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hey every one it's brandon hart


BSB Model
BSB Model
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
so it's late and i cant sleep and I cant believe im about to post on here lol....it's funny though cause i come on here every now and then just to read random stuff you guys talk about and theres been a couple times that i've wanted to reply to certain posts but idk i just never did.....but anyway im like thinking to myself "no one is going to read this anyway" haha....by the way i've read some nice things people have said about me but i also know there are people who do not like me and make up random lies....first of all i had no idea that this forum thing even existed for a while and then one day i'm reading that someone said something about me being cocky or something like that and that I demand for more money or something like that... crazy right?! who would say such a terrible thing! :(...lol jk

haha and yknow to be completely honest i really dont care what anyone says on here...not trying to sound like a bitch but i mean like, chances are whatever u say to me is not gonna affect my life...like of course every one likes to read good things about them sometimes but im just saying i dont let negative shit get to me i think its such a waste of time and i would deserve to be mad fun of if i let a comment on some forum get to me yknow? especially when its completely false. When i read that i just laughed but the funny part is i think whoever said it was someone that i have met in person and that clearly does not like me for whatever reason because for anyone who has watched my videos you know that i dont really even talk so where would some stranger even get that idea? but honestly who really cares anyway right?

haha but just for the record i prefer to just get to the point and get the scene done cause believe it or not the guys i've gotten to work with all have been different but cool in their own way and i enjoyed just getting to know different people and hearing every ones stories off set yknow? especially since there really are people that you meet and you think "how are they doing this?!" because yes some guys are "very" straight and some are just more open minded about it and im sure you guys can tell....but that was really the fun part about the whole porn job just getting to meet new people and hang out..but yeah if you cant tell im kinda rambling and theres not really a point to this post but for those who like me and have ever said anything nice about me i just wanted to say thank you, like i said its nice to read good things about you and i can take a compliment or two haha but to those who dont like me im not taking it personally dont worry, i know we all have our preferences...

and speaking about preferences...all i am going to say is...i'm an open-minded person and im not really scared to try new things lol...and some of u might be thinking "well obviously!" haha but im just saying thats all.....anyway i didnt mean to make this too long but by the way im brandon its nice to meet you all i know im probably long forgotten since u guys get a new guy on here like every couple of days! damn you guys must love it though i mean it is the reason ur here right? lol..damn i forgot his name but one of those new guys has a nice body and im jealous!! hahahaha...im not insecure or anything but im not gonna lie i would love to gain like 15 pounds i've always wanted to be bigger but dont get me wrong i like my body!..,,but yeahhhh so ur old lover brandon basically just wanted to say hiii! and hope ya'll are having fun and being safe!! haha have a good night/day im gonna go hit the nice...warm...sack...lol jk im going to sleep...stay sexy every one! (;
Hi Brandon,

Thanks for saying hello to us. It's always nice to meet the guys on the forum, and find out a bit about what "makes you tick". I can't recall folks saying much negative stuff about you, or that you demand more money or anything like that, but if they did, you are right to not let it bother you.

Yes, your post may have been a bit rambling, but I like that you are writing your truthful feelings. When some of the models post, it just seems to be quick lines saying hello, perhaps trying to increase their number of posts, while many more like you are more open and it is wonderful to hear about the real guys who appear on the site.

But I like your openness with us, and it is always a pleasure to hear from the guys who appear in the scenes. Thank you for the hello, and don't be a stranger here. :cool:
Hi Brandon, well you have a fan in Seattle. I like your quietness, it's a nice change from the hot models on here who are loud mouths!! :))) Well I'll just get to the point, how was taking Sam's huge dick? I must say he is not my favorite model, but I wouldn't kick him out of bed. lol Good to here from you on here and keep posting.
Hey mike

yeah i mean it really isnt a big deal but yeah just was rambling...figure if im gonna post im gonna post..im not trying to come on here to write one sentence and the leave....i dont know if any one has done that but thats not my plan...if there are people out there that honestly wanna get to know me a little bit more or ask me something or just say hi then go for it i'll be checking back i promise :)
Welcome! :)

Hey Brandon,

I'm so glad you have taken the plunge and joined us in here. Your scenes have done well in the ratings, so obviously there are far more people who like you, than don't. I agree with you that you have a nice body. I'd be proud of it too! I hope you will consider posting on the 10 Random Facts thread so we can get to know you more as a model than just a pretty face. Following the line of an earlier conversation we were having in here about how much better it is to connect with models as human beings rather than as just pretty faces...a forum poster named RRHill coined the quote: "The more we know, the more we care." I hope you'll consider sharing some of your interests, hobbies and so on with us so we can get to know you better as a person. :biggrin:
Hi Brandon

I assume all is going well with you. I have very much enjoyed your work thus far and look forward to seeing you again. It's always nice when one of the models chooses to share a bit more of their lifes on the forum. On your cam profile your sexual preference is bicurious. Have you dated both men and women? Was you first sexual encounter with a man on this site or in your personal life before Broke Straight Boys? Best wishes.
heyy peter

it was amazing!!! sams huge cock in me was just the highlight of my week and golly gee i just wish we could do it over and over!!!.....NOT

honestly, it hurt and I could tell he wasnt into it...shocking right?! haha i mean the site is called Broke Straight Boys for a reason..

but heres the thing...yeah i wasnt expecting him to like it...but gay sex or straight sex, enjoying it or not, it's going to be easier on every one (especially you guys) if my partner is at least pretending to enjoy it and that just wasnt happening with sam...but hey i mean i cant blame him and I like to think it could have been way worse and hopefully at least one person liked that scene because it was not easy i'll just say that...dont know if thats what you wanted to here but just gonna be honest.
Hey tampa!

woooo go florida! i grew up there and im missing it!....haha but yeah i havent heard about that 10 random facts thread but i will try to find it and do that just for you (;
hey cum2me01

oh really it says that? haha i had no idea all i know how to do so far is reply to people but yeah i guess it would be fair to say that....umm when i was a boy i did some stuff with my best friend..but we were pretty young and pretty horny little guys too hahaha...here with Broke Straight Boys was the first time i had full out sex with a guy yeah
Hi Brandon,

I am a big fan of yours. Your scene with Carter is a favorite of mine! :blush:

From what you've said so far, I'm getting the impression that you aren't filming. Do you have plans for more scenes in the future? I would sure love to see more of you! Maybe see you getting a little of the rock star treatment you are so amazing at serving up. After all, someone should worship you cock the same way you did for Carter. Maybe a Carter Brandon part 2... please?!?!

Dear Brandon,

Thanks for your postings here.
You write in such a way that I feel as if I'm listening to you in conversation
rather than just reading messages. You've captured your spontaneity
and openness well, I think.

I appreciate any and all 'behind-the-scenes' events you care to share
with us here.

All the best,
Hey tampa!

woooo go florida! i grew up there and im missing it!....haha but yeah i havent heard about that 10 random facts thread but i will try to find it and do that just for you (;

I thought so! You have the look of a Florida guy. I get that latino vibe from you that guys in south Florida have. Though you could just as easily live in Tampa. Y hablo espanol tambien. :) Florida misses you too. haha

I've bumped up the 10 Random facts thread for you. It should be near the top of the list under "New Posts".
Hey Brandon. Welcome to the forum. I am just loving the honesty and elaboration of your answers to our questions. Like LoveLumps has mentioned, your scene with Carter was super hot and is one of my favs too. And your scene with Sam was hot, but you are the one who made it happen for me. You were into it and was getting nothing but a big dick from Sam. I guess that is just part of the job for you. I hope to see you soon with a model who can give back your affection. Jason comes to mind, but I'm sure there are others. I absolutely loved your "rambling" first post....was almost like I was laying there beside you listening to your innermost thoughts before going to sleep. Thanks for sharing. Do I detect that you might live alone or do you have a roommate?

Thanks, Brandon, and hope to see and hear much, much more of you soon.
Hi from the UK. Hoped you enjoy our Olympic show, I certainly enjoyed yours.. Who's pole have you vaulted the best lol
Welcome to the Forum, Brandon!

Dear Brandon,

Just like your videos, I am hoping to get to know you better too. I want to say right off that you have a simply beautiful and perfectly proportioned body that is one of the nicest around. Add that to your wonderfully uncut cock and you have a precious difference from most other Broke Straight Boys models that is worthy of this very kissable distinction (with none of the unsightly scaring typical of most cut guys). This is definitely a distinction with a real difference.

