I loved the “before the scene”, and as usual I was mesmerized by pretty Nico. I am a “sucker” for guys like Nico, in more ways than one.
But Brody was cool and David is always funny and clearly puts the boys at ease. When Nico caught David offering $15.00 instead of $1500 for a good scene, David said Nico would get $15.00 for a burger at McDonalds. I was waiting for David’s old line of giving a consolation prize of a box of Rice-A-RonI. I was surprised to learn that Brody does bondage scenes for another studio. Brody must have named the studio and it was bleeped out, as it should, in my opinion. If members want to search for competitors studios, they can. But it shouldn’t be mentioned here, in my opinion.
I‘m glad Nico is topping and I’m expecting a hot scene tomorrow.