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Had dinner with Patrick and.....


Nov 29, 2008
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I was in Phoenix yesterday for a meeting at the capitol complex, so I arranged to meet Patrick, Derek and Johnny.

We met at Macayo's mexican restaurant off of I-10. Pat and Johnny had just finished helping a friend move. Pat kept apologizing for being sweaty and dirty, but nothing can mask the sexiness of that man. Johnny was his usual bouncy self. Derek had just come from school, wearing his Broke Straight Boys black t-shirt. Damn is he didn't look hot!

We talked and laughed for over two hours. We made our way out into the parking lot and chatted some more. I took the opportunity to move in front of Johnny pull his shorts out and grab a pic. Didn't leave Derek out either.

I absolutely love those guys!


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Thanks for sharing the update and the pics Jayce! You lucky man! And don't worry Patrick. I can look past a few smudges and dust to see the gem underneath. :001_tt1: The fact that Patrick and Johnny give of their time to help a friend move just makes them all the more attrractive in my book.
Paree, tampa and ina,

Ain't it a bitch being me?:thumbup: The boys weren't on the clock either....... so they weren't "working".
Guess I made some friends :waw:

BTW ina, they are almost thru on the freeway downtown and out to marana (4 lanes each way 65mph downtown, then down to 3 lanes 65mph. They are expanding the free way north of marana up to Picacho Peak to 3 lanes as well. But they are just dicking around with that right now.

Thanks for sharing. I am glad you had the opportunity to meet with the guys again. They are all very sweet. The fact that they take the time out to meet with a member says a lot about their kindness and their dedication to Broke Straight Boys and their fans...:thumbup:
Paree, tampa and ina,

Ain't it a bitch being me?:thumbup: The boys weren't on the clock either....... so they weren't "working".
Guess I made some friends :waw:

BTW ina, they are almost thru on the freeway downtown and out to marana (4 lanes each way 65mph downtown, then down to 3 lanes 65mph. They are expanding the free way north of marana up to Picacho Peak to 3 lanes as well. But they are just dicking around with that right now.

Jayce I haven't know you long but I can tell you that you could pretty much make friends anywhere you go. You are honest, sincere, very real and down to earth for the most part. You have a kind and loving spirit for everyone. I believe that friendships will always find you. LOL :thumbup:

Sylvia Brown once took a question on the Montel show. (I believe it was, I could be mistaken) Anyway, a woman stood up and said, "I am almost 70 years old. Will ever meet a true friend."

Sylvia said, "No, because you aren't one." " You have to bee one before you will ever find one."

Bless your heart and thank you for being you.:thumbup:
I I took the opportunity to move in front of Johnny pull his shorts out and grab a pic. Didn't leave Derek out either.

I absolutely love those guys!

Jayce, how in the world do you do it. I would be to big a chicken to just walk up and pull their shorts down. How in heck do you do it. If I tired it I would be laying there with fist inprints on my forehead. Haul off with my nose and hit that sucker right square in the fist. Well I better go back to atending my eggs with the rest of the flock.
I think you are one lucky guy. I am not privaledged to know you as well as some of the people on the forum but to be honest from the posts I have read from others and yourself I cannot think of a guy more deserving to get to spend time with the lads.

They are awesome pics aswell and you are very cool for sharing them. I have to ask is that a tongue piercing that Derek is showing there....? haha trying to convince everyone that I did not just focus on the last 2 pics :scared:
Jayman, Wantto and dearest Denny Bear:

Jayman: Thanks you and I am learning from the master......you!

Wantto: Yes he has a tongue piercing. We were talking about one of my english friends who has accessories that go on the piercing to enhance the experience if you get my drift. His Birthday is coming up so I may be doing some shopping!!!!!!

Denny Bear: It's easy with these guys. Derek even raised his shirt so I could get to his waistband. Plus I am a forward old queen!

