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Happy Thanksgiving


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I know today is only Wednesday but in case anyone is going away or will be too busy to check in the forum on Thursday, I want to wish everyone who reads and participates on the forum a very happy Thanksgiving. It is probably my favorite holiday as it has no religious affiliations and is something that all Americans can celebrate and enjoy. If you are going to be with family or loved ones enjoy and if you will be by yourselves that is cool too. It is a good day to chill and reflect on past Thanksgivings at different points in our lives too.

I can get very frustrated with Broke Straight Boys, as the times and the models and the scenes change, and sometimes with my fellow forumites as well, but this forum has been my primary internet home for over eight years and I do love this place and my on line family here as well. I miss many of the former members, but life is constantly changing and I do cherish the good friends currently on the forum, both long time friends and new ones as well. :tongue:

I hope everyone has a marvelous wonderful Thanksgving!!!!

You post about scenes early so why not holidays as well!! lololololol I do love to tease you buddy....
Happy "Thanks-for-Giving" to the Staff of Broke Straight Boys for giving us a platform from which we can play, laugh and at times cry. A special thanks to the members for allowing our little "family" to flourish in our unique existence.

I also ask all of you to take some time this season to think of the victims and survivors of the Pulse. It is through their sacrifice that I now walk taller and more proud of being the man I am.

:athxg: Happy Thanksgiving To One and All !! :athxg:
May all of you have much to be thankful for now and much more in the year to come. I'm especially thankful to Buckeye for all those wonderful pictures. That is something we can all be grateful for. Thanks, Buckeye.
Hope everyone has a great holiday (US). For the rest, just another day to "gobble gobble!"
May all of you have much to be thankful for now and much more in the year to come. I'm especially thankful to Buckeye for all those wonderful pictures. That is something we can all be grateful for. Thanks, Buckeye.
You're a sweet young man and if I were about 95 years younger, I would probably stalk you. Now that's something for which to be thankful! lololol :smiley-love001:
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May all of you have much to be thankful for now and much more in the year to come. I'm especially thankful to Buckeye for all those wonderful pictures. That is something we can all be grateful for. Thanks, Buckeye.

You're a sweet young man and if I were about 95 years younger, I would probably stalk you. Now that's something for which to be thankful! lololol :smiley-love001:
Me too. :smiley-love021:Maybe 30 years though.lol