Well said! Thanks Ambi.
Thank you, Tampa:
I will simply say: my Dear Old Dad lived (for many years) amongst Mexican and Central-American immigrants in Texas: and they were good, kind, hard-working people. They ought to be embraced and RECRUITED to the American way - not rejected. They have the same needs, values, and expectations (in the great majority) as the Irishmen, Italians, and Eastern Europeans who preceded them to BECOME GREAT AMERICAN CITIZENS.
As a corollary to this, Tampa - I do not quite understand why so many Britons, or Frenchmen, or Germans, are afraid of POLES, or UKRAINIANS, who come to live amongst them. Canada was settled by people JUST LIKE THESE - and I grew UP amongst Polish, Ukrainian, and Hungarian kids. They were ALL hard-working kids, who fed lots of pigs (or cows) just like I did. . . and they were nice, normal, decent, people. And they all grew up to do good (or even GREAT) things. (Maybe, having grown up alongside all those handsome Eastern European boys, it is no wonder that I am a fan of
Bel Ami, even to this day! But that is a separate, and separable, issue ;-)
All I would say is:
*If people are willing to come to your country, and learn English, and embrace your country, and work INCREDIBLY HARD;
*If they share basically the same values and work-ethic you do (maybe they are Catholic, and maybe you are Protestant, or agnostic, or whatever); and,
*If they are going to REVITALIZE your country with their hard work and devotion - just like all the immigrants have done, before them. . .
Why do people want to REJECT these people???? It's sheer insanity, I think. Whether it is a Mexican neighbour in McAllen, Texas, or a Polish neighbour, in Bromley, in the U.K.
Let them come and help you out. I will tell you one thing. . . I would rather have a Polish or Ukrainian or Filipino neighbour next to ME, here in MY neighbourhood, here at the arctic circle - - - because, if my house were burning down, or I were in ANY kind of trouble, I am sure they'd be MUCH more ready to take me in, and help me out, than any Anglo-Saxons I know!
In my experience, immigrant families seem to care more, and work harder, and TRY HARDER, than any families I have known (at least in URBAN communities) not only to succeed in life, but also to care for their neighbours.
Therefore ~ I think we ought not to fear them; but, to WELCOME them.