And to everyone: I feel privileged to be able to bring you reports and pics. The boys know that I will be posting and we try to be very clear as to what is fit for public consumption and what is not. I am so bowled over by these guys! My hubbie just rolls his eyes.
Hey there Jayce......thanks for confirming the tongue piercing.
I had not noticed that he had that before..maybe he doesn't wear it for the shoots lol.
I certainly do catch your drift about the "accessories" you can buy to enirch the experience haha ....they are pretty good indeed (speaking from experience:drool:) and with his birthday coming up I think you should go shopping!!!!! It will make him very popular indeed, well more so than he already is!!!

I think that these guys are awesome, the fact that they are happy for you to take cheeky pics of them and that they even invite you to do so. That aside though the fact that you get to hang out with them is great. Mind you I think from what I have read they are pretty lucky to get to hang out with you too.

I am planning my first trip to the the US next year and I am just hoping that I can get to one of the clubs that these boys are at to meet them, haha Kiwi on tour!!! wahoooooo

Haha althernatively I think that they should head down here to New Zealand......aaahhh wishful thinking lol!!:w00t:
I certainly do catch your drift about the "accessories" you can buy to enirch the experience haha ....they are pretty good indeed (speaking from experience:drool:)

I'm not sure what you mean. Why don't you explain it to us? :biggrin: :w00t:
Hahaha Tampa.....I think you know exactly what I mean!!!.....Let us just say that the addition of said "accessories" attached to a tongue piercing can hit just the right spot...hehe...of course I can be much more graphically specific buddy if you need me to be :drool: you know me ;-)
Hey there Jayce......thanks for confirming the tongue piercing.
I had not noticed that he had that before..maybe he doesn't wear it for the shoots lol.
I certainly do catch your drift about the "accessories" you can buy to enirch the experience haha ....they are pretty good indeed (speaking from experience:drool:) and with his birthday coming up I think you should go shopping!!!!! It will make him very popular indeed, well more so than he already is!!!

I think that these guys are awesome, the fact that they are happy for you to take cheeky pics of them and that they even invite you to do so. That aside though the fact that you get to hang out with them is great. Mind you I think from what I have read they are pretty lucky to get to hang out with you too.

I am planning my first trip to the the US next year and I am just hoping that I can get to one of the clubs that these boys are at to meet them, haha Kiwi on tour!!! wahoooooo

Haha althernatively I think that they should head down here to New Zealand......aaahhh wishful thinking lol!!:w00t:


If you are coming over then plan a trip to Phoenix. We can try to arrange a meeting up there with Pat, Johnny and Derek (and maybe Aleck). Of course it would have to be a weekday as they are usually out of town on weekends!

Think about it and let me know..........:tongue_smilie:
Hey Jayce

wow that would be absolutley awesome to meet not just the guys but you as well. Well I will be over there for about 6 weeks, possibly 8 weeks...basically I am starting in New York and then taking a bit of a Tiki tour across the country. I still have to decide when in the year I am coming and sort the details but wow that would be so cool.........Kiwi On Tour indeed!!!!

Planning to see as much as possible in the time that I am over there. Will be great to have that much time off from work and see all of the places that I have only heard about. Will be my first trip to the US

I am sure that I could work Phoenix into my trip without too much difficulty lol!! not too much difficulty at all......wahoooo!!!

You rock dude!!!
Hey Jayce

wow that would be absolutley awesome to meet not just the guys but you as well. Well I will be over there for about 6 weeks, possibly 8 weeks...basically I am starting in New York and then taking a bit of a Tiki tour across the country. I still have to decide when in the year I am coming and sort the details but wow that would be so cool.........Kiwi On Tour indeed!!!!

Planning to see as much as possible in the time that I am over there. Will be great to have that much time off from work and see all of the places that I have only heard about. Will be my first trip to the US

I am sure that I could work Phoenix into my trip without too much difficulty lol!! not too much difficulty at all......wahoooo!!!

You rock dude!!!

Now you're getting there. You see with Pat and the boys, dreams really do come true!