractive. I'm not sure I bought the whole story of him being homeless. But if he is, God bless him. I found it rather sweet, and perhaps even a little sad, that he seemed genuinely flattered at times by the compliments that Matthew gave him on his body. Like he wasn't used to having people tell him that he was good looking. Because he is a good looking guy.

As far as warning labels for hot sex scenes....my heart can take whatever they dish out. lol
Lubetube, I'm probably more conservative than most of the people on this site. I also have more compassion than most, and know much better than to make sweeping statements as you have that are only based on what you have seen or experienced. There are other scenarios to which you are completely blind. And although a lot of money is allocated to supporting the less fortunate, you're ignorant if you don't really take a look at what those programs offer, because it's not milk and honey as you think.

Maybe in a future life you'll be a teen struggling to make it on your own because a dysfunctional family life doesn't afford you decent food or a drug-free home. You'll probably learn to take advantage of public facilities where you can stay clean. However, you'll never avoid the condescending judgements of people who think of helping others as coddling and homelessness a crime of moral turpitude.
kaalaaupuni, Those are strawman arguments if ever I saw them. I have made none of the points you say I have.

The way I see it the only excuse for living in the open, on the street, in a box under a bridge or where-have-you, is during a national crisis such as a war or natural disaster where the infrascructure is not there.

Other than that, no clear thinking child or adult should have to go without shelter in our country.

I believe you mean well, but in reality people like you are enablers. You make it easier for the homeless to stretch out their time away from a stable and safe life. It's like giving an alcoholic money because you feel sorry for him. I know you think he'll buy food with the money. And then you'll preach to other people how things should be because you think you have the moral high ground.

You'll pull out your straw men and say people like me want to put the homeless in jail---or worse. I don't want the homeless to be harmed, abused or otherwise molested by citizens or the authorities. I just find your solutions, wrong.

Liberals like you, and you are a liberal, are the very ones responsible for such large amounts of homeless. The bluer the state, the more homeless you'll find. Coincidence? I don't think so. It's the misguided enabling other misguided.

My first comment in this thread was that I don't find homeless people erotic. I stand by that no matter how you or others may try to sanitize them or their plight.
All this is actually playing out on the national political stage as we waffle away on a porn forum.

The very interesting Paul Ryan, the accountant geek of the GOP, has put together a proposal for getting the country out of debt that is so extreme it reads more like a brilliant satire than serious politics. He's being heralded by left and right as someone who's actually put his thinking cap on, even if all sides tend to qualify their remarks with caveats about his proposal's viability in real life.

What most people haven't twigged to is that he is a crypto hater of poor people. His idol Ayn Rand understood that the right people in society weren't being valued. It's the bringer of water who should receive the credit in a society and the perks that go with power, not the drinker of the water, or something like that.

Ryan's proposals penalize you for being poor. If you happened to be homeless, for whatever reason, no soft hearted liberal would be able to do a fucking thing for you in Paul's ideal world. You'd die before he could get to you, of starvation. If you don't believe me, read his plan carefully.

He has that black haired, blue eyed, Irish choirboy look to him, probably the only member of the House with a six-pack. I'd fuck him, despite his politics and his shameful prejudice against those who make less than $250,000 per annum. But I'd never vote for him.

Liberals and Conservatives are all the same to me, just good Americans. But the sneery attitude of some Teabaggers and other sundry Republicans on the far Right gives me pause. Hatred is naughty fellas.
If Ryan is a hater of poor people, who then is the hater of the rich?

You know what I mean by 'the rich, the people who open factories and offices and websites like this who then hire people to work in these businesses, who in turn then have money to buy their Pop Tarts, pork chops and Toyota Camrys.

Yes those rich.
If Ryan is a hater of poor people, who then is the hater of the rich?

You know what I mean by 'the rich, the people who open factories and offices and websites like this who then hire people to work in these businesses, who in turn then have money to buy their Pop Tarts, pork chops and Toyota Camrys.

Yes those rich.

Oh THOSE rich. What about ole Yeshua Ben Yusef, who didn't hate anyone really, who suffered the little children to go unto him, but who did do some musing on your favorite Camry owner, suggesting to his flock that it was more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle (Matthew 19:24, no, not THAT "Matthew" :001_rolleyes:).

I don't believe most of that crap, but I do know that it's very difficult to get "rich" in the USA and not feel like once you've got it you've gotta protect it. To some extent that means keeping any of it out of the hands of a Broke Straight Boys who sleeps in discarded refrigerator packaging under an overpass.

lube, you are a terrific guy. Your political views are kneejerk Fox. You are anti-Liberal like a whole bunch of other people in the States. I could easily be one as well if it weren't for the politicians I see and hear on the news who bear the standard for the political right-wing, Cry Boehby, Chinless Mitch, Bubba Barbour, Pathetic Palin, Bimbo Bachmann, Tacky Trump and all the rest of the retrograde, clueless, prevaricating egotists who are also anti-Liberal.
Slim, there's nothing you just wrote that hasn't long ago been written by the likes of Marx and Engels.

The same anti-capitalist blather conbined with condescending, elistist name calling of the opposition, i.e. those conservatives, dumb Neanderthals.

Fortunately the masses, and even some gays, wind up voting conservative time and time again so they're not buying the cobwebbed dogma.

The average middle class citizen knows that no one has ever worked for a poor person. And he knows his job will most likely come from the wealthy for which you Slim have so much comtempt.
Read it again. My contempt is for the sorry opportunistic mediocrity that is the American political class, on both sides. Maybe a bit more disdain for the right because it so obviously lacks education and IQ. In that sense I'm an elitist which is a much more right wing failing than a liberal one. It began with George Bush. Until he's erased from living memory my pavlovian synaptic reactions to the likes of Palin, Trump and Bachmann, serious contenders for the presidency that Bush dragged mercilessly, moronically, through the shit for nearly a decade, will keep on jerking every time, every time.

I got on here to say that I didn't mean you in the shameful diatribe I posted above. I meant, and mean, them. I couldn't listen seriously to any proposals coming from the right when people like 'em float to the top of the GOP.

Thanks for being a gentleman.
Sorry Jamie dude, just one more observation:

Anyone who has even the vaguest of political leanings should read this brief article. Just the sort of thing that would allow a rabid republican and a demented democrat to make peace with one another and forgive everything. It's in ah genes a'ready.


Just because you’re a Republican and I’m a Democrat don’t mean we can’t still be friends. I will gladly hug your elephant and you can kiss my ass. :w00t:

Sorry Slim had to do it but that is interesting reading.
LOL Good one Mr. Bear.

Slim, I'm glad the ad hominem attacks are not directed toward this blogger, but toward political figures of just one political side, since you're neutral and tend to keep your distance from both.

But what is with mental giants like Obama, Biden, Reid and Shumer? Why neglect them? And what about that intellectual paragon, the European political class? There must be brain cells flooding into the Meditarranian over there.

Why even Qaddafi must realize this.
LOL Good one Mr. Bear.

Slim, I'm glad the ad hominem attacks are not directed toward this blogger, but toward political figures of just one political side, since you're neutral and tend to keep your distance from both.

But what is with mental giants like Obama, Biden, Reid and Shumer? Why neglect them? And what about that intellectual paragon, the European political class? There must be brain cells flooding into the Meditarranian over there.

Why even Qaddafi must realize this.

What's with those dudes is just what the article says, they are the possessors of the so called gray matter. They are interested in ideas:001_rolleyes:. There's always been a contradiction regarding the composition of the left, made up of an intellectual elite on the one hand, and the planet's poor on the other. It strikes me that the adventurous Liberal, operating from his superior gray matter (that's not a value judgement) is more likely to be the guy who leaves university to travel for a couple of years, get sick in Burma, mistakenly married in Prague, only to come back home when he needs treatment for rampant pinworms and a naughty case of gonorrhea. He may even have been sleeping rough on the beach for part of that time, or in oversized cardboard appliance packaging under a bridge. He might even have, at the tender age of 23, begun a long and marvelously fulfilling life of being relatively poor. What he hasn't been doing is working hard at being a success and apprehensively squirreling away for his retirement, or borrowing conscientiously for a nifty startup operation complete with his own 3 member staff. If he did that he would be a Conservative, operating from apprehension and fear of not making his mark, complete with the Camry and the employees. Both groups are good people. I only have a problem with Conservatives, operating from fear, who enter politics. I mean, the Iraq war, Cheney, all that; Palin for god's sake, you know what I mean. Then there's Oliver North, there's Glenn Beck. If they are operating from fear because of where their synapses most frequently occur in their neat and tidy crania, I can tell you that they are the one thing that scares the shit out of me, and my brain isn't even programmed to experience fear. Conservatives are constitutionally unfit to be politicians. Everything else, fine.

Ahhh, so that's the solution to the leftist puzzle. A life of poverty is so great for the world the Left wants to make sure every global citizen has an even share of it. Of course we conservatives couldn't possibly have thought of that. Our weak and puny brain cells are simply inadequate.

Today, over 2 years after Darth Vader & Co., we're still in Iraq, we're still in Afghanistan, we're at war in a 3rd Muslim country, we still have Guantanamo, we still have the Patriot Act, we still have the Bush tax cuts and gay marriage is still not the law of the land.

Let the world behold the ingenious Democrats. LOL

Ahhh, so that's the solution to the leftist puzzle. A life of poverty is so great for the world the Left wants to make sure every global citizen has an even share of it. Of course we conservatives couldn't possibly have thought of that. Our weak and puny brain cells are simply inadequate.

Today, over 2 years after Darth Vader & Co., we're still in Iraq, we're still in Afghanistan, we're at war in a 3rd Muslim country, we still have Guantanamo, we still have the Patriot Act, we still have the Bush tax cuts and gay marriage is still not the law of the land.

Let the world behold the ingenious Democrats. LOL

Umm.. Lubetube, who got us into these two wars of choice? Which party is standing against gay marriage? I don't believe it's the Democrats. Your beloved Republicans are the ones who championed the tax cuts for the super rich.