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Happy Birthday Parisnoyd


Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas TX
Happy Birthday mate! I hope you had a great day with lots of good stuff :)
Tell us what you did :)

Happy Birthday Paris :waw::waw:
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Thank you, guys!

Let's see. GF left a message on the land line, the cell phone, and my work voice mail. There is a reason her sister is a professional singer and she is not! Emails and cards/calls from friends and family. More women than men. Figures. Went to the farm tonight, and my mare gave me a fart. Sweet! The kids there gave me 12 tomatoes, an apple, and a rock! Nice day! I have no complaints! You guys are the best!

Thank you, guys!

Let's see. GF left a message on the land line, the cell phone, and my work voice mail. There is a reason her sister is a professional singer and she is not! Emails and cards/calls from friends and family. More women than men. Figures. Went to the farm tonight, and my mare gave me a fart. Sweet! The kids there gave me 12 tomatoes, an apple, and a rock! Nice day! I have no complaints! You guys are the best!



Happy Birthday! Consider yourself pinched! And if you stop spoiling your lovely mare with so many sweets, she might not fart on you (like that's going to happen! Horses fart!)

All my love and best on your special day.
Happy BirthdayParisnoyd! best of luck to you on this day. hope you get everything you want heh :tongue_smilie:
Better late then never. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Paris. Huggs and kisses
Kia Ora Paris


Hope you had an awesome day

Down the beers and have some fun

Paris, Happy Birthday Baby. Best wishes for many healthy fillyfarts to come.
Thank you, guys! I really appreciate all the Birthday wishes!

I've been pinched, hugged and kissed! Don't get much better than that! :biggrin:

There seems to be a flatulence theme here. LOL! Fillyfarts! Thanks, Slim. I'm going to find a way to use that term at the farm! LOL!

Special thanks to Stephane for starting this thread! :001_smile:
Happy Birthday Parris:waw:

Shit, I'm really late. Apologise from the UK but I dont often visit the non membership site section. So happy birthday Paris. Big kisses from Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK xxxx
Paris, I know this Happy Birthday Greeting is coming to you late, but from what I have read, sounds as if you had a great day.
Happy Belated Birthday,