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It's not black or white


BSB Addict
Nov 14, 2008
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so cal
often i hear people talk about things being black or white. this issue of whether a guy is straight or gay. then there is who is bi. i guess being bi is the gray of sexuality.
but the world i live in is not just shades of gray. my world is full of colors. even each color comes in different hues and saturations. they come in different tints and shades. dark reds and light pinks.
somehow, i can't help but wonder whether sexuality can be less simple.
does having sex with a guy once in college make you bi-sexual? or twice? or several times during while in college?
is a guy bi, if the last number of times he has had sex, is was with a guy?
is a guy gay because the last time he had sex was with a guy. how about if he really wants to have sex with a guy, but never has.
if a guy has sex with another guy only on camera, is he bi? or is he straight?
at some point, you just have to take a guy at he word.
i bought a car. the color is sea mist green. some of my friends say it is grey and other see the green. they let me call it what i want. they see what they see.
i hope i have not unduly offend anyone.
my opinion

Instead of asking if someone is gay or straight or bi, why not just consider people sexual? There is no reason to need to put a label on it. For some folks like me, it is simple that I am gay, and for some people who have never had any thoughts about having sex with their own sex are straight.

But for all the folks somewhere in between, let them just be sexual, and do what feels right with the right person. And don't worry about a label. It is irrelevant.
I feel that lables are necessary not only for information but also for safety sake. I go to gay bars not straight ones because I like to be free to be in a place where I can be who I am without fearing reprisal. When I have sex, I want someone who feels comfortable with me as a person who loves to have sex with men and not women. Lables also cut down on the amount of discussion before we can figure out whether we are sexually compatible. It's easy to ask, "Are you gay or straight?" It cuts down on the amount of bull and gets to the chase - fucking.
when the nearest gay bar is further than the near non-gay bar, you have to play the hand you are dealt. sometimes, the guy talking to you is friendly enough to have hot monkey sex, just this one time. so you ever have a dude do you?
of course, the odds increase by going to a bathhouse. no need to buy drinks or make small talk.
so do you like to give head and/or do like to bottom? these are questions i need answered. gay, straight or whatever.
it is not black or white.
then there are so many things to do. parties, camping, hiking. sex just happens sometimes. by the time you can say, i am not that kind guy, you are. by the time you can say, i do that, you have.
labels are good so you can know when to discard.
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I think some of you just talk to damned much! LOL I don't ask a guy if he is straight, or bi, or gay. I prefer to watch a guy and look for the signals. If he is interested, I know. If he is not interested, I know. I don't need a lot of bullshit to know if a guy is in to me or not.
I've always believed that actions speak much louder and truer than words. But then, that is just me.