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Iowa Allows Same Sex Marriages

From what I understand, up here in the state of Washington, our Gov. will sign an "everything but marriage" bill to the same sex partners.
From what I understand, up here in the state of Washington, our Gov. will sign an "everything but marriage" bill to the same sex partners.

Call me greedy Gary but that would not be good enough for me. It is all or nothing there are no compromises and the alleged heterosexual majority needs to learn their place. They are not God... Their biblical rhetoric is pointless their Bible was written by scribes hired by King James and the holy Roman Catholic Church. It was written by men who are foul able and controlled by a higherarchy of egocentric monarchs. They omitted several testaments that did not suit their position and they misinterpreted several texts. The whole chapter of Leviticus was all about rebuilding the tribes of Israel. There was no known word for homosexual until about the 14th century AD. I am sorry; I had to get on my soap box for a few. Just because they are the heterosexual majority does not give them the right to pass any judgments. God is the final Judge. One day they will all learn... :wink:
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Remember the Maine! (Gov and Legislature)

Maine just passed and the Governor signed (within an hour) a bill legalizing marriage between two persons! With New Hampshire overriding the Governor's veto, that makes RI and PP the only state in New England to not recognize Gay Marriages. Way to go Maine!!!!

Be well brothers, the tide is rising in our favor,

Maine just passed and the Governor signed (within an hour) a bill legalizing marriage between two persons! With New Hampshire overriding the Governor's veto, that makes RI and PP the only state in New England to not recognize Gay Marriages. Way to go Maine!!!!

Be well brothers, the tide is rising in our favor,


Tucon, I am more and more impresed every day. So, now is it 3 or 4 states allowing marriage among same sex couples?:biggrin:
Tucon, I am more and more impresed every day. So, now is it 3 or 4 states allowing marriage among same sex couples?:biggrin:

Iowa, Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hamphire when the Governor signs or allows it to become law without signing.

New York may be next and we're still waiting on the SC in CA.

So that's 5 now and possibly a total of 7 later. Better than nothing. And we have that lawsuit against the Fed Govt by the gays in Mass for not recognizing their marraiges.........

I feel a "free at last, free at last, Thank God Almighty, free at last" on the horizon!!!!!

Iowa, Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hamphire when the Governor signs or allows it to become law without signing.

New York may be next and we're still waiting on the SC in CA.

So that's 5 now and possibly a total of 7 later. Better than nothing. And we have that lawsuit against the Fed Govt by the gays in Mass for not recognizing their marraiges.........

I feel a "free at last, free at last, Thank God Almighty, free at last" on the horizon!!!!!


Yes, If we can get a Supreme Court ruling that would be great. Wow, 5. I thought MA opted for civil unions after that court ruling. Sorry, my mistake...:thumbup: