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Happy Mother's Day


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
Beth is the only actual mother that I'm aware of on the forum, but I do know that many read the forum who do not participate so to Beth and any other mothers, have a wonderful day.

I lost my mom many years ago, but obviously I still think of her most every day and particularly today as well as her birthday. It is said that gay men have a particularly strong bond with our mom's but whatever the case, if you folks still have your mother's, I hope you get to spend some time today either on the phone or in person.

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Nice thread mike...I sure miss mine..If You Have One Call..Cause when there gone.
There is a big empty space in your heart. Happy Mothers Day...
Unfortnuately my Mom is still on earth but her mind is elsewhere, far away. The last time I called her she threw the phone down and said she didn't know who that strange man was on the phone. She has no recollection of nor recognizes any of her family members.

Linda and I are going to Walmart this afternoon to shop for our Grandson's birthday. When we get done we are going to a Mexican restaurant to help her celebrate this day. After all, she is the mother of our children.

BTW - The reason we are going to a Mexican restaurant is because that is where my mom always loved to go on Mother's Day. It was a tradition.
Another interesting thing about this day. During the years I sang at the Metropolitan Community Church I had custody of my children. The single Dads of the congregation were also celebrated on this day for being the mom and dad at home. During the service, all the dads and moms along with our children were called up to the front of the church. Our families received a blessing and each one of us were given a white rose. The same ceremony was also presented on Father's Day.

It is getting late. I said Linda and I were going shopping, so I better sign off and get myself ready to go.

Have a great day, everyone.

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Happy Mother's Day!

Just got back. This was taken earlier at the restaurant.

Oh. The food looks yummy Louis! :) I love Mexican!

From the amount of daylight, I'm guessing you played it smart and went there during lunchtime or later afternoon, rather than the peak dinner rush. lol :)
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Fortunately I still have my mom with me. And we are close. For Mother's Day she wanted to see flowers. So I took her to St. Petersburg's Sunken Gardens. My sister and aunt who are both moms themselves, joined us later and I treated everyone to some awesome Chinese take-out. Not only would it have been more expensive for us all to eat out at a restaurant, but all of the better restaurants closest to us are jam packed on Mothers' Days with long lines and long wait times. Because of that, the servers are trying to gently rush you through your meal and push you along out the door. So Chinese it was! lol
Oh. The food looks yummy Louis! :) I love Mexican!

From the amount of daylight, I'm guessing you played it smart and went there during lunchtime or later afternoon, rather than the peak dinner rush. lol :)

How ironic. I had Chinese take out last night. As for our Sunday outing, we got there around 5:00 p.m. just before the dinner rush. It was not the sun light that lit up the room. It was our beautiful 19 y/o Cuban server that lit the room. Not only was he beautiful to look at, but he had the most charming and friendly personality. He said he came here 2 years ago and has a girlfriend who goes to USF. I asked him if he ever desired to go back to Cuba to visit now that the tide between the two countries was changing. He said, "No, I love it here, I love my girlfriend and I love America." He brightened our day.