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Getting Sued


Well-known Member
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County, CA

Sorry I have not been around much. I've been quite occupied. I'm being sued by my City, from two ends, no less.

The first suit is against the homeowners association, of which I am the President. It deals with the parking within our complex. In a nut shell, they want us to eliminate most of our angle parking for parallel parking to reestablish a 24' road to get into/out of our complex. We have had this current parking since before the City annex this land over 30 years ago. If not in compliance within 30 days the fine is $500 per day of non-compliance and/or 6 months jail time per day.

Suit #2 is against my unit. Many units in our complex have at one time or another converted their garage into a room. So I have a letter suing me to convert my garage into a garage, even thought it is a garage, has always been a garage and there are no plans to make the garage or convert the garage into anything but a garage. This had been communicated some three years ago when this whole stupid mess started. So on Monday I will have a representative of the City Planning Department inspect my garage to confirm it is a garage. So I've spend some quality time cleaning the garage and carport to show them that I can park a car in both. If they really walk the garage and inspect it, they will find a non-permitted Dryer in it and , well who knows what I will have to do. That's how I purchased it.

Last Wed. at our regular Board meeting we were meeting with our attorneys. We had standing room only of, shall we say, un-happy owners.
As our attorneys pointed out they can only defend the Association and its suit. The Garages belong to the homeowners and each homeowners needs to act independently, hiring their own lawyer, if needed. Some owners wanted to sue the Board of Directors for allowing this to happen (a third suit from another end)? Any and all the agreements go back over 25 years ago.

So, could this be the end of Vicekid? Will Vicekid be a Jailbird? Will I get conjugal visits? Inquiring minds want to know. HELL, I WANT TO KNOW THAT!!!!!!!

So there you have it.


i will be there for you on the conjugal visit days...good luck with all your bad luck
visekid, I'm so sorry to here about all this but I'm sure you will come out on top in the end. How long have you been board praz. Were you on the board at the time the agreement's were made to convert the garage's? Let us know when visiting hours are, I'll stop by and pick up N2DP2QT, and we'll be for ya. Good luck.


The force will always be with you...... Damn, what a mess! :mad: Having been on Homeowner boards (even as Prez) I can't imagine the stress you must be under. Please take care of yourself. We will charter jets to come and see you for conjugal visits. I am sure that an OCD member can set up a schedule so that you'll be getting so much sex that the rest of your day won't matter! We'll wear your willy down to nothing in no time!

Yes the washer might pose a problem when the planning guy comes. And I am not sure how CA stands but usually even if the association gives permission for an alteration, it is still the Homeowner's responsibility to obtain any permits needed. I am sure that that info will fall on deaf ears but it is true all the same.

Does your Association carry Insurance for the Board? I hope so.

Keep us posted and know that we care for you!

OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhh i once made a comment about my prob not liking Jail sex..... our queen mother messaged me ........ with a its not so bad as long as you remeber to say thank you afterwards ............ Dont ask me how she knows........ i have no idea..

And i was to nice to ask lmao

Soooooooo i quess the moral to this story is ........ always remember the manners your mother taught you ........ and you should be fine lol
Hey Vicekid,

I'm really sorry to here all the problems you're facing right now. Please let us know how it all plays out. We are here for you. Best of luck to you my friend.
Round one is complete. Advantage Vicekid.

After waiting an hour longer than expected the inspector arrived, or should I say inspectors. 4 of them from the City. We were all at one neighbors townhome when they arrived. I watch and observed and new my friend had lots to do.

Then it was off to my unit. The carport was as its been, a car could rest there. Then I open the door, which really does work. The Code inspector noted this was indeed in better shape the ones he had previous visited. He noted that I would have to remove the carpet (a cheap thin indoor/outdoor carpet) as it is a fire hazard. No problem. The the building inspector walk in and started to question me about a door at the back of the garage (a storage area under my staircase). He thought that was where my water heater was. No it is in the house. He did not notice the dryer nor the pipes and exited the garage. the only other note was to move back my extra dresser to make the garage wide towards the back. No problem. the dresser was in that location as to hide the dryer. Which it did.

Now all I have to do is make those minor changes, have them come back and ,

I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​

However, the Dog and Pony show is not quite that simple. So as not to create any new issues, I will have to remove the dryer for the next visit, so it won't be seen, and then replace it once they are gone.

Round two will be inspection #2.

Round three is the City vs. the Association - our first response will be the end of the month. Will keep you posted.

Yes all the Board members are protected under an umbrella policy. I've been president for almost 15 years. Both the Board and membership feel I am doing a good job and don't want to change. Part of that is rewarding, but there are times I thing it might be good to see some change. I take great pride in trying to be fair and objective on all issues and getting the Board members to work together.

All the issue at question happened years before I live here/worked on the Board.

And as for the those conjugal visits, someone said that in Calif. the hours for gay visits are from 12:01 am-12:11am. If so, I will have to go back to the Revolutionary War and become:




Sorry I have not been around much. I've been quite occupied. I'm being sued by my City, from two ends, no less.

The first suit is against the homeowners association, of which I am the President. It deals with the parking within our complex. In a nut shell, they want us to eliminate most of our angle parking for parallel parking to reestablish a 24' road to get into/out of our complex. We have had this current parking since before the City annex this land over 30 years ago. If not in compliance within 30 days the fine is $500 per day of non-compliance and/or 6 months jail time per day.

Suit #2 is against my unit. Many units in our complex have at one time or another converted their garage into a room. So I have a letter suing me to convert my garage into a garage, even thought it is a garage, has always been a garage and there are no plans to make the garage or convert the garage into anything but a garage. This had been communicated some three years ago when this whole stupid mess started. So on Monday I will have a representative of the City Planning Department inspect my garage to confirm it is a garage. So I've spend some quality time cleaning the garage and carport to show them that I can park a car in both. If they really walk the garage and inspect it, they will find a non-permitted Dryer in it and , well who knows what I will have to do. That's how I purchased it.

Last Wed. at our regular Board meeting we were meeting with our attorneys. We had standing room only of, shall we say, un-happy owners.
As our attorneys pointed out they can only defend the Association and its suit. The Garages belong to the homeowners and each homeowners needs to act independently, hiring their own lawyer, if needed. Some owners wanted to sue the Board of Directors for allowing this to happen (a third suit from another end)? Any and all the agreements go back over 25 years ago.

So, could this be the end of Vicekid? Will Vicekid be a Jailbird? Will I get conjugal visits? Inquiring minds want to know. HELL, I WANT TO KNOW THAT!!!!!!!

So there you have it.



Sound like everyone needs to spend less time with attorneys and more time compromising to meet the city's needs and those of the home owners. Seems like the only people making any money here are the attorneys. Anyway, It should be stipulated some where the extent of the association's authority and certainly the board od directors cannot be held responsible for errors in judgement made expost facto by the city. Looks liek I need plan some visits to CA for your congugal visits if thing get any rougher. Bless your heart for fighting the good fight. Hang in there everything will work out in the end.
Round one is complete. Advantage Vicekid.

After waiting an hour longer than expected the inspector arrived, or should I say inspectors. 4 of them from the City. We were all at one neighbors townhome when they arrived. I watch and observed and new my friend had lots to do.

Then it was off to my unit. The carport was as its been, a car could rest there. Then I open the door, which really does work. The Code inspector noted this was indeed in better shape the ones he had previous visited. He noted that I would have to remove the carpet (a cheap thin indoor/outdoor carpet) as it is a fire hazard. No problem. The the building inspector walk in and started to question me about a door at the back of the garage (a storage area under my staircase). He thought that was where my water heater was. No it is in the house. He did not notice the dryer nor the pipes and exited the garage. the only other note was to move back my extra dresser to make the garage wide towards the back. No problem. the dresser was in that location as to hide the dryer. Which it did.

Now all I have to do is make those minor changes, have them come back and ,

I'M FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​

However, the Dog and Pony show is not quite that simple. So as not to create any new issues, I will have to remove the dryer for the next visit, so it won't be seen, and then replace it once they are gone.

Round two will be inspection #2.

Round three is the City vs. the Association - our first response will be the end of the month. Will keep you posted.

Yes all the Board members are protected under an umbrella policy. I've been president for almost 15 years. Both the Board and membership feel I am doing a good job and don't want to change. Part of that is rewarding, but there are times I thing it might be good to see some change. I take great pride in trying to be fair and objective on all issues and getting the Board members to work together.

All the issue at question happened years before I live here/worked on the Board.

And as for the those conjugal visits, someone said that in Calif. the hours for gay visits are from 12:01 am-12:11am. If so, I will have to go back to the Revolutionary War and become:




I really have a problem when the city can tell you what you can have in your car port on your property. Then I live in the mountains. We shoot first and ask questions later. LOL None of that would fly in my nedk of the woods here
in the mountains.:001_unsure::confused1:
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Thanks for the update. I'm so glad to hear the first round went so well for you Vicekid. Keep up the fight! LOL :thumbup1: