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I have 500 orgasms a day


BSB Addict
Nov 1, 2010
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Speed bumps, vibrating phones, turnstiles, shopping trolleys and job interviews give me 500 orgasms a day! Exhausted Zara proves you can have too much of a good thing

FOR most people, doing the weekly shopping or vacuuming the house are simply dull chores.

But they get Zara Richardson so aroused she ORGASMS.
Cleaner Zara, 30, has a disorder called Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS), which means she can have up to 500 orgasms a day.
She says: “People think I must be in ecstasy every day but constantly having orgasms is ruining my life.
“I have no control over the way my body feels and it affects every aspect of my life.
“The simplest act can cause me to have an episode — it’s an exhausting way to live.”
Zara, from Basingstoke, Hants, says: “It often happens when I walk up the stairs, drive over speed bumps and whenever my phone vibrates in my pocket.
“I’ll also have an orgasm when I’m reaching for food at the supermarket, walking through turnstiles, pushing a shopping trolley and even when someone sits next to me on the sofa.
“I wake up feeling aroused and go to bed feeling that way.

“I can be standing in a queue at the supermarket and feel the PSAS start. And there is nothing I can do to stop it.
“Train journeys are a nightmare as the movement of the train can trigger an attack.
“It has put me off sex and made me depressed.”
PSAS was first documented as a medical disorder in 2001. Zara was diagnosed in 2010 after constantly feeling aroused.
She says: “It sort of crept up on me. I started feeling sexually aroused all the time and put it down to my hormones changing.
“But even after I had sex with my boyfriend at the time, Rob, I’d never feel satisfied.
“The feeling would never go away — I’d try to distract myself by doing exercise, having hot baths or watching a depressing film, but the sensation continued.
“After two months of suffering in silence, I knew the way I was feeling wasn’t normal.
“I knew I had to tell my GP, but the idea of confessing that I couldn’t stop having orgasms was terrifying. I thought a doctor would laugh at me or think I was a crazed nymphomaniac.
“But I was having up to 500 orgasms a day. It was ruining my life.”


Some cold comfort ... Zara uses frozen veg to ease the pain
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500 times per day...

Speed bumps, vibrating phones, turnstiles, shopping trolleys and job interviews give me 500 orgasms a day

Exhausted Zara proves you can have too much of a good thing

FOR most people, doing the weekly shopping or vacuuming the house are simply dull chores.

But they get Zara Richardson so aroused she ORGASMS.
Cleaner Zara, 30, has a disorder called Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS), which means she can have up to 500 orgasms a day.
She says: “People think I must be in ecstasy every day but constantly having orgasms is ruining my life.
“I have no control over the way my body feels and it affects every aspect of my life.
“The simplest act can cause me to have an episode — it’s an exhausting way to live.”
Zara, from Basingstoke, Hants, says: “It often happens when I walk up the stairs, drive over speed bumps and whenever my phone vibrates in my pocket.
“I’ll also have an orgasm when I’m reaching for food at the supermarket, walking through turnstiles, pushing a shopping trolley and even when someone sits next to me on the sofa.
“I wake up feeling aroused and go to bed feeling that way.

“I can be standing in a queue at the supermarket and feel the PSAS start. And there is nothing I can do to stop it.
“Train journeys are a nightmare as the movement of the train can trigger an attack.
“It has put me off sex and made me depressed.”
PSAS was first documented as a medical disorder in 2001. Zara was diagnosed in 2010 after constantly feeling aroused.
She says: “It sort of crept up on me. I started feeling sexually aroused all the time and put it down to my hormones changing.
“But even after I had sex with my boyfriend at the time, Rob, I’d never feel satisfied.
“The feeling would never go away — I’d try to distract myself by doing exercise, having hot baths or watching a depressing film, but the sensation continued.
“After two months of suffering in silence, I knew the way I was feeling wasn’t normal.
“I knew I had to tell my GP, but the idea of confessing that I couldn’t stop having orgasms was terrifying. I thought a doctor would laugh at me or think I was a crazed nymphomaniac.
“But I was having up to 500 orgasms a day. It was ruining my life.”


Dear Robert,

Well I think Hollywood had a cure from this. It was called "The Seven Year Itch" and this was Marilyn Monroe's treatment for the problem...

I don't think it cured anything other that proving that gravity really exists. But, I am sure it would work in curing her 7+ year itch problem with the patient's concerted effort, of course!


Dr. Stimpy
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[QUOTE This girl does not do foreplay![/QUOTE]

I bet she does...when she sneezes!:001_tongue:
Up the ante?

Do I hear 510? Anyone claiming 510...

Come on! It's quality, not quantity...

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You know, Robert, I remember a few years ago one of those TV news magazine shows doing a report on this. And I mean a serious type program like 60 Minutes or Dateline. It was really pretty heart-wrenching to listen to the poor woman on that program tell her story.

Sure read the full article Stowe and yes it is a sad story. No job, no boyfriend, lonely and desperate...

It’s so embarrassing and I don’t enjoy it but it does work. I will spend the day in bed in a darkened room, trying to get them out of my system. It doesn’t feel good — in fact, it’s often very painful. “After one of those days I can normally have a good few days free of the dreaded attacks.