I must confess that your spontaneous and effervescent posting style prompted me to review your prior episodes and I have to admit I am in complete awe of you Brandon for how far you have progressed in such a short time. Unlike so many "run-of-the-mill" newbies, when filming you "give it your all", whether you are delicately sucking on a succulent cock or taking a monster cock up the wazoo, with "commendable poise" and a minimum of "feigned dramatics"! To your great merit, you are not playing up to the camera and that makes you so much more the "genuine article" on the set. This may be a site based on fantasy, but the more real you are on the set, the more you will be appreciated by your fans.

No matter what other well-intentioned people do with their chosen profession, those that do their best give it their all, just like you have done, in your episodes. With your positive attitude, I feel you should have a promising career at Broke Straight Boys and the fans to prove it. I find you very special in the manner with which you present yourself during the filming. With that perfect body of yours and your winning personality, I feel you will go far in your endeavors with Broke Straight Boys Count on me as one of your most faithful of fans. Good Luck to you, Brandon, and may your life be filled with endless successes in all that you pursue! Wishing you the very best!

I look forward to seeing you more frequently in "future epsodes" and definitely "keep on posting on the forum". You have that nack that makes others want to see where you are coming from.


Hi Brandon, :welcome: It's always nice to get to know the models. Tampa said it so well, 'the more we know the more we care', and for me that's very true, otherwise you're all a blur of one dimensional young, hot bodies. It's true, from time to time you may read something negative written about yourself, but you have the right attitude in not taking it too seriously. Keep in mind, often negativity or criticism on the forum is more of a sparring game the Forumites enjoy playing (just like a bunch of big kids) rather than a true reflection of the situation... always take note of the smiley/grouchy faces.

BTW. Love your work and hope to see more of you...
Hi Brandon

I assume all is going well with you. I have very much enjoyed your work thus far and look forward to seeing you again. It's always nice when one of the models chooses to share a bit more of their lifes on the forum. On your cam profile your sexual preference is bicurious. Have you dated both men and women? Was you first sexual encounter with a man on this site or in your personal life before Broke Straight Boys? Best wishes.

hey cum2me01

oh really it says that? haha i had no idea all i know how to do so far is reply to people but yeah i guess it would be fair to say that....umm when i was a boy i did some stuff with my best friend..but we were pretty young and pretty horny little guys too hahaha...here with Broke Straight Boys was the first time i had full out sex with a guy yeah

I am starting to think that they are making all the Broke Straight Boys cam profiles say that. Ayden, Jake, Jimmy. Brandon..................

Welcome to the forum Brandon. Your rambling was great, and to answer your question, yes there have been guys that posted a lot of one liners..........but that also holds true for some of us with not enough time to say too much, or those of us with a bit of a sarcastic sense of humor, or those men and women of few words, or, or, or.........

I can't wait to read your "10 Randoms." They tell us soooooo much.:welcome:
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Hi Brandon,

I am a big fan of yours. Your scene with Carter is a favorite of mine! :blush:

From what you've said so far, I'm getting the impression that you aren't filming. Do you have plans for more scenes in the future? I would sure love to see more of you! Maybe see you getting a little of the rock star treatment you are so amazing at serving up. After all, someone should worship you cock the same way you did for Carter. Maybe a Carter Brandon part 2... please?!?!


hey lovelumps!

haha i'm glad u liked it! that scene was the quickest and easiest for me...oh and just between you and me, i kinda would rather suck that be sucked !...especially since i had my pants on cause i didnt have to worry about getting hard and got to focus on sucking the fuck out of carter's big warm juicy cock! hahaha this rock star treatment sounds nice though! :)..but yeah honestly dont think of it as a punishment or anything like that..idk if you do but im pretty sure more than one person has made a comment about that scene being "unfair" etc. but for real i probably wouldnt have had it any other way lol...i didnt get too much time to get to know carter but he seems like a cool guy..im pretty sure he told me he has a girlfriend haha....but to answer ur question no i am not scheduled for any more scenes that i know of and i have no control over that...if you really want me to do a specific scene im not the guy to ask and to be honest im not even sure who is....but anyway thanks for looking out for me but again just between u and me...i get enough head in my real life anyway (;
Dear Brandon,

Thanks for your postings here.
You write in such a way that I feel as if I'm listening to you in conversation
rather than just reading messages. You've captured your spontaneity
and openness well, I think.

dear tangogent,

thanks im just being myself...hate fake people....dude i will tell you all the gossip! chad would not stop checking out my ass!!!!.....haha JK!! not trying to start any drama but yeah i will tell you whatever i think is interesting or funny as soon as it happens!!! (;