Great story Pete. We don't have Thanksgiving in the UK so what your describing usually happens around Christmas cos Turkey and the trimmings or fixings as you guys say is the main staple of a Christmas dinner here, although roast beef is a close second. It reminds me of a story that happened to me a few years back at Christmas time. My partner and I usually go up to see his family at either Christmas or New Year depending on work. Anyway that year we had to work so went up for New Year. His Mum since I can remember always did the New Years day dinner but when we arrived she had come down with a really heavy cold and wasn't well enough to do it, so my partner volunteered me to do it, I wouldn't say I am up to chef standard but I am a pretty good cook and tend to do all my meals from scratch, rarely making it from a packet or ready made. Now usually I cook only for the two of us and at the most six if friends come over for dinner. So I started to put a list together of ingredients to buy etc. I said to my partner ask your Mum how many people I will be catering for, assuming because she was ill it would just be the three of us. Ten minutes later he came sheepishly back into the kitchen to say she had rung round to his family to say although she was ill dinner was still on as I was cooking and they could all come. 35 people came that day and I don't think I have every worked so hard over a holiday period however they all enjoyed it and no one went hungry. Mind I did have words with my partner after about not volunteering me for dinner duty again lol