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Immigration Truth

Well my Mother is full bloodied Native Indian so my people weren't immigrants

Well unless you were immaculately conceived, you had a Father? Was he totally Native American, too? If so, then you would not be a descendant of an immigrant. If not, then you are partly descended from an immigrant.

Also given the degree of your perceived intelligence I would have thought you could infer from my use of the word "We" given the context in which it is used here that I meant all of us who are not 100% Native American!
Well unless you were immaculately conceived, you had a Father? Was he totally Native American, too? If so, then you would not be a descendant of an immigrant. If not, then you are partly descended from an immigrant.

Also given the degree of your perceived intelligence I would have thought you could infer from my use of the word "We" given the context in which it is used here that I meant all of us who are not 100% Native American!

My Dad is Mexican (both my grandparents from Mexico) same continent, but technically they could be considered immigrants but arrived here around 1920. Although my Grandmother was born in what is now New Mexico, so you can figure that one out lol
You are absolutely right. We are all immigrants. If they were here for years and no one tried to deport them, had children here and they grew up here it would be terrible to make them go back to a country they never knew.

As for me my mother's mother's side went back 3 generations here and my father was born here.
There was always Ellis Island and they would process everyone and let them stay.
Oh, Stowie ~

I think you had Peter agreeing with you - right up to the point where you questioned his ancestry. As half-Native-American, and half Mexican-American, he's about as indigenous as a person can get, on this board. (Or in life.)

On the other hand, I AM descended from immigrants. My Mother's family are all Scots, and only came to this glorious, frozen, maple-leaved land in 1904. Parvenus, bien sur.

My Dad's family, on the other hand, has been in North America since the early 17th century, and got shoved out (because they were loyal to the Crown) during the Revolution. This is why I always "poke" and gently tease people on the Fourth of July - something which caused one august member of this forum to take great and inconsolable and really spiteful umbrage at my irreverent and (as he perceived them, anti-American) jests.

I have since silenced that guy, from further communication from me - because he is a jackass; he lacks a sense of humour; and, furthermore, he could use a little history-lesson. The current American government owes me (and my relatives) a nice little farm in Connecticut, that they errantly stole from us (with no cause or legal justification whatsoever, apart from the reluctance to pay the taxes that they owed for the massive military effort required to prevent them from having to learn FRENCH). . . and, if the American government ever returned that lovely little farm to us, I am sure it would be most gratefully received. BUT. . . .

Then, I suppose, Stowe, we should simply have to turn around and give it to some of PETER's relatives, who doubtless owned it, in the first place.


Those trifles aside (which I adduce purely and absolutely in the interest of humour): Stowe, I think you are quite right to advocate for a saner, and more compassionate, immigration policy for America. (I think Peter would agree, also.)

Most of the Hispanic people who flee to America (whether because of poverty, or persecution in their home countries), I think:
*Represent no threat to the U.S.A.
*They love and admire the country.
*They simply want to work, and work hard, and they DO work hard. (Taking many jobs which no American BORN in America, is willing to do.)
*Though their first language is different, their religious and social and cultural values are fundamentally compatible, with those of the United States, as it IS.
*For the most part, these people are devout Christians (not that THAT matters in itself, except to note that they are not members of the TALIBAN, or something); they have very strong devotion to their families and the community; and they are just DYING to earn a living, to support their families.

Many countries in Europe are dying (economically, and LITERALLY) - and Japan is certainly dying - because their birth-rates and population-growth are so low, there is almost NOBODY AROUND to DO the WORK, and take care of old men, like ME! The U.S.A. has a priceless opportunity, in that it has large numbers of people from Mexico, and Central- and South-America, who are DYING to get in, and pledge allegiance to the flag, and get to work!

Well, for God's sake, adopt them, love them, train them, hire them, and make them citizens! Obviously, this can't be an indiscriminate or uncritical acceptance - immigrants have to be screened, and errant criminals can't be allowed in. But there are large numbers of decent, hard-working people who are eager and willing to come to the U.S.A. and assimilate, learn the American way, and work HARD. These people should be welcomed; and this should be viewed as a BLESSING, not a curse. (And most Democrats, and a large number of Republicans from the business-wing of the party: know this. It is only the "Tea-Party" faction which is holding out.)

Immigration policy (in any nation) must be measured, and deliberate. BUT - - - hardworking immigrants are ALWAYS a good bet.

President Obama seems to have recognized that - and it's great that he is doing his best to make immigration policy work.

That's it, that's all.

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My lineage is the same as Peter's. However, I will not discuss it any further in this thread.
Immigration has different meanings throughout the globe. You mention immigration in the UK and you cause an argument. I guess from the responses seen so far, that Stowe meant it differently from what we see it over here.
My lineage is the same as Peter's. However, I will not discuss it any further in this thread.

And yet, amazingly, the earth will continue in its orbit!
Well my Mother is full bloodied Native Indian so my people weren't immigrants

What about your dad? I have Native American heritage. However, I'm a sum of all my parts, and if it wasn't for that part of my family that came here from abroad, the Choctaw Nation may still be going strong, with their own culture and language. But instead, a part of my heritage did play a role changing the face of the Choctaw Native American way of life.
Many countries in Europe are dying (economically, and LITERALLY) - and Japan is certainly dying - because their birth-rates and population-growth are so low, there is almost NOBODY AROUND to DO the WORK, and take care of old men, like ME! The U.S.A. has a priceless opportunity, in that it has large numbers of people from Mexico, and Central- and South-America, who are DYING to get in, and pledge allegiance to the flag, and get to work!

Well, for God's sake, adopt them, love them, train them, hire them, and make them citizens! Obviously, this can't be an indiscriminate or uncritical acceptance - immigrants have to be screened, and errant criminals can't be allowed in. But there are large numbers of decent, hard-working people who are eager and willing to come to the U.S.A. and assimilate, learn the American way, and work HARD. These people should be welcomed; and this should be viewed as a BLESSING, not a curse. (And most Democrats, and a large number of Republicans from the business-wing of the party: know this. It is only the "Tea-Party" faction which is holding out.)

Immigration policy (in any nation) must be measured, and deliberate. BUT - - - hardworking immigrants are ALWAYS a good bet.

President Obama seems to have recognized that - and it's great that he is doing his best to make immigration policy work.

That's it, that's all.


Well said! Thanks Ambi. :)
David Cameron has now declared that immigrants will not be entitled to any state benefits until they have worked for 4 years. I personally think this is a good idea, and whilst it will cause a stir with our European neighbours, we have to think of our own little island first. Having said that, there are many jobs that Brits will not do for one reason or another, such as taxi driving, car washing etc etc. Whilst these jobs are not rocket science, they are still important and I commend the Poles and other East europeans for doing them. Most East Europeans come over here to work and to send their money home to the families and are good people, but there are some who come over here on the "gravy boat" and think this is a place of milk and honey - it is not.

Finally, I wish David Cameron would concentrate on the lazy Brits who have never worked in their lives, but choose to bread loads of kids then say that they cannot afford to work. The solution is to cut off their testicles, send the kids to foster homes, then take away the benefits. Jon for PM - yay.
Well said! Thanks Ambi. :)


Thank you, Tampa:

I will simply say: my Dear Old Dad lived (for many years) amongst Mexican and Central-American immigrants in Texas: and they were good, kind, hard-working people. They ought to be embraced and RECRUITED to the American way - not rejected. They have the same needs, values, and expectations (in the great majority) as the Irishmen, Italians, and Eastern Europeans who preceded them to BECOME GREAT AMERICAN CITIZENS.

As a corollary to this, Tampa - I do not quite understand why so many Britons, or Frenchmen, or Germans, are afraid of POLES, or UKRAINIANS, who come to live amongst them. Canada was settled by people JUST LIKE THESE - and I grew UP amongst Polish, Ukrainian, and Hungarian kids. They were ALL hard-working kids, who fed lots of pigs (or cows) just like I did. . . and they were nice, normal, decent, people. And they all grew up to do good (or even GREAT) things. (Maybe, having grown up alongside all those handsome Eastern European boys, it is no wonder that I am a fan of Bel Ami, even to this day! But that is a separate, and separable, issue ;-)

All I would say is:
*If people are willing to come to your country, and learn English, and embrace your country, and work INCREDIBLY HARD;
*If they share basically the same values and work-ethic you do (maybe they are Catholic, and maybe you are Protestant, or agnostic, or whatever); and,
*If they are going to REVITALIZE your country with their hard work and devotion - just like all the immigrants have done, before them. . .

Why do people want to REJECT these people???? It's sheer insanity, I think. Whether it is a Mexican neighbour in McAllen, Texas, or a Polish neighbour, in Bromley, in the U.K. Let them come and help you out. I will tell you one thing. . . I would rather have a Polish or Ukrainian or Filipino neighbour next to ME, here in MY neighbourhood, here at the arctic circle - - - because, if my house were burning down, or I were in ANY kind of trouble, I am sure they'd be MUCH more ready to take me in, and help me out, than any Anglo-Saxons I know!

In my experience, immigrant families seem to care more, and work harder, and TRY HARDER, than any families I have known (at least in URBAN communities) not only to succeed in life, but also to care for their neighbours.

Therefore ~ I think we ought not to fear them; but, to WELCOME them.
