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Happy Mother's Day!!!


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I want to wish a very joyful Mother's Day to the ladies of the forum who are mother's, particularly to my good friend Ms. Kienna.

To all my fellow forumite's who are lucky enough to still have your mother's with them, have a great day with your Mom's, in person or on the phone.

There is no love like the bond between a mother and child. Have a wonderful day to all who celebrate today! :par50:
A fitting tribute on Mother's Day

I want to wish a very joyful Mother's Day to the ladies of the forum who are mother's, particularly to my good friend Ms. Kienna.

To all my fellow forumite's who are lucky enough to still have your mother's with them, have a great day with your Mom's, in person or on the phone.

There is no love like the bond between a mother and child. Have a wonderful day to all who celebrate today!

Dear Mikeyank,

There is always someone in the crowd that has to spoil everything for everybody and remind us that we are only "HUMAN" afterall. As a consequence in keeping with Mother's Day, I would like to award Mikeyank with the following commendation as our WORTHY AND WELL-QUALIFIED "Honorary Mother(explicative deleted of course!)"

If you were only Catholic like me, I would gladly recognize you as our "Mother Superior-Broke Straight Boys", but alas, that is not the case! ALL THAT I AM LEFT WITH IS "OUR HONORARY FORUM MOTHER (OR MOM)", WHATEVER YOUR NAME PREFERENCE MAY BE!

All Hail the Forum Mom with all of our :e020: Our heart of :hearts: are saying :thankyou: 4 everything and hurray:999: to you for this major non-surgically induced life-accomplishment, Mike!



P.S. All kidding/bullying aside, we give ALL DUE HONOR AND PRAISE on this day to ALL THE WOMEN that were there for us, through BOTH the "good" and the "bad" times!

For those of you who still have your Mom.... make everyday "Mother's Day".
I miss my Mom alot and there isn't a day goes by that I don't remember how wonderful she was. I will always love her.
Seriously speaking...

For those of you who still have your Mom.... make everyday "Mother's Day".
I miss my Mom alot and there isn't a day goes by that I don't remember how wonderful she was. I will always love her.

Dear erikthbod,

I, too, lost my mother some 12 years ago and I share with you feelings of personal loss as she, too, was wonderful and only gave me her unconditional love. I feel very blessed to have had her for a mother and doubly fortunate she was around for 52 years into my life.

Like you, I will always love her too! I hope this will be a special day of remembering her special moments given to you!


Thanks Stimpy.. I knew I wasn't the only guy in the world that felt that way... thanks for letting me know I was right.
For those of you who still have your Mom.... make everyday "Mother's Day".
I miss my Mom alot and there isn't a day goes by that I don't remember how wonderful she was. I will always love her.
Erik, my mother passed, over 28 years ago, and I feel the same way as you do.
Dear Mikeyank,

There is always someone in the crowd that has to spoil everything for everybody and remind us that we are only "HUMAN" afterall. As a consequence in keeping with Mother's Day, I would like to award Mikeyank with the following commendation as our WORTHY AND WELL-QUALIFIED "Honorary Mother(explicative deleted of course!)"

If you were only Catholic like me, I would gladly recognize you as our "Mother Superior-Broke Straight Boys", but alas, that is not the case! ALL THAT I AM LEFT WITH IS "OUR HONORARY FORUM MOTHER (OR MOM)", WHATEVER YOUR NAME PREFERENCE MAY BE!

All Hail the Forum Mom with all of our :e020: Our heart of :hearts: are saying :thankyou: 4 everything and hurray:999: to you for this major non-surgically induced life-accomplishment, Mike!



P.S. All kidding/bullying aside, we give ALL DUE HONOR AND PRAISE on this day to ALL THE WOMEN that were there for us, through BOTH the "good" and the "bad" times!

Thank you Stimpy, (I think)

But I guess as I am "my mother's son", I will take it as a complement.
My love goes out to my fellow Broke Straight Boys buds who have lost their "Dear Mothers". I'm so fortunate to have my Mom alive and still telling me "don't forget to do your dishes", something she knows I hate (no dishwasher). My Mom has always been a honest, caring, critical, loving and faithful Friend. We talk every other day or so and I never take for granted this gift. I got her on FB at 74yo and she loves the casino games and the contact with the rest of her huge family. Like most of you guys I am a Mama's boy, but me being gay I think she gave me preference over my brothers, but in return I got my ass kicked more from my brothers. So all in all a even trade.
You are the one and only...

