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Hey, everyone Graham here new model.

I hope so. Mikey already "knighted" him with a color and caps. GRAHAM That has NEVER happened before someone's scenes even air.:scared:

He is pretty quick, though. He handled teasing from DAMIEN and I like a pro.:angel:
You are correct Ms. K and it was all based on that incredibly sexy still of him sitting with the boys, holding his "banana". And it was even before he began posting. As he has had so much pre release notoriety here, perhaps Mark could put his scenes on "fast track" to satisfy our curiosity and hopefully satisfy some of our other needs too. :sneaky2:

And if there is a DAMIEN & GRAHAM duo in the mix from last weekend's shoots, we'd better get seat belts or perhaps Slimmie's old straight jacket before viewing. :001_cool:
And if there is a DAMIEN & GRAHAM duo in the mix from last weekend's shoots, we'd better get seat belts or perhaps Slimmie's old straight jacket before viewing. :001_cool:
Ditch the straight jacket and go with the seat belt......can't j/o in a straight jacket.
This forum seems to be getting hotter and hotter and longer and longer even before Graham makes his first appearance.

What are we all going to do for encores when his first scene(s) appear and are as great as we/I anticipate?

I'm keeping my nitro handy.

Oh, yeah it has lol.
I haven't seen this forum go into a frenzy like this about a model we haven't even seen in action yet on film since.....NEVER. Even I have already fallen in love with you by only seeing a couple of pictures of you, one curly and the other straight.

The truth of the matter is, you have never done anything like this before, and if history can be used to measure what your first scenes are going to be like, you are going to have a learning curve until you become somewhat comfortable with this whole new style of sex. Frankly, I'm not expecting too much from your first few scenes. I secretly do hope you blow me out of the water though. If you do, this entire forum will experience a total meltdown.

I do expect you to become one of the most beloved models on Broke Straight Boys ever. Your good looks (yeah, takin' the bait again), charm, enthusiasm, and sense of humor are all in your favor. And the fact that we are able to get to know you on the forum before we "see" you in action is about the best move you could have ever made. We already love you before we even "see" you.

I'm just going to sit back and watch you grow (no pun intended) into the BEST. You do have it in you.....and I wish you all the best.

Love you already, man.

I really have people just get to know the real me and not just in the porn scenes so its def good that I got my name and personality out there. I'm sure once the videos are released you'd be exploding like a volcano lmao. Thank you very much btw I never got a compliment like that before ha, so thank you :)
Graham, like Robb I'm completely amazed too!

10 pages of positive and fun discussion before a scene has even been released is quite a feat! I know you've already completed some scenes and they will be what they will be, but getting to know you before we see them has been such fun. I'm sure more members will watch your scenes and maybe even rate you higher because of the time and effort you've put into these past 10 pages. :smile:

I'm real surprised myself I didn't expect to get this much feed back with just being a new model, but I wont let it all go to my head. I hope people like my videos and I'm sure they really will. :)))
So Graham.......

What is your favorite color?

Favorite type of music, singer, or band?

Favorite food?

And what do you look for in a girl?

I like blue and red. The kind of music I like is Techno, dance, hip-hop, R&B, Rock, Punk, Dubstep. My favorite singer is Drake, My Chemical Romance, Basshunter, coldplay. ha. I actually have a lot of favs ha. What I look for in girls are a great personality, smarts, respectful, loves to have fun and do random fun things, and whos just down to just live life and not worry about the small things in life.

Well Graham, even without seeing you in action, you have already proved to many of us just how out going you are.

Now it's going to be a long wait for some of us who would love to see your scenes tomorrow if not sooner. LOL

Mark, as you can tell we already, definitely like him. He has shown me the fiber he has as a young man through his interaction with all of us. I think you found a real Jewel in Graham, Damien and looking forward to getting to know Flint better as well. O yes, a shining Jewel in Jason.

Thanks for taking care of them and us!

I'm glad I got to get people to get to know "the real me" and not just my scenes, but I'm looking forward when my scenes are released ha. And I really appreciate you for the compliment. :)
I hope so. Mikey already "knighted" him with a color and caps. GRAHAM That has NEVER happened before someone's scenes even air.:scared:

He is pretty quick, though. He handled teasing from DAMIEN and I like a pro.:angel:

I bet he did Ms. K. lol. I'm honored that i got knighted ha. You know I bet I would even look good in a cap :)). Oh, wait I do have one that I bought a few years ago its long and silver I bought it for Halloween one year when I was in college ha.
You are correct Ms. K and it was all based on that incredibly sexy still of him sitting with the boys, holding his "banana". And it was even before he began posting. As he has had so much pre release notoriety here, perhaps Mark could put his scenes on "fast track" to satisfy our curiosity and hopefully satisfy some of our other needs too. :sneaky2:

And if there is a DAMIEN & GRAHAM duo in the mix from last weekend's shoots, we'd better get seat belts or perhaps Slimmie's old straight jacket before viewing. :001_cool:

My lips are sealed ;). Why fast track? Wouldn't you rather wait and keep your minds wondering whats gonna happen next. lol
Ditch the straight jacket and go with the seat belt......can't j/o in a straight jacket.
No, you really can't that would def be difficult haha.
I'm sure once the videos are released you'd be exploding like a volcano lmao.
Wow Graham, it sounds like you like the idea of all of us watching your videos and jerking off and "exploding like a volcano" watching your naked body having sex. It turns me on that you are turned on by that thought. :masterbate:

There was once a model on this site named Logan, who Mark released still pics of right after his first shoot, well before we got to see him, because he was so hot. Logan did not disappoint and I sure hope that you are in that same category.

Looking forward to getting to enjoy your work Graham. I like your looks & I love your confident attitude! :thumbup:
I like blue and red. The kind of music I like is Techno, dance, hip-hop, R&B, Rock, Punk, Dubstep. My favorite singer is Drake, My Chemical Romance, Basshunter, coldplay. ha. I actually have a lot of favs ha. What I look for in girls are a great personality, smarts, respectful, loves to have fun and do random fun things, and whos just down to just live life and not worry about the small things in life.

I love Coldplay too! They're amazing live. I saw them back in 2005 in concert.
Great things to look for in a girl. Physically, what attracts you first in a girl?
What about you? What would you say is your best feature physically? I already know you have a great personality which I'm sure we'll get to see on screen.
I have never kissed a guy before, but it's alright. I jut love passionate kissing cause it def makes the mood better, I think.

You need to get the Blake and Johnny....they're great kissers!
You need to get the Blake and Johnny....they're great kissers!

Damn you, Beth!!! Now why did you have to put images like those of Jason and Blake kissing passionately in my head?? LOL :)
Now I'm all Hot and Bothered!!!
Graham, you NEED to do a scene with either or both of them and just go for it! Kiss them like there's no tomorrow and you'll make one gal more than happy!!
Also, one little advice I would give you as a new model is not to overact in your scenes. That is such a turn off. Just be yoursel, on screen, just like you are here, and you'll do great!!
:offtopic: Graham, you don't have to respond to this post if you don't want to. Does anyone in here remember what thread the pic of the four models on the red couch is on? I would like to see this gorgeous guy sporting his curls one more time and I can't find it. Damn those meds (sometimes). Thanks.

Carry on everyone.
:offtopic: Graham, you don't have to respond to this post if you don't want to. Does anyone in here remember what thread the pic of the four models on the red couch is on? I would like to see this gorgeous guy sporting his curls one more time and I can't find it. Damn those meds (sometimes). Thanks.

Carry on everyone.
Actually Robb, Ms. K posted it on three or four different threads, the latest was Damien Kyle & Friends.


Hopefully my link will work, but if you can't find it click on this image and you will see these lovely lads including GRAHAM! holding his banana.


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Actually Robb, Ms. K posted it on three or four different threads, the latest was Damien Kyle & Friends.


Hopefully my link will work, but if you can't find it click on this image and you will see these lovely lads including GRAHAM! holding his banana.
Thanks, Mike. I should have known YOU would have it. Thanks, Ms. K. Sorry Graham for using your thread.

Damn, love that banana. Can't wait to see his other one. :001_tt2: