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Hiring Models-


BluMedia Staff
Staff member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Florida
I wanted to start this new topic and thread to give our members an idea about how we hire models for the site. I think its a good thread to start since the recent issue with Kodaaa and Smoore29 and other issue's about models have been questioned.

Every production studio has a different method for hiring models. The major part of my job during the day when I'm not filming or running the business is to hire models for Broke Straight Boys, College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher sites and any other sites we are filming for BluMedia/D&E Productions (new projects).

When I started hiring models for Broke Straight Boys, I just made sure the boys were straight, broke and what I thought was good-looking. As time went on and the popularity of the Broke Straight Boys site grew, hiring models went from being fun to making the proper business decision for the site. Broke Straight Boys.com is a nichey type site. We can't hire gay boys because that would defeat the purpose of the theme of the site. The search was on, in the beginning I had no choice but to hire models that considered themselves "Gay For Pay" which means they are straight in the everyday world...but for $$$, they will be gay on film. Go figure? but it worked and this type of model met our needs at the time and these type of models worked the porn circuit and went from studio to studio and can be seen on other sites. This didn't sit pretty for me and I didn't like the fact the models we hired, paid them good money, we took the time to promote and market them, those models would go to another studio and film. What sucked about this was our site is called Broke Straight Boys and it bothered me a lot to see the boys I hired for our site go to another site and do "gay" porn.

This challenged me and it question our integrity of the Broke Straight Boys site. My business thought was if we keep using models that continue to appear on other sites, then we are not truly a Broke Straight Boys site and we are not doing the right thing for our members. The search continued to find boys that nobody had. I then decided to stop, look around, and figure out how to get models that nobody has used before. We placed ADs in magazines, posted on the internet and we were also getting applications sent in from guys off the site applying to become a model.

This started early on the Broke Straight Boys site and we introduced new fresh faces that nobody had seen before. Overwhelmingly, our members loved it and wanted to see more of the same model over and over again. This is how the repeat models started on our site and it seem to work very well for us (there is an in depth explanation about this on another thread). It did so well for us, the popularity of the Broke Straight Boys model was born! Tyler was our first model, then came CJ, and Danny, Dustin, Diesal, Logan just to name a few (there are many others) these models became the face of Broke Straight Boys site and you don't see them on any other site. This gave us the opportunity to market the model, promote them and bring them to events as a true Broke Straight Boys

A small percentage of members have voiced there opinion regarding the fact we use the same models over & over again just too much (again, in another thread, there is an in-depth explanation why we use models over and over again.)

In 2008, hiring models became a business decision and I started questioning if a model that applies to our studio, is it the right thing to do? What is that model going to offer our site? Are the members going to like this model? Does this model fit the Broke Straight Boys imagine? These are some of the questions I had in my mind when hiring models. We also wanted a loyal model, a model we can trust, bring to events, sign them up as exclusive models. Having a model that is exclusive on your site is good, but its great when the only place you can see that model is on our site and on our site only. There are going to be times when models go to other studios and you will see them on other sites and vice versa that you will see models from other sites appear on the Broke Straight Boys site. This is common in our industry and happens all the time, we have no control over it but we try our best to limit it. So here are some questions I want to ask our members that are on this forum, I want you as the member to be David for a moment and if you can answer some of these questions and give me your thoughts on this matter.

1. Do you prefer seeing exclusive models that can only be seen on our sites? If so why?

2. Does it offend you as a member when you see "our" Broke Straight Boys model appearing on a gay site that is not part of our sites, basically appearing on our competitors site?

3. Which models would you prefer to see on a ongoing basis?

4. The models that you picked to see on a ongoing basis, would you be okay to see them on our other sites such as College Boy Physicals, Boy Gusher, BCB???

5. What do you think as a member about using models that have been seen all over the internet? and I will expand on this question:

Without mentioning models names, what would you think if we hired models that have appear often on gay websites and we pawn them off as a Broke Straight Boys?

I'm just curious to find out what our members think, If your going to answer the above questions, really put some thought into this issue. Put yourself in my shoes and think like a business man and if you had to hire models for our site how would you do it?