Thank you Stimpy, (I think)

But I guess as I am "my mother's son", I will take it as a complement.

Dear "Forum Mom", aka Mikeyank,

You know this was meant to be purely harmless FUN:par50: and no more than that! With all due respect for your own mother, this was created out of genuine affection for you, just like a first grader uses their half-eaten & sticky Elmer's Glue bottle to create their mother a personalized Mother's Day card, smudges and all.

How could it ever be mean spirited or dubvious, especially when you have never ever been anything less than being generous and supportive to me, like a brand new out-of-the-box unstretched(over-sized) and fresh smelling(thanks in big part to Febreze Air Freshener) jock strap! Hats off :clown: to you, Mikeyank!

:truce: Please! I never meant to :runyouover:! Sincerely,

Dear "Forum Mom", aka Mikeyank,

You know this was meant to be purely harmless FUN:par50: and no more than that! With all due respect for your own mother, this was created out of genuine affection for you, just like a first grader uses their half-eaten & sticky Elmer's Glue bottle to create their mother a personalized Mother's Day card, smudges and all.

How could it ever be mean spirited or dubvious, especially when you have never ever been anything less than being generous and supportive to me, like a brand new out-of-the-box unstretched(over-sized) and fresh smelling(thanks in big part to Febreze Air Freshener) jock strap! Hats off :clown: to you, Mikeyank!

:truce: Please! I never meant to :runyouover:! Sincerely,

No offence was taken Stimpy. I was never wished a Happy Mother's Day before, although I have been called a "mother.........." at times in my life, but if you look at me as a "den mother" of sorts on the forum, I certainly accept your good wishes.

I know what a big heart you have Stimpy. Although on occasion you roar like a lion, I know that you are in fact as gentle as a lamb.

In all seriousness, I really appreciated your seasonal greeting yesterday.

You are one of the unique gems of this forum that keeps me here, week in, week out, even when the porn is not exactly what I signed up for. Great folks like you and my many other friends are what makes this forum on this site so special to me.
Thank you, Mikey, for the Happy Mother's Day wishes. My day was great. My little man was good to me, and I got some time in with my own mom ad well.
Mike is like the cat's meow!

No offence was taken Stimpy. I was never wished a Happy Mother's Day before, although I have been called a "mother.........." at times in my life, but if you look at me as a "den mother" of sorts on the forum, I certainly accept your good wishes.

I know what a big heart you have Stimpy. Although on occasion you roar like a lion, I know that you are in fact as gentle as a lamb.

In all seriousness, I really appreciated your seasonal greeting yesterday.

You are one of the unique gems of this forum that keeps me here, week in, week out, even when the porn is not exactly what I signed up for. Great folks like you and my many other friends are what makes this forum on this site so special to me.

Dear Mikeyank,

WOW............................................Your comments made this old lion lose its roar. Don't fret, however, it will return I am sure! It's just like death and taxes! Actually, I find your glowing comments very sweet indeed! All this old lion can say is :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: I aim to please, occasionally!


Stimpy, the Lion Hearted
A Belated Mother's Day wish

Dear Ms. Kianna,

I want to apologize for my negligence in not sending you my :e020: for a Happy Mother's Day sooner. I guess I got too distracted announcing that Mikeyank was our reigning "FORUM MOM. There is no telling what I am capable of these days!:confused1:

As one Educator to another, I sincerely hope your Mother's Day was nothing short of wonderful for you!


This really has no purpose, but just a silly story that happened to me several years ago for Mother's Day that I thought I would share with you.

I went to work on the Friday before Mother's Day to find a beautiful arrangement of flowers on my desk that all of the empoyees of my company had sent me. Inside was a card that read "To the biggest Mother of them all". I hadn't realized that I was so loved.

Happy belated Mother's Day to all the mothers of the forum....you really are special.