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Hugs for DAVID


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Hi, David!

I don't have much time to post to the forum, but always enjoy reading it. I was a little sad to see that, from time to time, you come in for a little criticism on a variety of trivial issues.

I just want to tell you, from my perspective up here at the Arctic Circle in Canada (!!!) all your work is very much appreciated. I don't imagine that many people can imagine how tough it is to have your job. . . setting straight guys at ease doing something that is totally new for them. (And obviously, odd and a little uncomfortable for them, also.)

Your banter and chat with the models always makes me smile - and frequently laugh! Sometimes your humour is corny, kooky, or irreverent - but that makes it all the more lovable :))) And it's obvious that, without that, many of the models would never be comfortable enough to enjoy what they're doing: but somehow you get them past their issues (and sometimes even homophobia) to the point where they are OK saying, "What the hell, let's just have fun!"

A good test for all members to mull upon. . .What kind of charm would it take to get you comfortable with STRAIGHT sex? I know that for me, that would be a hell of a lot of CHARM! But David, you have it, and so I'm grateful! (BTW, does 'brokestraightgirls' really exist? I don't like straight sex particularly, but I'd be more than pleased to see some of the guys doing what they like BEST -I'd just close one eye ;-)))

Maybe the biggest thing of all - I'm really grateful for your studio's commitment to safer sex, and your personal promotion of it on the board, and in the videos. To me, that's an indication of strong ethics, and a commitment to people before profit.

So, David, I think you are a charmer, a sweetheart, and a mensch: and I think we all owe you a big round of applause!

Take care, D,
All in favor say ai?..:thumbup:
Thank you Ambivalent for stating that so well. In spite of any criticism David may take from time to time, David does a wonderful job. Thank you David! Big hugs. :001_wub:
I'm impressed that we have members up in the "arctic circle" Wow!!! Thank you all for your kind words....in many cases, human nature, its natural to point out ones faults or make remarks and criticize....its nice to hear the positives remarks and the feedback from members. Its allows me to do my job with pride and enjoy what we do. I also share your remarks with the staff that works behind the scenes because it brightens there day as well!

Thank you for the positive comments!!! They do mean a lot to all of us!!!

Hey let's not get too far over the top. A little bit of criticism helps keep David and Mark on their toes and without membership feedback some parts of the site would still be as it was 3 years ago. Notwithstanding that bit of reality, I agree with your comments. xx
Hey let's not get too far over the top. A little bit of criticism helps keep David and Mark on their toes and without membership feedback some parts of the site would still be as it was 3 years ago. Notwithstanding that bit of reality, I agree with your comments. xx

Yeah, otherwise yours truly would feel as if he couldn't have a li'l fun at Dave's expense, right David? You can take it dude. Christ you've been taking it like a champion big boy for more than a year now. It might be a little psychiatric on my part, but every time I get to use "corny" or "klutzy" in a post, I get this little giggly feeling somewhere between my heart and my throat that just makes my day. I love you David.
little giggly feeling

Yeah, otherwise yours truly would feel as if he couldn't have a li'l fun at Dave's expense, right David? You can take it dude. Christ you've been taking it like a champion big boy for more than a year now. It might be a little psychiatric on my part, but every time I get to use "corny" or "klutzy" in a post, I get this little giggly feeling somewhere between my heart and my throat that just makes my day. I love you David.

You sure its not just indigestion?
Reality Is Relative

Hey let's not get too far over the top. A little bit of criticism helps keep David and Mark on their toes and without membership feedback some parts of the site would still be as it was 3 years ago. Notwithstanding that bit of reality, I agree with your comments. xx

My philosophy, and I recommend more people try it, is that you lose your right to complain if that's all you do. You should be as willing to say the good stuff as you are the bad. 'Sides, if all you do is piss and moan eventually people are going to assume nothing at all will make you happy and give up trying...
From igloo-land ;-)

Hey, David,

Thanks for sharing with the behind-the-scenes staff. I should add that I know it takes a lot of people to keep a good site going, and I'm grateful for ALL of their efforts!

Mark - we have computers in our igloos, up here - LOL!!! Actually, I heard about the site on a great Canadian review site called 'JustUsBoys'. I saw one photoset of darling Danny, and knew I had NO CHOICE but to give the Broke Straight Boys a chance! (And I'm glad I did - really enjoying all you do.)

I also agree that David does a good job!
I just wish he would use some of our suggestions. I have given a few in the past and have never had any used although he always says he will.
As far as David taking our suggestions, we will have to give it time. Some of the videos we are just now seeing were filmed back in March. So the backlog of videos in the can could be as long as 8 months. Though I think it is really closer to 5-6 months. Any suggestions that David received 3 or 4 months ago, and wanted to try out, would not likely be seen for quite a while. David sounds very excited about improvements that he says he's made in upcoming videos for 2010. And he indicates that he has taken many of our suggestions into account with the models that he is hiring now.

We Americans have rarely been good at delayed gratification but I believe David. I think that once we work through the backlog of older vids (that are still going to be very good of course) that we will see some amazing stuff that we haven't seen before. Each year of the site so far has been a continual progression. 2009 was even better than 2008, so 2010 should be great.
I am patient that is why I have not been on here whining like jilted high school girl at the prom :)

Just thought I would mention that the members have some suggestions that may be good for a try.