Thank you David for caring so much about your site and your members, and taking time out of your Saturday to explain so much about the inner workings of the site, and to ask us to advise you on how we would do things, if we were in your shoes.

1. Do you prefer seeing exclusive models that can only be seen on our sites? If so why?

Absolutely. I want to see "non-professional" guys, who found their way to your site, and are not gay porn actors. I believe that Tyler has appeared here more than any other model, and I still want to see more of him. While he may not be as straight as he was when you first hired him, he is still a real person, and not a porn actor that is "everywhere".

2. Does it offend you as a member when you see "our" Broke Straight Boys model appearing on a gay site that is not part of our sites, basically appearing on our competitors site?

If a guy claims to be straight it does offend me. I would wonder why this straight guy is appearing on another gay site. But if it is one of the models identified as being gay, to help "bring a straight boy out of his shell", then it doesn't matter. Like your pretty boy Shane the gay porn model is very sexy, and I know that he is a gay porn guy. But if Logan was on another site, it would bother me a lot.

3. Which models would you prefer to see on a ongoing basis?

Tyler, Logan, (Tank) Shane, Robert & Alden, and Jordan, who you have said are all gone, as well as Tank Shane. I also really like Zakk and Kyler. I'm sure there are others, but none come to mind.

4. The models that you picked to see on a ongoing basis, would you be okay to see them on our other sites such as College Boy Physicals, Boy Gusher, BCB???

No. I pay for Broke Straight Boys, and this is where I watch the videos. I would feel cheated, if I knew I was missing their action on a site that was not available here. College Boy Physicals is a free bonus site, but to me it is a "silly site" playing out an over the top fantasy. The Broke Straight Boys fantasy or reality, is something that I can believe being close to reality, and that is where I want to see my favorite guys.

5. What do you think as a member about using models that have been seen all over the internet? and I will expand on this question:

Without mentioning models names, what would you think if we hired models that have appear often on gay websites and we pawn them off as a Broke Straight Boys?

That's a loaded question, David. Obviously that is not what I want to see.

I'm just curious to find out what our members think, If your going to answer the above questions, really put some thought into this issue. Put yourself in my shoes and think like a business man and if you had to hire models for our site how would you do it?
Thank you David for the opportunity to give my input into your decision.

1. Do you prefer seeing exclusive models that can only be seen on our sites? If so why?

Definitely!!! It is what keeps me cuming back for more!!! This is the only site I goto on a regular basis!!

2. Does it offend you as a member when you see "our" Broke Straight Boys model appearing on a gay site that is not part of our sites, basically appearing on our competitors site?

It depends on when the model "appears" on the competitors site. If the model were here for say 2 years, and performed several times on the site, then ventured into more, I would be ok with it. But say a newer model that was just passed off as Straight appeared on other sites, yes it would bother me.

3. Which models would you prefer to see on a ongoing basis?

Logan, AUSTIN :D, Mike (from mike and anthony) and the gay porn star would be good too... Im sure there are others.....

4. The models that you picked to see on a ongoing basis, would you be okay to see them on our other sites such as College Boy Physicals, Boy Gusher, BCB???

Not really....... I prefer this site above the others..... This is the one that brings me back... the others have their niche ..... but not for me really

5. What do you think as a member about using models that have been seen all over the internet? and I will expand on this question:

Without mentioning models names, what would you think if we hired models that have appear often on gay websites and we pawn them off as a Broke Straight Boys?

I do not like the idea........ I dont mind if you bring a model in as "help" but not to be a "Broke Straight Boys". For me that would change the overall outlook of the site.
On Question Number 4. Lets say we have a model and he's been on the Broke Straight Boys site many, many times and that particular model is what we consider "no longer straight" due to the fact he did everything. However, the members still like the model and want to see more of that particular model but its to the point were its getting boring and some members are starting to complain that we are showing the same model over and over again.

Wouldn't it make sense to give that particular model an opportunity to be seen on another site we produce/direct oppose another site that doesn't belong to us?

Can I get your feedback?
Dear David. I believe this is a first, having a producer director/owner ask my opinion.
Thank you for this rare opportunity.
1. Of course it is nice to be able to think of a model as "exclusive" to a particular site, especially if he is one who is popular. However, exclusivity is not , as you point out, a reasonable expectation for the long haul. So I really do not have a preference for "our site only" models.
2. No, see answer 1 above.
3. Logan, Austin, Cousin Mikey, Jordan and of course, (away from the camera,) Tyler.
4. Yes, as long as they were part of BluMedia, I should expect to see them on the
other related sites.
5. Perhaps instead of pawning them off, as you say, we could look at these other lads
loaners visiting our site for an indefinite period of time, but I would not want these
"pornsters" to be passed off as Broke Straight Boys's, if they did not get their start with us.
Yes, as answered below, I would expect to see popular models move inhouse from site to site
As an example, when might we get to watch Tyler have a physical?
Yes, as answered below, I would expect to see popular models move inhouse from site to site
As an example, when might we get to watch Tyler have a physical?

That actually will be hot. But lets see how other members respond to this thread. I know some of our models have crossed over from one blumedia site to another and we haven't had any bad or negative feedback from members, actually we are getting more positive remarks so this is why I'm asking these questions to our members.

WE and everyone else that works behind the scenes, we don't have all the answers either so I figured lets ask the members, you guys are our best critics especially the core members that have been with us for many years!
1. Do you prefer seeing exclusive models that can only be seen on our sites? If so why?

No, I don't prefer it. Partly I feel free to say that because to some extent I know there are guys who are naturally loyal anyway. They like the Broke Straight Boys production vibe and are non-porny enough to settle with what they know. I daresay these guys are already planning 24 to 36 months down the road anyway on moving on to real life. On the other hand I know little enough about this business that it's interesting to me to see Broke Straight Boys faces elsewhere. It gives the boys some referential dimension, and locates Broke Straight Boys also within the industry. I like that.

2. Does it offend you as a member when you see "our" Broke Straight Boys model appearing on a gay site that is not part of our sites, basically appearing on our competitors site?

Not really. It makes me wonder what the back story is. I find the boy in one way quite interesting because he's graduated up from "straightie" to being a porn actor of sorts. More interesting but not better. The loyal boys are the ones I get to know, and of course that has a fascination all its own. There's a certain bait and switch feeling however about having guys on time after time, interviewing them before each fuck, revealing more and more of their "stories" but then getting weird when the forum asks questions about them. The Mikes have gone a long way to remedy this. The two guys who got just blackballed before they made brother went a little way too far.

3. Which models would you prefer to see on an ongoing basis?

David, you know the answer. Tyler. He showed a dark side in the BTS interview and apparently is a bit of a bastard, but he still has all those things going for him as enumerated in the "what's so special about Tyler Evans" thread from a year and a half ago.

Logan. Diesal. Preston. The Mikes. The Shanes. Jimmie Porn. Grant. Kyler. Zack. Damien. Corey Max Factor. Aiden. Gino.

4. The models that you picked to see on an ongoing basis, would you be okay to see them on our other sites such as College Boy Physicals, Boy Gusher, BCB???

It would give them dimension to see them in another setting. The Broke Straight Boys myth is that we're finding out who they really are, what their true economic plights are, whether their girlfriends know what they're doing that day. On the other hand over at College Boy Physicals they get to play a role. For me it would be fascinating to see every single guy on my list prove what kind of an actor he is by doing a simple scene on the exam table with Eddie or Sean. And even more interesting to hear him tell about the experience in his next Broke Straight Boys pre-fuck futon interview. Broke Straight Boys lays claim to "reality". If the straightie brings back the story of his acting job in the clinic shoot, we get some of the cross referencing that is so lacking and that a lot of us want.

5. What do you think as a member about using models that have been seen all over the internet? and I will expand on this question:

Without mentioning models names, what would you think if we hired models that have appear often on gay websites and we pawn them off as a Broke Straight Boys?

Don't pawn them off. Ask them in the pre-fuck interview a few leading questions and everyone's happy the situation's been addressed and shelved. You've become very frank about telling us industry gossip and statistics and lore. Being a part of the industry is part of what your company is all about, at least you've said so time and time again. Bring in guys you've met, or admire, or who've asked you for work, and use them tactically to complement a straightie occasionally. It's worked every single time you've done it. The question shouldn't even be asked. You've already said why you do it. You choose pretty well. Keep it up.

I'm just curious to find out what our members think, If your going to answer the above questions, really put some thought into this issue. Put yourself in my shoes and think like a business man and if you had to hire models for our site how would you do it?

I might do a talent hunt campaign at the bigger venues on your event circuit. The challenge would be: As a straight guy are you confident enough to be in a "gay" situation without losing your chill? Have you ever hankered after the 15 minutes of fame that every American thinks of as his due? Are you fit as fuck? Horny as hell? Broke as a bitch? Straight as a stiffy? Try out for a privileged spot on the famous futon.

Sorry about how corny that sounds. Scorpio would be able to get something cool together.

As for who I'd choose, I'd just look at everyone's lists in the threads on this forum over the past 18 months to get the paradigm in mind. I've been told I'm a good interviewer and feel I'd pick up vibes from a guy which would, taken in the context of his looks and manner, suggest he'd be interesting as a model. parisnoyd is terrific at that too. I'm sure you are too, although you've managed to haul in some lemons at times.

Finally here's the main point: when a boy sits down on the futon and Tyler calls silence on the set, and Neil Cavuto says hey guys what's up; as the logo fades and the straightie does something skaterish with his fingers and replies nuthin much: he's automatically a Broke Straight Boys You are being skewed professionally by the uncertainties you feel, as revealed by the kinds of questions you ask in your post. You actually think those things matter. I don't think they do. You need to get personable, interesting, humorous, intelligent young guys who are attractive and sexy, and who have some kind of story to tell, true or not--to perform for you. Let them be from inside the industry and out, and as diverse as you can manage (sexuallly, ethnically, socially) within your structural, corporate and financial limits. If as you say times are hard, and the straighties are coming out of the woodwork, you will have a lot to choose from.
On Question Number 4. Lets say we have a model and he's been on the Broke Straight Boys site many, many times and that particular model is what we consider "no longer straight" due to the fact he did everything. However, the members still like the model and want to see more of that particular model but its to the point were its getting boring and some members are starting to complain that we are showing the same model over and over again.

Wouldn't it make sense to give that particular model an opportunity to be seen on another site we produce/direct oppose another site that doesn't belong to us?

Can I get your feedback?

I've answered that David, and of course you have too, just now. It makes all the sense in the world.

Especially since a lot of us are keen to see a boy evolve in his sexuality. If he can't let it show how much the sex is getting to him on Broke Straight Boys, set him free to be himself on another site under your corporate umbrella.
David I put a lot of thought into what you have wrote and here my thoughts. I HAVE BEEN ON THIS SITE SINCE THE BEGINNING and have fought with myself about who is really gay and who is straight. My ideal model was TAZ because he reminded me of how a real straight guy would react to this site. I like his altitude and his willness to go but so far ( no fucking me or me sucking a model ), I watched each of his scenes seeing how far you could push him. I like the journey with money and gifts how far a straight guy will go for sex. My sexual life has been straight guys only pushing them as far as possible with money, gifts and jobs. I know that it take time and patience to get them to go all the way. With some I got all i want with others just a bit. BUT THAT WHAT MADE IT FUN AND EXCITING, NOT KNOWN WHAT TO EXPECT. Models like Shane, Diesal, Logan and others that took time to push made the site worth watching. There another part of me who like the romantic relationship on a site. EG. I follow Maurico and Vinny who I found on one of your bonus site on another site for years, I never believe they were straight, but the storyline and their inter reactions made them exciting. I loved watching Tyler and Logan because of their altitude and ambitions, but I honestly feel they both are Gay, but that alright because Dave you get great acting out of them. Austin is a great example of someone who been around other sites, but I always see him as Broke Straight Boys model because it was his start and any future scenes he will always be welcome on this site. His alttiude like Diesal is what make them worth watching. Jimmy is GAY, but so what he is hot in his scenes (Diesal and Austin), What I am trying to say it alright to mix a little gay with a little bi and some straight as long as the acting is good. I believe that a good site should have a stable of models that only appeared on that site, but mixed with new models to bring them out. I don't want models who been around to long to inter react with each other ( Been there, Seen that ). Most roommates (eg. Eric and Ross are almost always Gay. but if the acting is good I'm okay with that) In summary Dave about a month ago i got bore and decided to try another your site BCB and found out that I do perfer Broke Straight Boys it not perfect, it not 100% straight. but it , is the best out there. So Dave stop beating yourself up, there is no perfect solution and as long as the acting and the models interreactions is good I for one is ok.
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Hey David

ok here are the thoughts from the kiwi contingent:biggrin:

1. Do you prefer seeing exclusive models that can only be seen on our sites? If so why?
Ideally yes, seeing models that are exclusive to your sites is one of the reasons I joined. It is refreshing to see faces that are not plastered over the internet all over every other site. I think when they are starting they should definately be exclusive to you guys.

2. Does it offend you as a member when you see "our" Broke Straight Boys model appearing on a gay site that is not part of our sites, basically appearing on our competitors site?
To be honest the guys that I like on this site have remained exclusive to you and the ones that haven't I have not deemed as any great loss. Now there are one or 2 who are on other sites that you guys still use but as they have been in the industry for a little while I think it is cool that they test the waters else where....certainly not offended by it.

3. Which models would you prefer to see on a ongoing basis?
Logan, Diesal, Jimmy, Shane (the one that filmed with Logan not the other one) Mike Robbins, Austin, I think there are quite a few others....I would probably agree with what ever the masses think.

4. The models that you picked to see on a ongoing basis, would you be okay to see them on our other sites such as College Boy Physicals, Boy Gusher, BCB???
I would certainly be ok to see the favourites on other areas of blue media, especially once they had done their time on the futon. I think I would much prefer that as opposed to them moving to other sites. I mean money on our part has to come into the fray too, I cannot afford to join other sites to see my favourites...this site and BCB are the 2 I choose so anything that keeps my favourites in the Blu Media cirlce is fine by me.

5. What do you think as a member about using models that have been seen all over the internet? and I will expand on this question:

Without mentioning models names, what would you think if we hired models that have appear often on gay websites and we pawn them off as a Broke Straight Boys?
I think that it is fine to use models that have been on the internet but don't palm them off as "newbies" I know you don't want us to mention names so I won't but there was a recent vid where you had one of these guys but you were open and honest at the beginning saying he had been on other sites. Nothing wrong with that at all. Use guys from other sites haha now and again of course....but be open and acknowledge that we know they have been elsewhere. LMAO it saves us having to start a thread telling you we know they have been on other sites :w00t: It can be kind of cool to see them as they tend to be a little more open and encourage the "exclusives" to let down their guard

You rock David, thank you for giving us the opportunity to have our say, this is the aspect of the site that I love too...as well as the great guys you find for us.:drool:
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On Question Number 4. Lets say we have a model and he's been on the Broke Straight Boys site many, many times and that particular model is what we consider "no longer straight" due to the fact he did everything. However, the members still like the model and want to see more of that particular model but its to the point were its getting boring and some members are starting to complain that we are showing the same model over and over again.

Wouldn't it make sense to give that particular model an opportunity to be seen on another site we produce/direct oppose another site that doesn't belong to us?

Can I get your feedback?

Well, in my opinion to this particular question, if a model has been a regular to the point that the situation is betting "boring", it would make sense for him to be allowed to expand his opportunities on one of your sister sites. It's keeping it in the family. I love College Boy Physicals too and like to watch how the models act on both, CJ being a prime example. It also allows them to move into different fetishes that one might see just on Broke Straight Boys On a side note, everytime I hear a tri-rail train passing the studio during filming, I like to imagine that I am onboard heading to/from work while all the hotness is being captured on the futon, hehe :001_rolleyes:

What a great idea you came up with. Now we all can participate as if we were the owners and have to make the decisions. I chose not to read anyone's comments so that mine comments might be considered mine. I did read your follow-up instruction for # 4 which I will add to the answers.