“Treating this syndrome is hit and miss and it’s made me terribly depressed at times.

“I don’t go out much as when I do, I spend most of the time in the toilets trying to stop the orgasm attacks.

“Restaurants are a nightmare as when sitting still for long periods the pain of orgasms builds up. I’ve been to job interviews and the syndrome’s hit.”

Currently single, she finds the idea of dating and telling a new boyfriend about her syndrome too terrifying to contemplate.

She says: “My relationship with Rob broke up because he couldn’t cope with the fact there was no way of satisfying me sexually.”
Rob, 33, says: “I honestly couldn’t cope with the PSAS. Zara told me I was good in bed and that her syndrome made her feel dissatisfied — not me.
“For a man, it’s really difficult to get your head around.”
Zara is planning to take part in global studies to help specialists learn about the syndrome.
She says: “I want my body back and to have a normal sex life. PSAS has destroyed my daily life as anything can trigger an orgasm. It’s a nightmare.”
Zara is setting up a website to raise awareness and tell her story to other sufferers.
She says: “It’s painful, debilitating and certainly is not fun.”
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How awful. I imagine she feels much like women who desperately want to orgasm but can't.
On our way down the coaster

Maybe life ain't funny the way we wish! But with you dear Lulu... it would be a laugh to cherish, just sitting next to you, down all the way the coaster goes... DOWN!!! Hoooolllld onooonnn.....

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Well, I agree that the Lulu coaster of life can be an incredibly fun ride at times. At least I like to think so. I have, for the most part, a really great life. Thank you, Robert, for reminding me of the good with one very simple analogy. It doesn't fix everything, but it puts a smile on my face. And it helps me remember to keep things in perspective.

And, by the way, I'm a really lousy roller coaster companion if you want your full range of hearing intact at the end. Roller coasters terrify me. Used to be they terrified me in a good way. Now it's spine chilling fear, not a healthy adrenaline rush.

I really appreciate you, Robert! Many thanks! Sending happy lovey squeezy thoughts to you!
JUST IN: Coregasm Phenomenon Is Confirmed By New Scientific Study

Coregasm Phenomenon Is Confirmed By New Scientific Study

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 2:59 pm
Written by: Victor Chi

Women just got a lot more incentive to start working out.

There has been anecdotal evidence for years of women experiencing orgasm while performing core-based exercises, and a new research study from Indiana University now confirms the phenomenon -- dubbed coregasm -- is legit.

The study, based on the responses of 370 women between 18 to 63, said abdominal exercises triggered what researchers called EIO (Exercise Induced Orgasm) among 51.4 percent of them. Others reported this experience while weightlifting (26.5 percent), doing yoga (20 percent), bicycling (15.8 percent), running (13.2 percent) and walking/hiking (9.6 percent).

"These data are interesting because they suggest that orgasm is not necessarily a sexual event, and they may also teach us more about the bodily processes underlying women's experiences of orgasm,"" said Debby Herbenick, the study's co-author and co-director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion and sexual health educator at the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University.

One exercise in particular was cited as being a trigger. The "Captain's Chair" has padded arm rests and back support while legs hang free at the start of the exercise. Then the knees are lifted toward the torso, which activates muscles in the core.

The study also said that "most women reporting EIO said they were not fantasizing sexually or thinking about anyone they were attracted to during their experiences."

"Magazines and blogs have long highlighted cases of what they sometimes call 'coregasms,'" Herbenick said. "But aside from early reports by Kinsey and colleagues, this is an area of women's sexual health research that has been largely ignored over the past six decades."

A potential downside to the coregasm is that most women who have experienced it say they feel self-conscious about working out in a public place. Cue the woman from "When Harry Met Sally" who says, "I'll have what she's having."

Have at least one on me, It's on the house!:2c:

Dr. Stimpy :Blushing:
Forget the gym! It is possible for a woman to have an orgasm anywhere and anyplace she chooses just by flexing certain internal muscles...no external movement required, no changing facial expression and....the best part....nobody else knows :cool:
Perhaps its a bit off topic... maybe not. Regardless this reminded me of a study once conducted and later published by Maxim Magazine. If one had to live off of cum ... or the protein in it... How many ejaculates would one have to consume in a day to survive. It was determined 137 standard size samples of cum would be the minimum. Thus making you ... a buffet
Perhaps its a bit off topic... maybe not. Regardless this reminded me of a study once conducted and later published by Maxim Magazine. If one had to live off of cum ... or the protein in it... How many ejaculates would one have to consume in a day to survive. It was determined 137 standard size samples of cum would be the minimum. Thus making you ... a buffet

It is a good thing that I could survive on 137 cum loads a day......because if I was giving 137 blow jobs a day, I wouldn't have time to eat.:wtf:

What is the treatment for lockjaw? :secret::ohmy:
It is a good thing that I could survive on 137 cum loads a day......because if I was giving 137 blow jobs a day, I wouldn't have time to eat.:wtf:

What is the treatment for lockjaw? :secret::ohmy:

Haha!!! Well said, Ms K.
It is a good thing that I could survive on 137 cum loads a day......because if I was giving 137 blow jobs a day, I wouldn't have time to eat.:wtf:

Now Ms. K,
You wouldn't have to eat...just swallow...:001_tongue: