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Is anyone in the mood for Latinos?

I see people keep expressing the sentiment "it's not a racist thing," as if somebody said it was. That seems like an interesting "nerve" to me, so I'm going to poke around there for a while.

How many people have ever stopped to reflect on exactly WHAT it is that has created their preferences? Do you believe you are born with such preferences, or did they develop over time?

Personally, I prefer white or Hispanic guys. I believe that is primarily an issue of desiring something DIFFERENT from myself. Since white guys were the ones that were the type of "different" which was most represented in my peers and on TV growing up, they became more of an object of my fascination. It wasn't until my college years that I came in contact with any other races, so the addition of Hispanics to my preferences has been a somewhat recent thing. When I view porn, I like seeing blacks or Hispanics fucking the hell out of white guys because then I can fantasize about that being ME doing that. Asians have not ranked high because most of the porn I've seen which involves Asians seems a bit too "emo" for me, and the guys often appear much too effeminate. It seems to me that if you like guys, you like GUYS. Effeminate does nothing for me, so the perception I get of gay Asians being effeminate plays into my general lack of interest in them for porn. That said, there have been a few porn videos which have had Asians I thought were smokin' hot.

Do I think that is racist? Of course not, since it does not fit the definition of racism. Racism indicates having a feeling of superiority over someone just because of their race. My predilictions have nothing to do with feelings of superiority over anyone.

However, I have most definitely seen comments from people on other sites were it seems quite clear that they don't want to see people of color, and blacks in particular, for reasons that do come awfully close to feelings of superiority, in a "those people are animals" sense. I believe it is a real thing, though I don't know how widespread it is. Blacks who prefer blacks may have racist preferences which they base upon stereotypes about cock size. I've seen this in comments people have made about Asians. Those I would consider to be racist bases for a preference.
Anybody who truly believes there aren't handsome/beautiful people in every race
is missing a lot of the loveliness in humanity.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone can see it."

Anybody who truly believes there aren't handsome/beautiful people in every race
is missing a lot of the loveliness in humanity.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone can see it."


Well said TG, I can't imagine eliminating entire groups of people, when it comes to my chances of friendship, love, work, or anything else.
Anybody who truly believes there aren't handsome/beautiful people in every race
is missing a lot of the loveliness in humanity.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone can see it."


Tangogent you are so right. I think if you open your eyes and look past the usual things you can find beauty in most any person, the slope of their neck, their strong fingers, the curve of their bottom or the deep expanse of the soul in their eyes.

I like men of different ages, and sizes. A pale man can have a different kind of beauty than a caramel shaded man. I do have a weakness for uncut men but I'd never rule out a cut man, hell I hardly rule out a breathing man. It is nice to see a variety of men but I can imagine the difficulty in finding Latino men who are willing to be filmed.
Here is a quote from one of John Walter's films - I cant remember which one. "Beauty beauty look at you.. I bet you wish you had it too" It cracked me up..

On a serious note though I agree with TG and Ben's latest posts.
...although let me add that we're probably as pre-determined as to the nature of our
objects of desire as we are to our sexuality.

I doubt anyone here believes sexual attraction to one gender or another is subject
to one's choice.

Whatever forms our sexual orientation, it's a permanent feature and we need to
make it work for us, whatever it may be.

I'm not sure that we are really much more flexible in terms of the types of people
to whom we're categorically attracted. Some of it may have to do with the kinds
of early intimacy we experienced, but not all of it.

Some people go gaga for redheads; others find redheadedness almost a deformity!
(I'm not one of those, Spencer; you've got to believe me on this; give me a chance
to prove what I mean.) Likewise for race, body-type, hairness, etc.

Sexuality is not subject to political correctness. I have heard uber-hard-line very
radical feminist women speak of "political lesbianism". These people believe that
because they see men as perpetrators of all the bad things in the world no woman
should engage herself in a sexual relationship with a man; they are regarded as
generically exploitative of the female partner. (PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT MY
OPINION.) A heterosexual woman who let herself be guided by this idea would
seriously confuse herself, and would probably require professional un-confusing
after a short while.

We, of all people, ought to make total self-acceptance the goal when it comes
to sexual expression.

Thoughts, feelings, associations, comments?

TG I think you make some very valid and interesting points. Wouldn't that be a good subject for a paper?

I often wonder what drives my desire to one man over another. There is a body type that drives me crazy and always gets my attention, someone who has a body like Blake or Colin, that is my fantasy man. I can find beefy, muscular and chubby guys sexy, the color or shape of a man's nipples the shape of his bottom. The last thing that I ever consider is race, it just doesn't matter to me.

I am amazed when I hear a black man say he will only have sex with white men or white men who will only have sex with a Latino or someone with blond hair or with a man who has to have a certain sized dick. It doesn't make sense to me why you would limit yourself. I do agree with you that there is more at play than meets the eye. I think some of it can be environment and some of it must be biological. Some people seem hardwired to search out that 1 type of partner.

There have been studies done that at one time women would chose a mate that complimented her but also could provide the strengths her gene pool was lacking. Sometimes I think gay men have a similar response even though they aren't going to reproduce. I think it is stil buried in our genetic code to seek out a certain type.
I surf a lot of gay porn and they do pretty much the same thing - suck and fuck. So what is it that turns me on? I wish I can definitively answer that question. At times I thought that I found the answer only to find out later that I've changed to something else. I take comfort in the thought that my tastes and appetites evolve with my continual existence. The one thing so far I have resisted with the utmost vigor is straight sex. But who knows as I appreciate the wonderment of women and their complexity, I may in the future bite into that forbidden fruit as my father had on numerous occasions.
My feelings and beliefs on this subject are only based on my own situation, as well as bits and pieces that I have read over the years, as well as discussing this subject with others who I've met in my life, both in person, as well as on this forum.

My belief is that one's sexuality is inborn, as approximately the same percentage of the population has been straight, gay, and varying degrees of bisexual, throughout the recorded history of mankind. It is however another story as to how many act on those inborn desires, and how many may repress their feelings based on their situation and the community that they live in.

I further believe that the ethnicity and race of who turns us on is based on what we've been exposed to in life, beginning as a small child, when many of our lives desires and personality traits begin to form, and often do not change to a large degree.

I know a young man who was a co-worker of mine from when he had just turned 19, who is now 42 who is a white Italian guy who grew up in the Coney Island section of Brooklyn, where his family was one of the few white families still living there. He grew up and was friends with primarily blacks and Latinos. He told me that he had never dated or had sex with a white girl. He fathered his first son with a very pretty black girl, and later married a Puerto Rican girl, and has three more children with her. If he grew up in a white Italian neighborhood, I would have to think that it would be very different.

I grew up in a white Jewish neighborhood of Brooklyn, and the guys I saw in school and in the neighborhood, as well as the television and movie actors that I watched from early childhood were white, and I believe that is where my desires stem from.

There is nothing to stop us from broadening our desires as we progress through life and discover more than we grew up with, but I do believe that our basic core desires are formed early in life, and we often remain close to that core.
My feelings and beliefs on this subject are only based on my own situation, as well as bits and pieces that I have read over the years, as well as discussing this subject with others who I've met in my life, both in person, as well as on this forum.

My belief is that one's sexuality is inborn, as approximately the same percentage of the population has been straight, gay, and varying degrees of bisexual, throughout the recorded history of mankind. It is however another story as to how many act on those inborn desires, and how many may repress their feelings based on their situation and the community that they live in.

I further believe that the ethnicity and race of who turns us on is based on what we've been exposed to in life, beginning as a small child, when many of our lives desires and personality traits begin to form, and often do not change to a large degree.

I know a young man who was a co-worker of mine from when he had just turned 19, who is now 42 who is a white Italian guy who grew up in the Coney Island section of Brooklyn, where his family was one of the few white families still living there. He grew up and was friends with primarily blacks and Latinos. He told me that he had never dated or had sex with a white girl. He fathered his first son with a very pretty black girl, and later married a Puerto Rican girl, and has three more children with her. If he grew up in a white Italian neighborhood, I would have to think that it would be very different.

I grew up in a white Jewish neighborhood of Brooklyn, and the guys I saw in school and in the neighborhood, as well as the television and movie actors that I watched from early childhood were white, and I believe that is where my desires stem from.

There is nothing to stop us from broadening our desires as we progress through life and discover more than we grew up with, but I do believe that our basic core desires are formed early in life, and we often remain close to that core.

I definitely agree with you to an extent. But I also think there's more to sexual attraction than familiarity. I was raised in a primarily white neighborhood, with very little diversity and yet find myself more attracted to other races and ethnicities, and always have been. I just think it's my natural inclination to seek out partners who are my polar opposites. So I think a better question is not what shapes our prurient interests, but instead why do some people deviate from the
familiar while others stay true to it?
I grew up in a small town mostly filled with people of German or Irish decent, all white people. I never even met a black person or talked to a black person or Latino until I was 18 I moved to Milwaukee for college. I like guys who are different from what I knew as much as the guys I grew up around.

I never liked my pale white skin and how I couldn't tan. The lovely caramel colored skin of Latino men has always been a big attraction to me and I also like the idea that more latin men are uncut something else I don't have. Those Spanish men who have thick dark wavy hair and green eyes make me swoon. I'm more interested in men who are different and I do like variety, why eat at a specialty restaurant that only serves noodles when you can eat at a buffet that serves everything. I want to sample every kind of man I get the chance to. Oh that kind of makes me sound like a slut. Oh well.
I definitely agree with you to an extent. But I also think there's more to sexual attraction than familiarity. I was raised in a primarily white neighborhood, with very little diversity and yet find myself more attracted to other races and ethnicities, and always have been. I just think it's my natural inclination to seek out partners who are my polar opposites. So I think a better question is not what shapes our prurient interests, but instead why do some people deviate from the
familiar while others stay true to it?

Hmmm...had to think about this, and I still don't have a clue let alone a compelling answer.

I was raised white on white on white simply because that's was the color of the people who surrounded me and had nothing to do with racism. I left home at 17 and didn't marry until I was in my early 30s so I had plenty of time to travel, explore and get to know other people's heritages, and I found I had, and still have, a fascination for people who grew up in vastly different environments than myself. But, here's the kicker, after all that I married, and remain happily married to, a man who is intelligent and well traveled, but was raised in almost exactly the same way I was...
I don't have anything against LAtinos, but they are the staple here, and so I find white boys particularly appealing.
I was watching some older videos today and saw one of Mario and Angel. Muy Calliente my heart was all afflutter especially when these boys spoke Spanish to each other. They both have that lovely brown skin tone and Angel is a walking wet dream as far as I'm concerned, the white briefs only added to my infatuation. I was sad to see he was only in 3 videos because i thought he was extra steamy in all of them.

I just wanted to bump this up and bring up the idea that Latin men are hot and it would be nice to see some color and diversity in the models. It would also be nice to see some black men and other races. I'd love to see some guys from India but I don't want to ask for too much.
I'm all for variety, but I think it's depend entirely on the ethnicity of the people who apply and pretty much what we see is who applies...
OK when I managed a restaurant and all my employees looked the same or acted the same and those are the only people who applied I thought outside the box and I went looking in different places for employees. I felt like I needed to change the impression people had when they walked into my restaurant if all the employees looked the same they thought I only hired 1 type of person. Perception is reality. Sometimes when you want something different you have to look for it in a different place. Sometimes you have to look outside the box I know it's a cliche but it's true. I am getting kind of bored with all the pale white guys, I know it's winter but even in the summer we hardly even saw a guy with a tan. What happened to the skater boys we used to see or the surfer boys?