1. Do you prefer seeing exclusive models that can only be seen on our sites? If so why?

Yes. If this site is to be true to its name Broke Straight Boys the only way to have some sense of control over that is to have them as exclusives. If these models are see on non D & E sites the intergrity of "Broke" and "Straight" comes into play. As you have stated many times, "porn is not a career". With very few exceptions it is a short term phase of any models life, with the immediate goal of needing cold, hard cash. Being on multiple sites takes away the "broke" part of the model and brings on questions as to the "straight part". The reality of the site is its name Broke Straight Boys, and that should be protected as best as is humanly possible. My #1 concern is to protect the integrity of the name: Broke Straight Boys!

2. Does it offend you as a member when you see "our" Broke Straight Boys model appearing on a gay site that is not part of our sites, basically appearing on our competitors site?

First of all, I don't really view the competitors sites. I am loyal to this site and its bonus sites. A good chunk of my answer is in #1 above. As to offend me as a member, part of that answer would deal with when, how and why they were on another site. If they started with a competitor and decided they did not like it (for whatever reason) and it was very limited and was discussed up front during the screening process, and they agreed to be exclusive with you, I would have no objections here. Of course they would have to meet the criteria for being on your site. If they break that agreement or lied, then they are out.

At the same time if they had lots of air time on competitors sites that brings up the whole Broke Straight Boys I noted above and my answer would be no. If they started with you and without you knowing they jumped elsewhere, then it is time for the ax. I believe in loyalty. If they were upfront with what they wanted to try another site it would have to be very limited and I still would have some mixed feeling about it, but it would be reviewed with the models on a case by case basis. Then based on things we have discussed I would determine my answers. There very well could be reasons to allow this on a very limited basis.

3. Which models would you prefer to see on a ongoing basis?

I'm not sure how to answer this one. Do you want current models only? Or names of all models past and current? So for the time being, I will focus on what seems to be the current core of models;

MikeRobbins, Josh, Nu, Logan, Corey, Christian, Owen, Tom, Kaydin, Diesal, Zach, Preston, Danny, Jacob, Ryan, Robert, Alden, Dexter, Tyler.

4. The models that you picked to see on a ongoing basis, would you be okay to see them on our other sites such as College Boy Physicals, Boy Gusher, BCB??? 4B. If model is no longer straight and is becoming boring on Broke Straight Boys?

Not a problem with this. Yes, if our "straight" model from the beginning is now leaning more and more to the Gay side, yes it makes sense to move out of Broke Straight Boys (got to stay true to the name) and into the other sites where straight/gay makes no difference. This is the place for these popular models to go to if they have come to the other side.

5. What do you think as a member about using models that have been seen all over the internet? and I will expand on this question:

Without mentioning models names, what would you think if we hired models that have appear often on gay websites and we pawn them off as a Broke Straight Boys?


Now if you do it once in a Blue Moon and are upfront about it and the primary purpose is to get a "STRAIGHT BOY" to go where no straight boy has gone before, I would have no problem with that. The Shane/Logan episode is a great example of that. It brought out more in Logan. But this should be done only on occasion and NOT be part of the main thrust.

I'm just curious to find out what our members think, If your going to answer the above questions, really put some thought into this issue. Put yourself in my shoes and think like a business man and if you had to hire models for our site how would you do it?

Well, there you have it.

Live Long and Prosper,

I like seeing the "usual suspects" The ineteractions between and among some of the boys is the best. I enjoy Tyler's resignation to being on the site so many times... a dubious honor..... he is still fresh and enjoyable to watch.

I also enjoy Logan, Desisel, and obviously Mike R. They are not just "hard dicks" in a porn scene. We can see their distinct personalities in each scene.

I believe that the boys I named and others truly enjoy their work.... Even Logan's protestations (the kind of word usage that Logan likes) about being a bottom are entertaining. It can not be easy for you to direct the models, but in those special few, we see the performers and the camera crew as one. They trust you to make them look good and you trust them to perform at their best.

You all give many of us pleasure..... keep up the good work!!
[/SIZE][/COLOR] Again I refer you to my answer in #1, THIS SITE IS FOR BROKE STRAIGHT BOYS!

Now if you do it once in a Blue Moon and are upfront about it and the primary purpose is to get a "STRAIGHT BOY" to go where no straight boy has gone before, I would have no problem with that. The Shane/Logan episode is a great example of that. It brought out more in Logan. But this should be done only on occasion and NOT be part of the main thrust.

Well said, Vicekid!!! And gay Shane was an enhancement to Logan's progress, and yes the "once in a blue moon" up front gay boy is fine in a situation like Logan/Shane, but I do pay my monthly dues to see young attractive STRAIGHT guys.
I don't like hiring guys that or popular from other popular sites. I turn down a few hot guys from other sites that those models are well known, I just don't think it makes good business sense and its not fair for our paying members to see models from other sites.

I look at it this way. You guys pay us a monthly membership fee. To watch cute, hot, twink, toned boys to have sex. On this particular site, its sort of like a taboo to watch a boy a straight/straight curious boy doing something for the first time and watch his development over time....this seems to be the attraction for us and it works.

For me to use models that are plastered all over the internet and you can see them for free particularly all over the place then we are not unique anymore. The allure of our site is to see boys you don't see anywhere else. In the case of Shane, he was too hot and a super nice guy. He is very down to earth and a genuine person. Yes! I did disclose the truth and I believe by telling our members if the guy has had previous work, or if the model is gay or bi or straight/straight curious makes all the sense to do. Now I agree, once in a while we can bring in a "porn gay model" to help out with the straightboys to get them out or have a "guest appearance" type situation but don't count on it...LOL. I'm still keeping to the basics and hiring first-time newbies.
The real point

Sometimes I think we as members take the site Broke Straight Boys idea to serious. I for one don't feel that the vast majority of the boys that have appeared on the sites are straight innocent first timers. Now staying that I am not knocking the site, but being real in what I expect. I have known and seduced hundreds of real broke straight guys and they don't overnight for a few bucks give up a lifetime of being straight before a whole world to see. It takes time and patience and lots of promises and sweet talking to go all the way. But the idea and acting on the site is very good and that why i enjoy the site. What I would really like to see the "ACTORS" do more of role playing and getting into each other. I have follow several actors and agree that they should be the stars and appeared more often with newer models, but I don't want them all over the places because it kills the fanstany. A Logan making out with Tyler is different and creative for example, but showing old models during the same old thing make them appeared gayer ( eg Austin, CJ, Jimmy ). I want fresh straight guys ( Taz, Shane eg) that really grows and the " Gay for Pay Stars" at least appear a little harder to seduce. When Shane bottom it was great because the elevotion was long and real. ERic and Ross took two scenes to put out ( Be real, roommates that easy are practicing at the dorm long before they hit the site) What I am trying to say is it okay to pit ch the straight line when it real, but when it fanstany, just accept it as such. I enjoy the site because it is different, but i accept it for what it is. FANSTANY.
Sometimes I think we as members take the site Broke Straight Boys idea to serious. I for one don't feel that the vast majority of the boys that have appeared on the sites are straight innocent first timers. Now staying that I am not knocking the site, but being real in what I expect. I have known and seduced hundreds of real broke straight guys and they don't overnight for a few bucks give up a lifetime of being straight before a whole world to see. It takes time and patience and lots of promises and sweet talking to go all the way. But the idea and acting on the site is very good and that why i enjoy the site. What I would really like to see the "ACTORS" do more of role playing and getting into each other. I have follow several actors and agree that they should be the stars and appeared more often with newer models, but I don't want them all over the places because it kills the fanstany. A Logan making out with Tyler is different and creative for example, but showing old models during the same old thing make them appeared gayer ( eg Austin, CJ, Jimmy ). I want fresh straight guys ( Taz, Shane eg) that really grows and the " Gay for Pay Stars" at least appear a little harder to seduce. When Shane bottom it was great because the elevotion was long and real. ERic and Ross took two scenes to put out ( Be real, roommates that easy are practicing at the dorm long before they hit the site) What I am trying to say is it okay to pit ch the straight line when it real, but when it fanstany, just accept it as such. I enjoy the site because it is different, but i accept it for what it is. FANSTANY.

I see your point. I think this site is a mix of fantasy/reality and the two are very close on this site. College Boy Physicals is pure fantasy. Broke Straight Boys I will tell you that I agree and believe in my heart that these boys are not 100% straight. As I did mention in past posts, Many really straight guys do apply and when I tell them what they have to do, no matter how much $$$ I offer them, they are not coming to this studio and filming.

However, there are many models on this site such as MikeR that will agree that for him, he's never had a prior experience with another guy in his private life. He applied like many of the straight boys...placed on his application that he's straight...I told him upfront what we do and he agreed. I don't know his personal motivation...was it the money? was it he was coming out of the closet? We don't know for sure...only MikeR can answer that question. I do believe and think as he got comfortable with being here with Eddie and myself and trying it for the first time, he accepted this type of sex.

Getting to know MikeR, over this time period, there are still things he will not do. Kiss, take a dick up his ass and do things that a true gay guy would do. I also believe that this is a sexual journey for MikeR, as he gets older, I don't think MikeR will live a true homosexual lifestyle and this goes for many of the guys you see on the site. CJ...Diesal, Shane (Tank), Danny or just a few I mention that will not live a homosexual lifestyle.

We can also argue the fact, I have many gay friends that had numerous encounters and has sex with many females...are these gay men really straight...or gay or bi??? The argument can go both ways....but this is another subject regarding our models :biggrin:
Sometimes I think we as members take the site Broke Straight Boys idea to serious. I for one don't feel that the vast majority of the boys that have appeared on the sites are straight innocent first timers. Now staying that I am not knocking the site, but being real in what I expect. I have known and seduced hundreds of real broke straight guys and they don't overnight for a few bucks give up a lifetime of being straight before a whole world to see. It takes time and patience and lots of promises and sweet talking to go all the way. But the idea and acting on the site is very good and that why i enjoy the site. What I would really like to see the "ACTORS" do more of role playing and getting into each other. I have follow several actors and agree that they should be the stars and appeared more often with newer models, but I don't want them all over the places because it kills the fanstany. A Logan making out with Tyler is different and creative for example, but showing old models during the same old thing make them appeared gayer ( eg Austin, CJ, Jimmy ). I want fresh straight guys ( Taz, Shane eg) that really grows and the " Gay for Pay Stars" at least appear a little harder to seduce. When Shane bottom it was great because the elevotion was long and real. ERic and Ross took two scenes to put out ( Be real, roommates that easy are practicing at the dorm long before they hit the site) What I am trying to say is it okay to pit ch the straight line when it real, but when it fanstany, just accept it as such. I enjoy the site because it is different, but i accept it for what it is. FANSTANY.
Very well said alexsantos1. And as someone who as you said has "known and seduced hundreds of real broke straight guys", I believe that you know the difference between the genuine article and the poser.

And the Shane bottoming scene, (Tank Shane) seemed very real to me, as you pointed out, we watched his evolution. However I did not personally like that scene, as I don't think he really wanted it or enjoyed it, but he is of legal age to decide what he's going to do for money, but it was very real, (to my way of thinking).

And I agree that the fantasy can work too, if the model's play the part well. Last weekend I watched a very old scene. It was Hank & Aaron from July 8, 2006. I believed that one of them was a true straight guy, and this scene fit right into the Broke Straight Boys formula that obviously has struck a chord with lot's of guy's and some females, who love the premise and have become fans of the site.

But I understand that there is a fantasy involved in the scenes here, and we can't take them too seriously, as some members got all bent out of shape and believed that straight boys were abusing gay boys in a couple of scenes a few months ago. It is fantasy, but when it is well played out, it makes for incredibly hot videos.
In speaking of the models sexuality we keep hollering for more straight boys but yet it seems we are always wanting to see them turn gay. Look at the questions we always ask. Have you done anything before, do you goof around at home, did you enjoy the feeling? And when one does start to turn a bit gay on us we jump up and down and go nuts. So here is a far fetched thought to think over. It is the primal desire of all species to reproduce. Is this some instinct with us trying to create more gay people? Were like vampires sucking the life force from our victims while ever trying to win them over to the dark side. How many times have you thought, if I could just get him to try this I know he would like it?