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Haggard is Bisexual?


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Finally! We have a new definition of ROTFLMFAO! Ted Haggard has suggested that if he were 21 years old, he might be considered as being Bisexual! REALLY? Ya Think, preacherman? Was that boyfriend who outed you your first clue?

Ya really gotta wonder about some of the people we call Leaders in our society!:lol:
Finally! We have a new definition of ROTFLMFAO! Ted Haggard has suggested that if he were 21 years old, he might be considered as being Bisexual! REALLY? Ya Think, preacherman? Was that boyfriend who outed you your first clue?

Ya really gotta wonder about some of the people we call Leaders in our society!:lol:

ROFLMO Thank you. I agree with her Majesty. I guess that all of our leaders cannot be a regal as her Majesty Marky Mark...:biggrin:
Boy is Ted ever Bi

To paraphrase Ann Richards taunt towards George W about..."he can't help it, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth"!

For Ted Haggard somewhat along the same lines, one would have to say about Ted Haggard..."he can't help it, he was born with a male prostitute's silver cock in his mouth"! No doubt because silver is supposed to keep away evil spirits.

Maybe it needs to be more than silver plate, however.LOL

Sincerely, Truth Hurts, Don't It,

Cumrag27 (Ted already commandered the previous 26 editions)
Bi rating scale and other unanswered mysteries

Just like the return on the monthly tithe in the collection plate, so too is it difficult to predict the exact placement on the ever fluid sliding scale with the extremes being either Gay or Straight and Bi(shaded gray) falling somewhere between the two extremes. Even the latest gaydar with the latest updates fails when it comes to determing just how "Bi" the prospective sexual partner may be. Also, depending on their mood or their last couplings, this degree of Gay/Bi/Straight is rarely fixed nor remains constant 24/7/365. Furthermore, how Bi do you have to be (percentage wise) to cross over this elusive threshold line delving into another same sexed person's nether-regions?

Wouldn't it be nice for once to have an electrode implanted in everybody in perhaps an ear lobe signaling one's true leanings at the moment?


And today we learn that one of the leading gay rights supporters in Pakistan has been assassinated because he was gay. Using religion as a shield to defend one's actions is a heinous as it gets!
And today we learn that one of the leading gay rights supporters in Pakistan has been assassinated because he was gay. Using religion as a shield to defend one's actions is a heinous as it gets!

This applies equally to all of the human race throughout the ages, not just one specific faith of today:-
These types people don't truly believe in their own faith, they only use parts of their faith to justify in their own minds their hypocrisy.
He was the head of one of those Mega-Churches,right wing, virulent anti-gay. All the things we hate most in a neat little package, until a male prostitute told the world he had been playing with Haggard's package. Preacher man was forced to step down in disgrace. Unless you were making reference to the activist in Pakistan? I do not recall his name. BBC and CNN both ran stories on it though.
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Self-righteous preachers are just despicable as gay Nazis. Lots of German WW1 veterans who also happen to be gay helped Hitler into power. Their reward: the gas ovens. Ted Haggard knew he was playing with fire when he made his money bashing GLBTT people with the Bible. Now his reward is ridicule and infamy.
Beyond the infamy...

Self-righteous preachers are just despicable as gay Nazis. Lots of German WW1 veterans who also happen to be gay helped Hitler into power. Their reward: the gas ovens. Ted Haggard knew he was playing with fire when he made his money bashing GLBTT people with the Bible. Now his reward is ridicule and infamy.

Dear Angelone,

What is worse yet, is the disgrace and distrust be brought to his many followers and the disgrace to one of the most potentially nobelest of professions - dedicated in principle to lifting up mankind and faithfully guiding their flock by exhibiting behavior consistent to their teachings and the will of God according to the Bible. Honesty was his first victim in both his religious message and his potentially Christ-like career. But, this is not the road he chose to travel on, rather it was the "Hypocrisy Highway" instead.

While no one likes obvious hypocrisy, it is specifically dispised by those most readily influenced, namely the young! It totally negates whatever positive message he was attempting to convey. What a shameful total lack of example for a "religious leader" and follower of Christ to set for his nationwide congregation.

I must remind us all, as more moderate religious leaders often state..."Hate the sin and not the sinner". As dispicable as Haggard might appear to have been, we are all sinners and we must show Haggard the "forgiveness" our faith demands from us even though he was "verbally unwilling to express himself honestly" before his own flock prior to his fall from grace.

