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Gay Sex Creep


Well-known Member
Feb 3, 2011
Reaction score
New York, NY
When I watched the new Broke Straight Boys preview vid i was intrigued. Even though the vid was only a few seconds long, I got the feeling that Broke Straight Boys, with its new director, crew and cast is returning more to what it was originally intended to be.

Although I liked David, and many of his episodes were very good with equally good models, I felt for a long time the formula had changed and became too predictable. That means that most models were asked to first do a j/o solo, then came the oral scene with another boy and then the obligatory anal scene (not that I have anything against anal scenes), usually with the same boy. Then, if the new model did well, he would be paired with various other models in several oral and anal scenes.

I suppose some of the cause of this was customer demand, i.e. members of the forum. I can understand this. It's only natural. We've all had our favorites and we wanted to see them do more and more and with this model and that model. I, for example wanted to see more of Kyler and Alec, just to name two. Both of whom made only a few shoots.

But when I really thought about it, in my opinion, the absolute hottest episodes here were with straight acting models who fell into gay sex creep.

No, it has nothing to do with creepy guys. lol

It is when, through the talents of the director, an apparent straight boy is talked (or conned) into doing more and more than he ever imagined. An example of this is when a model expected to do a simple j/o solo, and he ended the shoot with a cock up his ass-----and he loved it. Or he topped-----and he loved it. Or at least liked it. lol

I do realize this is easier said than gotten on camera. But when it works, it's magic.

This is what I sensed from the preview vid, that the Broke Straight Boys spontaneity is back. I hope I'm right.
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When I watched the new Broke Straight Boys preview vid i was intrigued. Even though the vid was only a few seconds long, I got the feeling that Broke Straight Boys, with its new director, crew and cast is returning more to what it was originally intended to be.

Although I liked David, and many of his episodes were very good with equally good models, I felt for a long time the formula had changed and became too predictable. That means that most models were asked to first do a j/o solo, then came the oral scene with another boy and then the obligatory anal scene (not that I have anything against anal scenes), usually with the same boy. Then, if the new model did well, he would be paired with various other models in several oral and anal scenes.

I suppose some of the cause of this was customer demand, i.e. members of the forum. I can understand this. It's only natural. We've all had our favorites and we wanted to see them do more and more and with this model and that model. I, for example wanted to see more of Kyler and Alec, just to name two. Both of whom made only a few shoots.

But when I really thought about it, in my opinion, the absolute hottest episodes here were with straight acting models who fell into gay sex creep.

No, it has nothing to do with creepy guys. lol

It is when, through the talents of the director, an apparent straight boy is talked (or conned) into doing more and more than he ever imagined. An example of this is when a model expected to do a simple j/o solo, and he ended the shoot with a cock up his ass-----and he loved it. Or he topped-----and he loved it. Or at least liked it. lol

I do realize this is easier said than gotten on camera. But when it works, it's magic.

This is what I sensed from the preview vid, that the Broke Straight Boys spontaneity is back. I hope I'm right.

Hi lubetube,

Thank you for your post and I'm sure many will miss me filming Broke Straight Boys but it was time for me to move forward in life and in my career. Broke Straight Boys has brought me a lot of exposure and I thank Mark/BluMedia for the great opportunity that I was given, but all good things must come to an end and we (as in D&E productions) needed to move onto other projects and move forward.

I knew 2.5 years ago that filming Broke Straight Boys was coming to an end, I may have not like the way things turned out but it was for the best that I part ways with filming Broke Straight Boys Filming Broke Straight Boys took its toll and me and I only wish the best for the new Broke Straight Boys and the new production studio filming it. I'm sure in the next several months all the Broke Straight Boys members will enjoy the new Broke Straight Boys site and Broke Straight Boys will have a new life and everyone on the forum will start enjoying the new models and forget about the past and move on.

Thank you for the great times!!!
Thank you David!!!

Hi lubetube,

Thank you for your post and I'm sure many will miss me filming Broke Straight Boys but it was time for me to move forward in life and in my career. Broke Straight Boys has brought me a lot of exposure and I thank Mark/BluMedia for the great opportunity that I was given, but all good things must come to an end and we (as in D&E productions) needed to move onto other projects and move forward.

I knew 2.5 years ago that filming Broke Straight Boys was coming to an end, I may have not like the way things turned out but it was for the best that I part ways with filming Broke Straight Boys Filming Broke Straight Boys took its toll and me and I only wish the best for the new Broke Straight Boys and the new production studio filming it. I'm sure in the next several months all the Broke Straight Boys members will enjoy the new Broke Straight Boys site and Broke Straight Boys will have a new life and everyone on the forum will start enjoying the new models and forget about the past and move on.

Thank you for the great times!!!
Thank you David for your work here. I've often posted over the years on this board, that in reality, you were the biggest star on Broke Straight Boys Your voice and direction was a part of virtually every episode, (to my recollection) with the exception of the trilogy filmed in the hotel room, and I believe in what was Tyler's home, while you were supposedly on vacation.

Your voice, and your interaction with the models, as well as your selection of models is what brought Broke Straight Boys to the level that it achieved, thus far. I can see where you may have gotten bored in the latter stages of your work on the site, and perhaps the change is what is best for both you and your team, and ultimately the consumers who subscribe to the site, to get a fresh perspective with a new crop of models. But we will not know that until the new scenes are put up for us to watch.

I hope that this is not a goodbye from you on the forum, as you have said that College Boy Physicals will remain a bonus site here, as well as your work on Boy Gushers, which I have never seen, as it is not a part of the Broke Straight Boys basic site. I hope you remain as a contributor on the forum, and I wish you all the best in your new ventures. Your past work here has been invaluable, and as a person who appreciates history, we could not be going to the new version of the site, without your work building the foundation.

From the preview clip, I appreciated the logo, "The futon is back", and that will always remind me of you and Tyler and Dustin, CJ and Logan and Mike Robbins and Tank Shane, and all of the other fine models who you broke into the world of gay adult video entertainment.

Thank you David and good luck, and please don't be a stranger. I love what you have done, and will miss you in the new scenes.
I will still be around doing College Boy Physicals & Boy Gusher sites but my voice will be heard once again on another website we are developing.

I kind of compare myself, in a strange kind of way with Simon Cowell from American Idol, he was the judge that people love to hate or just loved and he was a huge part of American Idol but after awhile it was time for him to leave. After so many years of being on AI, he left. The show went on without him and the show is still doing well with the new judges and it seems to bring new life into AI and a new popularity.

Just like Simon, he is starting a new show called the "X-Factor" and is moving on and away from American Idol. In my case we are moving on as well and we have started our own site which I'm sure many will like and enjoy the refreshing changes.
Hiya David,

I join Mikeyank 100% in what he said. I couldn't have said it any better. Your analogy to Simon Cowell and AI seems very true. People loved to hate him but yet, he made the show.

But I don't think people loved to hate you. I think some people complained only because your line of work is the very definition of subjective. Not that you or anyone else is beyond reproach, but no matter what one does as a director in this genre, some viewers will have wanted it another way, while on the same episode others will have loved it. And obviously many more loved what you did or you wouldn't have lasted as long as you did.

I am one of the many who loved your humor and banter during the shoots. And your rapport with the models is not something that can be taught. I think you have a certain New York gene in you. I know of a few comedy clubs here in the city where I'm sure you'd be a hit. In the West Villlage for sure.

I am 100% sure that the new director will have his detractors and supporters too. But he will have to consider himself very lucky if the positive to negative ratio is as good as yours was here.

Good luck David. Continue to keep us posted on what you're doing, and I hope to find out about your new website soon.
David, best wishes in ALL of your future endeavors!!

However, I (personally) am glad to see you go as your unrestricted banter often interrupted an otherwise exciting scene (i.e. change positions, kiss, etc.). And, (lately) your 'off'-color' remarks were offensive to me...regardless of your personal ethnicity.
Well, then I'm not saying goodbye farewell or any other pious platitudes. I'll just wait for your sweet little face and voice to pop back up, and start another auction maybe???! (Am I shameless or what?!) LOL!
Well, then I'm not saying goodbye farewell or any other pious platitudes. I'll just wait for your sweet little face and voice to pop back up, and start another auction maybe???! (Am I shameless or what?!) LOL!

OMG. I never got to participate in an auction here in bsbland....I hope someday there is another from the original set....I have a first time home owners tax credit burning a hole in my pocket, so I might be so inclined to give some of my $ to some charity. I'm bummed I missed out on the first rounds...I really hope they are resurrected one last time....

Just a thought.
I want to congratulate David and the crew at D&E, along with Mark and his associates at BluMedia, for the mature way this change-over is being handled. I'm sure there were harsh words and hurt feelings along the way but everyone is acting like adults here. In my experience, it is rare to find folks treat a business decision as just a business decision. Everyone involved should give themselves a pat on the back for not getting pissy over this change.

Good luck, David, Eddie, Tyler and all the other folks at D&E with all of your future endeavors. I will look forward to hearing that unique voice behind the camera in a new and different way. I will also agree it was time to make the change. Two and a half years is a long run for any campaign, and for me, at least, this site needs some new energy, new attitudes and especially, some new models. I love the old guys and am glad we have the archives to go back to. By the same token, fresh meat is what has always made this site exciting and we will be getting all new boys. I'm really looking forward to the new Broke Straight Boys

I want to congratulate David and the crew at D&E, along with Mark and his associates at BluMedia, for the mature way this change-over is being handled. I'm sure there were harsh words and hurt feelings along the way but everyone is acting like adults here. In my experience, it is rare to find folks treat a business decision as just a business decision. Everyone involved should give themselves a pat on the back for not getting pissy over this change.

Good luck, David, Eddie, Tyler and all the other folks at D&E with all of your future endeavors. I will look forward to hearing that unique voice behind the camera in a new and different way. I will also agree it was time to make the change. Two and a half years is a long run for any campaign, and for me, at least, this site needs some new energy, new attitudes and especially, some new models. I love the old guys and am glad we have the archives to go back to. By the same token, fresh meat is what has always made this site exciting and we will be getting all new boys. I'm really looking forward to the new Broke Straight Boys


Well Said Smiley!!! We have been filming Broke Straight Boys for a bit over 6 years and it was time to move on. It was a great experience and being part of a great site like Broke Straight Boys was something we will never forget!
OMG. I never got to participate in an auction here in bsbland....I hope someday there is another from the original set....I have a first time home owners tax credit burning a hole in my pocket, so I might be so inclined to give some of my $ to some charity. I'm bummed I missed out on the first rounds...I really hope they are resurrected one last time....

Just a thought.

Ms. D:
At one time, I had hoped we would be able to gather many of the delectable items offered in the original auctions together in a sort of Quasi- Porn museum. I fantasized about donating Tylers UA shorts for a scratch-n-sniff exhibit, along side stained sheets from the original futon, maybe the original coffee table with a certain drinking glass, containing vestiges of Tyler. Oh well, at least I have my dreams! LOL!:001_rolleyes:
Hi lubetube,

Thank you for your post and I'm sure many will miss me filming Broke Straight Boys but it was time for me to move forward in life and in my career. Broke Straight Boys has brought me a lot of exposure and I thank Mark/BluMedia for the great opportunity that I was given, but all good things must come to an end and we (as in D&E productions) needed to move onto other projects and move forward.

I knew 2.5 years ago that filming Broke Straight Boys was coming to an end, I may have not like the way things turned out but it was for the best that I part ways with filming Broke Straight Boys Filming Broke Straight Boys took its toll and me and I only wish the best for the new Broke Straight Boys and the new production studio filming it. I'm sure in the next several months all the Broke Straight Boys members will enjoy the new Broke Straight Boys site and Broke Straight Boys will have a new life and everyone on the forum will start enjoying the new models and forget about the past and move on.

Thank you for the great times!!!

Dear David,

You will be missed very much. Thank YOU and Eddie for all the great work you have given to the site over the years. I wish to correct one thing however. We will never forget the past. Without your and Eddie's tireless efforts there would be no hugely successful Broke Straight Boys to hand off to another team. You leave behind a mountain of great Broke Straight Boys content that will still be enjoyed for years. You've done well. To say the least...

Thank you again for all the entertainment, and even some life lessons that you have given us. We are better off for having met you. Fortunately we don't have to say goodbye because you will still be around on the net in your other ventures. And hopefully you will still put in a cameo here on the forum from time to time after the transition. You could be like an elder statesman of sorts! lol Answering questions for newbies and oldies... sharing anecdotes about past models and the filming of various classic Broke Straight Boys scenes, etc.

We will still appreciate updates on how you and Eddie are doing as well. :biggrin: