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I <3 Jimmy. JUst sayin.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ.
That's all. Love that guy. He's such a gentleman!

That's all. Love that guy. He's such a gentleman!

I am so pleased to hear from a fellow forumite, that Jimmy is as charming in person, as I find him on film and in his writing too. Thanks for letting us know that Deidra!!! :001_tt2:
Thank you for sharing that with us Deidra! I'm so so happy that you were well enough to make the trip to Nola and to meet Jimmy in person. xo
I'm kinda fond of him, myself! He's definitely a surprising guy, complex, funny, a joker, but serious and kind when needed! I <3 Jimmy, too!
I believe Jimmy to be the quintessential Broke Straight Boys mode we have had in a very long time. He all "man" and straight. That he screws men is just an added bonus for us whether or not we like how he fucks. Now that he has a very compassionate and gentle side, he is a gem most cherished especially by us who are raging romantics. God, how I would like to buy a few drops of his sweats dripping from his balls. Jimmy is basically a "good old boy" deep down, someone would like your mother to meet.
I am so pleased to hear from a fellow forumite, that Jimmy is as charming in person, as I find him on film and in his writing too. Thanks for letting us know that Deidra!!! :001_tt2:

I will tell you what Mike. Jimmy is a very courteous and lovely fella. I had a very nice time getting to know him in NOLA. He is very charming. I don't understand why people don't like this young man! I wish he posted more in here. It was a pleasure getting to meet him. He is very much a straight guy for anyone who doubts it.

Anyway that's it. Hope he smiles when he reads this!!!

I will tell you what Mike. Jimmy is a very courteous and lovely fella. I had a very nice time getting to know him in NOLA. He is very charming. I don't understand why people don't like this young man! I wish he posted more in here. It was a pleasure getting to meet him. He is very much a straight guy for anyone who doubts it.

Anyway that's it. Hope he smiles when he reads this!!!


i met jimmy in long beach. i came away with the same impress of him as you seem to have.
thank you, for sharing your experience.
it's good to read nice things!
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3 fans. Ha!
Too bad Broke Straight Boys is a private enterprise and not a democracy; Jimmy would be history.

not everyone like obama...but whos the president of the united states??? im sure not everyone likes whoever your favorite model is...tonytonytony everyone has ther own tastes and opinions...for example you like having sex with men i dont but im not judging you for it or saying that your wrong...ther is no wrong or right ther is no democracy or private enterprise its just porn...chillout have fun on the threads relax
I believe Jimmy to be the quintessential Broke Straight Boys mode we have had in a very long time. He all "man" and straight. That he screws men is just an added bonus for us whether or not we like how he fucks. Now that he has a very compassionate and gentle side, he is a gem most cherished especially by us who are raging romantics. God, how I would like to buy a few drops of his sweats dripping from his balls. Jimmy is basically a "good old boy" deep down, someone would like your mother to meet.

this is one of the nicest posts ive ever read thank you angel yout to kind just ask tonytony lol
I will tell you what Mike. Jimmy is a very courteous and lovely fella. I had a very nice time getting to know him in NOLA. He is very charming. I don't understand why people don't like this young man! I wish he posted more in here. It was a pleasure getting to meet him. He is very much a straight guy for anyone who doubts it.

Anyway that's it. Hope he smiles when he reads this!!!


im smiling...il also be posting more now soooo il be talking to you more often deidra
Been a "Team Jimmy" from the beginning and I stopped wondering why some members don't like him. He has a fan base and I'm one of them, it's all that matters to me ;)
Been a "Team Jimmy" from the beginning and I stopped wondering why some members don't like him. He has a fan base and I'm one of them, it's all that matters to me ;)

thanks man im tryin lol
Reply to Jimmy re: tonytonytonytony

not everyone like obama...but whos the president of the united states??? im sure not everyone likes whoever your favorite model is...tonytonytony everyone has ther own tastes and opinions...for example you like having sex with men i dont but im not judging you for it or saying that your wrong...ther is no wrong or right ther is no democracy or private enterprise its just porn...chillout have fun on the threads relax

Well said. tonytonytonytonytony seems to relish taking any and every opp to let you know where you've failed in acting like a gay man !(?) Why the f is he even watching your vids??? There's plenty of other stuff on this site for him. And plenty of other sites. And plenty of other viewers, who don't have some half-assed axe to grind, for you to feel OK about. I'm one.
Well said. tonytonytonytonytony seems to relish taking any and every opp to let you know where you've failed in acting like a gay man !(?) Why the f is he even watching your vids??? There's plenty of other stuff on this site for him. And plenty of other sites. And plenty of other viewers, who don't have some half-assed axe to grind, for you to feel OK about. I'm one.

thanks jakitov i feel the sameway you do...and he wont stop...he latest thing was he would say anything hes typed and more to my face...its like when your fucking someones girlfriend in highschool and they findout and call you screaming and cursing then you see them the next day and the DONT DO SHIT hahaha btw i was always that kid fuckin everybodys girlfriend LOL