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Getting Bored Again

Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Ft. Lauderdale
Is it me or do things seem to be sliding down the old path again? :001_unsure: We're back to seeing the same guys over and over, the same scenes over and over, the same dialogue over and over (remember the drinking game that was started over this?). I know that Leon's hot, but if I see him one more time...

When I joined the site way back when, it was cool to see new guys and that first little exploration before moving on to "other" things. It's hard for me to believe that any "straight" dude (and don't bother running through that whole discussion again) would go from never seeing another guy's dick straight to shoving it into his mouth without even touching it first. There's this word called "trepidation" that seems to be missing.

For me, the Zakk and Kyler series is a perfect example of how things used to be. I know that much of this site is fantasy, but I think that's what we're paying for. It would be nice to see new guys that are more along the lines of how this site started. As a matter of fact, weren't we supposed to be able to access an archive at some point to see the really old episodes? Newer members would learn a lot from seeing those.

Sorry, guys, but I find myself not even bothering to open some of the newer episodes because it's just going to be the same old thing (this last 3-way included). I've actually started paying for another site and now need to decide where my money is best spent. I know that the regulars are going to jump all over me about this, but there are other similar threads going right now.
From a Loyal (but disappointed) Broke Straight Boys Member
Zakk and Kyler revisited

Is it me or do things seem to be sliding down the old path again? :001_unsure: We're back to seeing the same guys over and over, the same scenes over and over, the same dialogue over and over (remember the drinking game that was started over this?). I know that Leon's hot, but if I see him one more time...

When I joined the site way back when, it was cool to see new guys and that first little exploration before moving on to "other" things. It's hard for me to believe that any "straight" dude (and don't bother running through that whole discussion again) would go from never seeing another guy's dick straight to shoving it into his mouth without even touching it first. There's this word called "trepidation" that seems to be missing.

For me, the Zakk and Kyler series is a perfect example of how things used to be. I know that much of this site is fantasy, but I think that's what we're paying for. It would be nice to see new guys that are more along the lines of how this site started. As a matter of fact, weren't we supposed to be able to access an archive at some point to see the really old episodes? Newer members would learn a lot from seeing those.

Sorry, guys, but I find myself not even bothering to open some of the newer episodes because it's just going to be the same old thing (this last 3-way included). I've actually started paying for another site and now need to decide where my money is best spent. I know that the regulars are going to jump all over me about this, but there are other similar threads going right now.
From a Loyal (but disappointed) Broke Straight Boys Member

Dear Troublemaker123,

You have great taste and after viewing Zakk and Kyler again for myself, I think it is fair that this example is 'so fresh" still and totally absent any formulaic approach to shooting episodes. We do need things to change at Broke Straight Boys I don't spend as much time drooling over Broke Straight Boys as I did in the past. Other sites are getting my attention now.

Please Broke Straight Boys get back to basics.

Troubled too,

Troublemaker123, please see the "Order of Presentation of Scenes" thread that is currently ongoing for additional information regarding this issue.

Couldnt agree more!

Im going to give it about 2 more weeks but if it doesnt get better and they cant figure out a way to show the vids in order..it's time to move to a more current site.
Im going to give it about 2 more weeks but if it doesnt get better and they cant figure out a way to show the vids in order..it's time to move to a more current site.
Tyler, Did you read where Mark told us that the lag time between filming and presenting episodes on Broke Straight Boys is pretty much standard in the industry? The only difference is that we have a forum here, where we get more information than folks get on other sites. So switching to a "more current site" is really just going somewhere where you don't have as much information. And in a way, posts like yours will discourage management from giving us any inside information.

I still don't get why it is so important to see scenes from last month, instead of six months ago. If they are presented in order, (which Mark has told us he will do), then it is all fresh, new material to me when I view it.

Perhaps I'm missing something in this discussion. Please let me know if my thinking is off base.