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Homophobia in gay porn?


Well-known Member
Dec 1, 2009
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Phoenix, AZ
Someone who follows me on twitter and I have been having a discussion about gay for pay, and the seeming prevalence of straight guys doing gay porn. Here is the email I just received, and I really would like to hear what others, including David, if he has time, has to say.

I do think the g4p issue is important because I think it's intrinsically linked to homophobia and anti-gay practices. The whole condom v. non condom thing is a perfect example. The idea is that gay men are so dirty and disease ridden and women are so clean and disease free. It's homophobic and sexist in equal measure. Chi-Chi Larue would never have allowed Jeremy Bilding to continue barebacking with men in gay scenes, but doing it with women is perfectly acceptable. Someone who works for her told me that she said, "IT's just women. Nothing to worry about." Whether she said it or not, her actions supported that idea. I'm not supporting barebacking. I accept that every adult has the right to decide what they will or will not do, but in porn, the sex should be safe. I think all porn should be shot with condoms and that studios should pay for AIM testing.

To give you a timeline. This is how I've seen porn change from the time I started watching until now. Chi-Chi Larue telling everyone that Blake Riley had gone straight and that he loved it. Riley saying his new fantasy was to get fucked by a woman. (And I'm being kind because what they really said was more egregious). More and more straight guys enter into gay porn and they do straight scenes where they go on about how much better "pussy sex" (quoting directly) is to gay sex. Porn now has openly gay men verbally abusing each other and calling each other faggot in gay porn as a joke. The very people who do this told me they would never do porn where two black men, two JEwish men, or two Asians call each other racial epithets because it would be offensive. Calling each other "Faggots" was seen as humorous. We now have so many straight exclusives who wear condoms in gay scenes, but go condomless in straight scenes, and everyone thinks it's okay because a vagina is present. Worrying about the woman never enters their minds. On Corbin Fisher, the men can only bareback if a woman is in the room. She can watch, sit next to, or touch the boys, and they can bareback. If she's absent, it's condoms again. This kind of thinking is appalling, and it's another example of gay men being attacked and insulted by an industry aimed at them.

Now since I am a member of this site, it should be obvious I don't agree with him, but it did make me think and I wonder about others thoughts on this.
I use condoms with women. You just can't be too safe. And they have the added risk of pregnancy. I rarely see professional porn these days that doesn't include condom usage during actual intercourse. They may be the white ones that you can barely see, but they're usually there. It's better to assume that EVERYONE is disease-ridden than to assume that everyone is clean.

Secondly, I think the whole "gay for pay" thing is bullshit. I think it was Tyler that said if you're willing to have sex with men, paid or not, you're not 100% straight. And the other thing to consider is the fact that a lot of the openly gay men that represent homosexuality right now are flamboyant and feminine. I don't know about you, but the whole attraction to men thing is related to their masculinity. That's why I'm naturally more attracted to the "straight" guys.
I'm glad you brought the bareback issue up because when it was mentioned earlier on in the week on the Straight Boys Jerk Off thread it was so obvious that people wanted to steer away from it.

While it makes sense for all fucking in porn to be with condoms, this will never happen because people like to see natural condomless fucking. Most, if not all the uk porn sites now insist on the use of condoms and it appears so in the USA too. Barebacking seems more prevelant in South American and Eastern European porn, so unless the owners of these sites have a change in moral attitude then it will continue.

However, the demand for barebacking IS out there and whilst it is, then it will be met.
I think one of the good that porn CAN help to promote is the practice of safe sex, so the use of condoms should be encouraged. But let's face it - porn is made for the people who watch it, and viewers get a kick out of different stuffs. Some just like to see barebacking, so surely someone will have to do it to cater to their needs. However, I'm not saying we should let it be an increasing trend but rather, ask of the models who are willing to do it, to do it.

Straight guys can shoot gay porn and still be straight. Maybe not 100%, if they like it. But the thing is, most models don't shoot porn because they love it but they do it for the money. It's amazing what the temptation of money can make you do. If they do it but hate it or just pretend to enjoy it on scene for the money, doesn't that make them gays-for-pay? Thus I don't think the g4p thing is bullshit but I DO agree that you can't be gay-for-pay for too long before you actually like it for real or start feeling sorry for yourself. Maybe if one is homophobic, the idea of entering the industry should never have even crossed his mind in the first place.
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When I saw this thread, I immediately thought of a few websites, including Corbin Fisher. I have complained to them on numerous occasions and in blogs about the practice of bareback only in the company of a woman. It is a gay self-hating practice that should be stopped. Yes, I think BB is hot an natural looking. Yes I believe in safe sex. That's not the issue for me. It's the whole idea that vaginal sex is safer. I've watched bi porn where no condom was used on the woman, but was on the man. WTF is that?

Now, to the point of so many straight guys doing gay porn. I think straight guys are hot! However, there are very few who can really deliver a good performance. Then there are those who actually have websites, such as clubdean where Dean Cox sort of has gay sex, but you don't really feel like you're watching gay sex, if that makes any sense. I wrote to him once asking, how he'd feel if he went to a straight site and watched them sort of have sex and no penetration. And don't get me started on Cody Cummings' website. These examples demonstrate how we've sacrificed good porn for the worship of straight men who basically stink at gay sex. Yet we're making them rich and the whole industry is going down the drain in quality. It's like being told you're gonna have steak and get balogna instead, and we're supposed to be happy about it. I think we gays should stop hating ourselves and stand up to this b**s.

I wonder sometimes if my attraction to straight men has a component of a deep-seated need from childhood to be accepted by them.
Barebacking and moon-shine have things in common: it's popular for a select clientele, it's done in secret, it's powerful and it's natural. All the education, the negative fallout and good intentions are not going to eradicate human demand for it. There's money to be made from it because especially men want it.
I wonder sometimes if my attraction to straight men has a component of a deep-seated need from childhood to be accepted by them.
I absolutely agree with that statement for me. The straight teens in my neighborhood were the cool looking guys playing basketball with their shirts off, always popular with the girls and the boys, and oh so sexy.

And as a person who is not a huge fan of anal sex either in my personal life, or for my viewing pleasure, I do have to admit that it is hotter to watch a cock entering another guy bareback than covered in plastic, even though in reality if I ever do agree to get fucked again, it would have to be with a condom, but that is the difference between reality and porn, although for the performer in the scene it is reality.

And on the issue of studios showing men fucking women bareback, while fucking men with condoms, is it possible that the scenes with women involve vaginal fucking, while the scenes with men are obviously anal? While I don't belong to those sites, or have any interest in watching vaginas, I do know that anal sex is way more dangerous, and a primary way to spread the HIV virus, whereas vaginal and oral sex have much lower risk of infection.

So perhaps it is not homophobia, but just the reality of the health issues involved.
The only person I am responsible for is myself, and I will not bareback, period. And I would also rather live in my car and eat crackers than resort to doing porn or escorting. But if someone else chooses to bareback and sell their ass, it's their life.