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Its not gay!


Well-known Member
Oct 1, 2014
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I continually hear as a persuasion open line "It does not mean you are gay" or "many gay men do anal and they enjoy it"

Firstly! like many labels/box that define mans sexual preferences also appear to dictate a whole lifestyle and this in its self can be detrimental to individuals and Is totally untrue. I myself love men, but that does not mean that I am not comfortable in women company or society. Nor do I live by a book to dictate a particular sexual or life style - I would prefer that I am just living life and enjoying what life has to offer, and continue to learn.

The actual question I am asking "Should a particular sexual act actually defined by sexual orientation"? or "by gender"?

We have all heard the Quote "Men know how men like it" as "Woman know how women like it"

as human we continue to seek new things that enhance our lives, some of us will continue to go back to where the delivery was enjoyable and memorable and some will not participate due to the hang ups of what life/society will define them.

(Just a thought for a Sunday morning NZT)
I continually hear as a persuasion open line "It does not mean you are gay" or "many gay men do anal and they enjoy it"

Firstly! like many labels/box that define mans sexual preferences also appear to dictate a whole lifestyle and this in its self can be detrimental to individuals and Is totally untrue. I myself love men, but that does not mean that I am not comfortable in women company or society. Nor do I live by a book to dictate a particular sexual or life style - I would prefer that I am just living life and enjoying what life has to offer, and continue to learn.

The actual question I am asking "Should a particular sexual act actually defined by sexual orientation"? or "by gender"?

We have all heard the Quote "Men know how men like it" as "Woman know how women like it"

as human we continue to seek new things that enhance our lives, some of us will continue to go back to where the delivery was enjoyable and memorable and some will not participate due to the hang ups of what life/society will define them.

(Just a thought for a Sunday morning NZT)

I have to say, I like the way you think! I've been around long enough to be able to look back at least five decades. Society has changed a lot in that time. Some good and some, not so much. People have gotten past some of the "Archie Bunker" ways of thinking. People do enjoy a certain amount of freedom to express who they are and what they're all about. Education has played a big part in that. I'm not just talking University Education but, being able to learn about things people just don't understand and sometimes fear. Like, Human Sexuality! I hope to be around long enough to appreciate the day, when people won't be judged or defined by their sexual proclivities, especially by those who remain ignorant.
I have to say, I like the way you think! I've been around long enough to be able to look back at least five decades. Society has changed a lot in that time. Some good and some, not so much. People have gotten past some of the "Archie Bunker" ways of thinking. People do enjoy a certain amount of freedom to express who they are and what they're all about. Education has played a big part in that. I'm not just talking University Education but, being able to learn about things people just don't understand and sometimes fear. Like, Human Sexuality! I hope to be around long enough to appreciate the day, when people won't be judged or defined by their sexual proclivities, especially by those who remain ignorant.

Thank you for your input, I myself fit in the same age range and for years I have struggled with the boxed syndrome. I have crossed over a few of the different sexual labels and reinvented myself on many occasions. However in my experience through these different journey I have found that men will be men, the promiscuous creature, whether open or shadowed. When the time, place and characters are aligned men will venture.

Hence the question: sexual orientation label or gender. I would in my small hindsight would have to say men continue to be explorers for adventure.
You all know my husband, Steve, is a huge bottom and I love it! He comes stronger, and with more "juice" when he is being fucked or at least has an anal toy in. He did say one time he might like to try being fucked my a man, but that he may like it "too much." I don't believe when it comes to consensual sex, there can be "too much" of anything. And yes, I would let him if he every wants to.:tmi:
Being truly masculine in nature I've been fortunate all my adult life to be who/with whatever I chose. I have only been confronted once about being gay. That was when my partner, a few friends and I were leaving a gay bar and a few drunk straight college guys were walking towards us screaming fags etc. Then they realized we were not backing down, but standing our ground and getting "ready to rumble" lol Well they coward away. I don't have to advertise my sexual preference, but i'm an open book in all aspects of my life. Maybe it's the tolerance in Seattle to be whatever you want, but the majority of gay people I've met have had similiar lives. With one of the first states to legalize gay marriage and now marijuana we are a pretty tolerable state. I was married to a woman in my early 20s whom I loved very much, but new my true desire was to be with a man. So if thats what makes me "gay" I'm cool with that!!!
This article appeared (ironically) today on yahoo. I thought it was somewhat relevant to this Thread:

(Just clarity and reference around my thoughts) "it doesn't make you gay" "many gay men do this" are some of the Broke Straight Boys camera mans spoken prompts to the straight newbies doing first-time M2M either before or after, Yet Broke Straight Boys is sold on a "Gay 4 Pay" category. therefore somewhat contradictive. (my focus is not around this)

It is merely that if 2 males or 2 females doing sexual acts together, should this box them into a sexual box, which ironically to the ignorant would also extend to define there life styles.

or is it just some of mankind being more adventurous around their sexual discoveries?

Now I know some member will remember when Jason Matthews introduced the term "Pansexual" (for many of us never heard of) am I bordering on that line?
I think that, even though many of us "try" to live our lives the way we feel, without worrying about what others think, we still live in a Society which has/is and ever will be, evolving, long before we came along. We like to fit in and be accepted on some level. I've been introduced to terms like: "Pansexual" (which as you pointed out Jason introduced) and "Poly Amorous", or "Sexual Beings." These are terms used not so much by people who are judging others but, terms people feel are more comfortable with to describe themselves. They also sound softer than the existing; Bi, Straight, or Gay labels. In my opinion. There was a period of time in which I remember where, people would actually rather be labeled or describe themselves as "Bi Sexual" rather than "Gay" just because it was more accepted at that time.
I believe that people have always run the gamut in their sexuality, but in our society today it is much more acceptable to discuss these previously hush hush subjects. Wasn't it Oscar Wilde who referred to homosexuality as "The love that dare not speak its name"?

My belief is that people are people in every country and in every city and in every time period in our history, and that just as many people today are somewhat bisexual or all out gay as in any period of mankind, but for many of us, these desires were kept as secrets in our own minds, and shared with few other human beings, and many people lived and died and shared those feelings with no one else.

So there is no one definition to describe a gay man as all have our unique desires and personalities, but society has always wanted to categorize people into subgroups, and the more flamboyant gay men are the one's who are more easily noticed and so the stereotype has been formed in many people's minds that all gay men look and act like Liberace, Richard Simmons or Charles Nelson Reilly, while actors like Rock Hudson and Raymond Burr easily "passed" for straight.

I do believe the saying that the "drag queens are the true heroes of gay liberation", as they were "out there", no doubt that they were gay and they took the abuse and beatings to make society free for those of us who "passed" as straight. But I honestly believe that human sexuality does run the gamut from one extreme to another and the variations are endless.

Very well articulated Mikeyank!:sun: I always enjoy this topic (as you well know) because, there are no absolutes! Experiences, perceptions, observations...."Human Sexuality", the capacity to have erotic experiences and responses....:Banane16: oh what a feeling!
I have to say, I like the way you think! I've been around long enough to be able to look back at least five decades. Society has changed a lot in that time. Some good and some, not so much. People have gotten past some of the "Archie Bunker" ways of thinking. People do enjoy a certain amount of freedom to express who they are and what they're all about. Education has played a big part in that. I'm not just talking University Education but, being able to learn about things people just don't understand and sometimes fear. Like, Human Sexuality! I hope to be around long enough to appreciate the day, when people won't be judged or defined by their sexual proclivities, especially by those who remain ignorant.

We may have come far but, still a long way to go!

I thought about Peterh when the "cowboy" took his stance! WWPD, lol! (What Would Peter Do)

We may have come far but, still a long way to go!

I thought about Peterh when the "cowboy" took his stance! WWPD, lol! (What Would Peter Do)


I would have stepped in to help, of course I wouldn't be sporting the stenson!!. Now if it were me he was calling out I would have ended up in jail for really fucking him up.... Drunken hillbillies have no sense!! lol
I think we agree that sexuality is wide and varied and continues to grow with gender, therefore the category of boxes/labels has now become somewhat inaccurate or now passed there use by date. "Do away with boxes act like humans and live life to the fullest and box the memories" for safe keeping...
You all know my husband, Steve, is a huge bottom and I love it! He comes stronger, and with more "juice" when he is being fucked or at least has an anal toy in. He did say one time he might like to try being fucked my a man, but that he may like it "too much." I don't believe when it comes to consensual sex, there can be "too much" of anything. And yes, I would let him if he every wants to.:tmi:

I really love the way you look at that situation Beth. You're a great wife I'm sure. :) xo
I think that, even though many of us "try" to live our lives the way we feel, without worrying about what others think, we still live in a Society which has/is and ever will be, evolving, long before we came along. We like to fit in and be accepted on some level. I've been introduced to terms like: "Pansexual" (which as you pointed out Jason introduced) and "Poly Amorous", or "Sexual Beings." These are terms used not so much by people who are judging others but, terms people feel are more comfortable with to describe themselves. They also sound softer than the existing; Bi, Straight, or Gay labels. In my opinion. There was a period of time in which I remember where, people would actually rather be labeled or describe themselves as "Bi Sexual" rather than "Gay" just because it was more accepted at that time.

I love your perspective on this Betu. Just because I may take on the label of gay to make it more convenient for the rest of society, those labels hardly define all that I am or all that the rest of us are. It also doesn't mean that I am misogynous or don't appreciate female beauty. It doesn't mean that I purposely shy away from the company of women.

I think we agree that sexuality is wide and varied and continues to grow with gender, therefore the category of boxes/labels has now become somewhat inaccurate or now passed there use by date. "Do away with boxes act like humans and live life to the fullest and box the memories" for safe keeping...

Thanks for starting this thread IMP!

I'm reminded of another favorite quote from Jason Matthews. That it's about: "Hearts. Not parts." LOL
Thanks for starting this thread IMP!

I'm reminded of another favorite quote from Jason Matthews. That it's about: "Hearts. Not parts." LOL[/QUOTE]

Thank you Tampa :biggrin: With the quote from one of my favorite personalities, this has got me thinking of my next random thread :001_tongue: