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Galactic Light Body Explaination


BSB Executive Senior Member
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
I have had a lot of questions from about 30-40 friends in membership in pvt. messages about some of my spiritual understandings and so forth. I figured rather than type endless amounts of spiritual retoric and dogma; I will look for some way to express my views without the need to reinvent the wheel. Again I say; I do not claim to know it all nor would I ever want to. However; these video clips may help provide a greater understanding of us as Spiritual beings experiencing a human condition. They also provide a spiritual insight into the nature of our being and existance. I realize these things will not resonate with everyone and it is not meant to pursuade or convert anyone to another way of thinking. The purpose is to answer my friends without offending anyone in the Forum. Please try to get past some of the high tech spiritual terminology. For some of us in this forum much of what you see and hear will resonate in your sub conscious as an intrinsic knowing. :001_unsure:


Warning: The vibrational frequency of these messages can be at a very high frequency. I encourage you to have a glass of water standing by and I also encourage you to ask your angels to help you ground any energies that are overwhelming to you...











I embrace a large percentage of these concepts. However; I am a Lightworker and I trust my inner wisdom and higher conciousness to guide my steps along the way of truth.

Again, I offer the words of Nelson Mandela and Marianne Williamson:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

The above speech by Nelson Mandela was orignally written by Marianne Williamson.

Links for lightworker meditation...


Yes, I do believe that a person can be a spiritual person and still subscribe to a porn site. The human body is a magnificent creation. And sexual self expression is the highest form of self-love. I believe that to offer our selves to one another freely for sexual gratification is the highest expression of Divine Love through physical manifestation we can offer our partner. Being a sexual being is part of the grand design and it is part of our human nature. I don't believe anyone is going to HELL because: they are watching porn, masturbating, they are gay, they are lesbian, they are bisexual, or they are transgendered. It is a part of the human condition. We are spiritual beings experiencing a human condition. I do believe when we achieve and accept total and perfect Divine Love within our mind, body, and spirit we will no longer crave the things that enslave us to our mortal bodies.

Our awakening is near... Bless your hearts with Love and Light. I bid you peace. Live well and prosper.:thumbup:

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Cool stuff Jayman
Hey there Denny Bear! Are you having trouble sleeping as well? I tooka Temazepan two hours ago, still got my brain running at warp 9.

Yeah! the light show can be very intense if your are not prepared. I am so used to those vibrational frequencies I was I was not thinking about them or their side effects. They are using sound and light vibrations on angelic frequencies to awaken the lost ones. The signals are designed to turn on and reattune the Light workers spiritual DNA. The awakening opens the channels of communication with the Divine Essenes and reveals their true spiritual path.

Essentially those videos are designed to call out the Light workers also known as:
  • The Indigos that are still asleep
  • The Rainbow warriors (See that Gay people have a purpose too. LOL Just kidding. Different Rainbow warriors) that are still asleep
  • The Crystal children that are still asleep
  • The Way showers that are still asleep

The easiest way to explain it is written in a book titled: "Power Verses Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior" by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. I would also recommend a book titled "The Light Shall Set You Free" by Dr. Norma J. Milanovich and Dr. Shirley D. McCune. Anyway; Hawkins espressos that we as all vibrate at a different vibrational frequency. To keep things simple he identifies a scale of (0 - 1,000) 0 indicates the most negative fear based emotion and 1,000 indicates perfect Divine Love. Our vibrational frequency changes everyday. It is based on an average vibrational frequency of the: physical body, the mental body, the emotional body, and the spiritual body as they are all one body. So, the average person is usually in the range of 350 - 500 on the vibrational scale. The light workers usually range 500 - 700 on the vibrational frequency scale. People who's vibration is constantly in the 700 or higher range can connect with the angelic realm and beyond. The veils between dimensional realities and the astral plane are accessed through these higher frequencies.

Any way; the audible tones and visual light frequencies are designed to register with everyone in the 800 - 900 range.

So, what transpired is your vibrational frequency was elevated while viewing those videos. The thirst that you experienced was your body cleansing an clearing things that are ready to clear quickly. Please, drink plenty of water. Also, you may experience some emotional releases in the next few days as subconsciously those vibrations release suppressed and unwanted negative emotions. The up side is you will feel less burdened in a few days. Also, many illnesses are caused by lower vibrational frequencies. So, there could even be some miracle healing transpire through your direct exposure. The other side effect is that your vibrational frequency could jump by as much as 100 points permanently.
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Yes, I do believe that a person can be a spiritual person and still subscribe to a porn site. The human body is a magnificent creation. And sexual self expression is the highest form of self-love. I believe that to offer our selves to one another freely for sexual gratification is the highest expression of Divine Love through physical manifestation we can offer our partner. Being a sexual being is part of the grand design and it is part of our human nature. I don't believe anyone is going to HELL because: they are watching porn, masturbating, they are gay, they are lesbian, they are bisexual, or they are transgendered. It is a part of the human condition. We are spiritual beings experiencing a human condition. I do believe when we achieve and accept total and perfect Divine Love within our mind, body, and spirit we will no longer crave the things that enslave us to our mortal bodies.

Our awakening is near... Bless your hearts with Love and Light. I bid you peace. Live well and prosper.:thumbup:


Hey Jayman,

If you were anywhere near me I would have to run up and hug you. Thanks for sharing the wisdom of all of your original quote on this thread. I especially liked how eloquently you expressed yourself in this last paragraph.

The struggles of life down here in the dream can seem overwhelming at times. We can allow ourselves some misteps and false starts in our day to day struggles. Knowing that in the grand scheme of things this will have been but a mere blip in the course of eternity. Nobody is going to "Hell" period. As long as we are always striving to do better and to be better then we know our soul is making progress.

Eternally Yours :biggrin:

Hey Jayman,

If you were anywhere near me I would have to run up and hug you. Thanks for sharing the wisdom of all of your original quote on this thread. I especially liked how eloquently you expressed yourself in this last paragraph.

The struggles of life down here in the dream can seem overwhelming at times. We can allow ourselves some misteps and false starts in our day to day struggles. Knowing that in the grand scheme of things this will have been but a mere blip in the course of eternity. Nobody is going to "Hell" period. As long as we are always striving to do better and to be better then we know our soul is making progress.

Eternally Yours :biggrin:


Nameste, my friend. :thumbup: Thanks for that hug. It was wonderful and it was needed...
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Hi Jayman-
Enjoyed your post from 1-12-09. especially the last paragraph about self expression.Thanks
Thanks ADK2...