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I want to see Ryan Fields get fucked by RoNan

I'm definitely intrigued by Ryan. He doesn't seem to be as sexual as some of the other guys on the site and that is definitely interesting to me. I'd like to see how he does with another guy. Also, I like they way you think, yearning. XD
Nice dick, but flat ass. Just not my type. Gave him a 2 - Fair in my book because he seems like a nice kid but I'd be very surprised if he does anything much in scenes with other guys.
I like Ryan; he seems personable enough and I gave him a 4. I hope he does more; Johnny, it's your job to get some tight shots of his beautiful lips and hairy hole, please. He actually reminded me of Ian, I guess it's the swimmer's body. I see him more as a top, but (hopefully) we will see.:bump:
I like Ryan; he seems personable enough and I gave him a 4. I hope he does more; Johnny, it's your job to get some tight shots of his beautiful lips and hairy hole, please. He actually reminded me of Ian, I guess it's the swimmer's body. I see him more as a top, but (hopefully) we will see.:bump:
Oh you'll see alright!
Totally not my cup of tea, he has a nice dick but those long fingernails are a big turn off for me. Whenever I have to shake hands with a man who has long fingernails it gives me the willies and once I saw them on Ryan I couldn't get past it. The red marks on his belly button made me think he had an infection even though he may have gotten a piercing and decided it wasn't for him and took it out. Scabs, cuts and sores kind of make me gag. I'd rather they cover that stuff up with a band aid, at least that seems hygienic. From now on when I see his picture or his name I'm going to think about his long fingernails and his sore belly button.
Nice kid, but not up to the standards of some of the other new models. It's obvious that he's from a small town. Hopefully some time in a large city and being around the other guys will expose him to more of the world outside of the "red neck" town Johnny implied he came from.

I like Johnny's interview's, but he really needs to STOP feeding the guys lines by telling them how they feel or think by saying "it must be like", "it must feel like", etc. I know many of them are at a loss, especially in their first scene's, but he needs to give them half a chance to answer the questions he's asking. It seems he's afraid of any silence of 2 seconds or more before he answer's the question for them and get's the inevitable "yeah", "uh-huh", or the same response reworded as he just prompted them. A pre-interview might possibly really help. He could spend ten minutes on some of the questions and give them time to formulate their own answers without the pressure of the cameras and time limits.

Ryan's not my type, but I wish him well. Sometimes still waters run deep...
Nice kid, but not up to the standards of some of the other new models. It's obvious that he's from a small town. Hopefully some time in a large city and being around the other guys will expose him to more of the world outside of the "red neck" town Johnny implied he came from.

I like Johnny's interview's, but he really needs to STOP feeding the guys lines by telling them how they feel or think by saying "it must be like", "it must feel like", etc. I know many of them are at a loss, especially in their first scene's, but he needs to give them half a chance to answer the questions he's asking. It seems he's afraid of any silence of 2 seconds or more before he answer's the question for them and get's the inevitable "yeah", "uh-huh", or the same response reworded as he just prompted them. A pre-interview might possibly really help. He could spend ten minutes on some of the questions and give them time to formulate their own answers without the pressure of the cameras and time limits.

Ryan's not my type, but I wish him well. Sometimes still waters run deep...
I think nerves take over as soon as that camera is rolling - I do some pre-interviewing with them and give them an idea of questions I may ask...I do everything I can to make the models comfortable in an uncomfortable and foreign type situation. I think most guys are thinking about the sex act they are about to do and have a hard time answering questions- I jump in quickly to help the, answer questions as sometimes they NEED that help...NOTHING is more intimidating or nerve racking to a model being interviewed then that horrible sound of dead air...they FEEL it, feel that silence with that camera pointed at them with all the bright lights and it can shut them down completely...I'm there to help fill in the blanks as they freeze up to help them feel more comfortable- and get thanked afterward by the models for it. I AM listening to your criticism and do appreciate it- I'm not sure if you've ever had to interview people in situations that may be like these but it is a tricky thing to do...bit again, I'm listening to you- perhaps I could give them a little more time to formulate answers while sitting in that silence...I just won't leave them hanging out to dry for too long...it can make a simple and fun interview a terrifying thing for the model. Every single model is a unique person on their own and some interview easier than others....the key is just to get them talking, get them started...that's what I try to do - once they start to open up and talk everything starts to flow- again, interviewing is a lot trickier than one may think - I have a lot of respect for others that do it well professionally. I appreciate your feedback and as always, I am working on further perfecting my craft....so thank you!
Johnny Robins
Re interviewing. It is very hard to interview people who are scared shitless and if Ryan has been reading the forum recently, he would be thinking oh my god I have to cross my Ts and dot my Is with this lot. I do see Stripe's point though and I guess the bits where Johnny keeps mentioning nerves could possibly make it worse.

I sometimes think that if a model is shit scared that maybe a short interview would suffice, and let him get on with jerking off. Further information can be obtained on his nex shoot, if he comes back.
Re interviewing. It is very hard to interview people who are scared shitless and if Ryan has been reading the forum recently, he would be thinking oh my god I have to cross my Ts and dot my Is with this lot. I do see Stripe's point though and I guess the bits where Johnny keeps mentioning nerves could possibly make it worse.

I sometimes think that if a model is shit scared that maybe a short interview would suffice, and let him get on with jerking off. Further information can be obtained on his nex shoot, if he comes back.
There are a bunch of different ways you could approach it. For the most part, when a model is brand new, most of the members want to know as much as they can about this new person in front of them...I do my best to deliver that. With each shoot going forward I try to pry a little more into their lives to get to know them better each time. Even with models that have been around for a while, I try to find out what's new in their lives and what they have been up to...follow their lives and give members a good idea about the person behind the looks. Not everyone is going to like anyone style of interviewing, there will be those who second guess anything I may do, I'm ok with that...I do my best to give the viewers as much as possible in getting to know the real person...and again, it's NOT as easy as many may think - not at all. I try to keep things loose and fun and put them at ease. I can tell you that I have a GREAT record of models coming back for. Their first shoots and saying how comfortable I made the experience for them and how much easier it was than they thought going in. I do appreciate feedback and consider everything people may say...interviewing in itself is an art form that one can always get better at or find new ways of doing- so thanks for any ideas.
Johnny Robins
No Comment ..... and we all know what I mean by that.
After all the great looking models we've had I hate to say it but this seemed like a step back. Very average looking and boring scene and nothing special but I'm willing to hold my judgement till he's paired up with another model but as it stands now I gave him a 3.
For the most part I think Johnny does a pretty good job interviewing and he does seem to put the guys at ease. I like his style, he's down to earth, he makes me feel comfortable. It has to be a difficult job especially with a shy guy. I can only imagine what a challenge it would have been for me to get naked in front of strangers at that age and know that I was being recorded. Sometimes I'm surprised the guys can even get hard or have an orgasm. Clay might have been a nice guy, I don't know but from his interviews I always had the idea he was a total A hole and Johnny is a good guy. I liked that he eased into the scene and I liked that he let Ryan keep his underwear on for a bit, his underwear was kind of sexy. I did think Ryan had a flat butt, we've seen quite a bit of that. I thought it was kind of odd how Ryan knelt down on the bed and showed off his butt, he did look hot bent over especially when he looked between his legs. It made me think he wasn't as shy and innocent as he seemed to be.

I still can't get past the fingernails. When he was jerking off I was afraid he was going to slice his dick open on one of them.
For the most part I think Johnny does a pretty good job interviewing and he does seem to put the guys at ease. I like his style, he's down to earth, he makes me feel comfortable. It has to be a difficult job especially with a shy guy. I can only imagine what a challenge it would have been for me to get naked in front of strangers at that age and know that I was being recorded. Sometimes I'm surprised the guys can even get hard or have an orgasm. Clay might have been a nice guy, I don't know but from his interviews I always had the idea he was a total A hole and Johnny is a good guy. I liked that he eased into the scene and I liked that he let Ryan keep his underwear on for a bit, his underwear was kind of sexy. I did think Ryan had a flat butt, we've seen quite a bit of that. I thought it was kind of odd how Ryan knelt down on the bed and showed off his butt, he did look hot bent over especially when he looked between his legs. It made me think he wasn't as shy and innocent as he seemed to be.

I still can't get past the fingernails. When he was jerking off I was afraid he was going to slice his dick open on one of them.
I leave the guys in their natural state when they come in for a solo...some times they are a bit messy in some ways but I start with that fresh off the street type look with little assistance - dont worry, we did mention that he cut his nails and he did. Also, I do want the guys in a couple different positions during the solo, so you can see them from different angles- the bending over thing, for example, was something I told him to do previous to us starting. There are many asking to see the guys butts more so I try to give that to them. The clothes on thing...I really like it - I'd like to start leaving more clothes on for parts of the sexual parts of the scenes...even in duos. Glad you enjoyed that. Lastly, yes...the interviewing is MUCH trickier than most think...I do NOT want the guys to feel uncomfortable and try not to leave them hanging with dead air at all- that can be the WORST feeling (if you've ever been interviewed you would know) I can often see the answer they want to give but just can't get the words out....so I help the, along. Other models can be quite wordy, so I let them to ahead and express themselves. I will keep trying to improve, as with everything, and really help the members get a good idea of the person themselves. Thanks for the compliments and feedback
Johnny Robins
I just watched the scene, I watched it a bit later than normal as I normally like to watch them as soon as they come out. I think that ruans a really cute guy and he was most definitely nervous that was obvious, he's got a nice body although I do wish that he would of got some better tattoos but then again its each to their own I'm guess. I agree with the others about his flat butt and I'm glad that some body mentioned about his nails as that was a bit of putting, other than that I think it was a pretty average scene. I do think however that if he comes back and gets put with a lively happy guy for his first time then I think he could turn out to be a good model and performer as he does look like somebody who likes to perform and show off on normal circumstances. I gave the scene a 3. Dan x