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Hello everyone!!


Aug 15, 2011
Reaction score
Baltimore, Maryland
I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say a general hello to everybody! I'm on the website a lot so i figure why not join the forum and connect with my fellow viewers!!:newhere:
Welcome to the forum Mark! :welcome:

Since you are already a fan of the site it's a great idea to join in more of the fun and discuss your takes on things with us. You might consider posting on the 10 Random Facts thread to give yourself a little bit of an introduction, as well as to read some of the info about the rest of us in here. :)
Welcome to the forum, Mark! I can see from your avatar, that we will get along very well. Not that I am the biggest CHAD:001_wub: fan ever, but...........

I agree with Tampa, please post on the "10 Random Things About You" thread, so we can all learn what quirks we share with you.:w00t::welcome:
You can only be new once!

Dear Mark121288,

Welcome to the forum!:blushing: Happy to see your shining face!:welcome: Think of yourself as one of the gang!:smiley-sex022:


Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to conversing with all of you! Just filled out the ten facts list...thats only the beginning to my many layers :)
Layers are a very good thing. I guess we will have to start peeling them away.......
Welcome to the forum. It is always great to add another member to the forum family!!

Hi, Mark!

Welcome, Mark! It's always great to have a new perspective on the goings-on on the site and the forums. ENJOY!:welcome:
Welcome Mark! It is so good to have another person join the forum! I find that watching porn is great, but as you are cleaning up, talking about it is almost as good as "another round!" So feel free, or feel yourself, then feel free to talk about the things that "do it for you!" See you on the forum.
Mark. Welcome aboard. You should have a great time on the forum. It provides many opinions. It's great to see everyone's own perspective and I look forward to reading yours. Cheers and best wishes.

Welcome to forumland. Thanks for filling out your "10 Random Facts". I admire that you kayak, I could never. It is nice to see a young person here. AS many of us here are older, expect that we will have many differences of opinion, but don't let that deter you. And while we don't always agree, we do enjoy reading someone else's views on, well, everything. Hope you have a great time!
yes, welcome Mark! I'm relatively a newbie, too. Haven't the list yet!!
Hey mark hope you enjoy being on the forum, great people on here, and everyone is entitled to there own opinion at least that's how I feel try not to argue with anyone :p
Hi Mark, Welcome to the forum. Iam looking forward to reading your post. Hope you enjoy expressing your opinions here.