Oh god.
Okay, the following is the most revealing, forthright thing I've ever typed on a public forum. I'm shocking myself (Peter - don't read any further) by posting it, but...well...
So I recently met someone via an dating site and we chatted online for nearly a week before we met in person, about all kinds of things. I mentioned being a member of this site and could tell that my new penpal thought it was kind of a weird choice (lesbian porn doesn't do anything for him so that analogy was out) for a bi-leaning-towards-straight woman like me to enjoy.
So anyway, we met, we got on, in due time clothing was lost and...I wouldn't be so smug as to describe the blowjob I delivered as his "best ever" but it's possible he might have, if his reactions were any indication.
And after we both took a moment, I straightened up and asked as primly as possible,
"So, NOW aren't you glad I watch all that gay porn?"
He was!!!!