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BSB Addict
Feb 2, 2010
Reaction score
My seahawks did it again yesterday!!! One more game to win:dance: next week at home then off to "The Meadowlands" for our first Superbowl trophy. If your team is out of the running please cheer for mine.
Glad you are happy! My steelers let us down! Maybe will take suggestion although nothing like waving terrible towel. Liked pictures of 12th fan from Seattle aquarium which I visited 2 yeas ago and thoughley enjoyed! Loved city and transit modes. So easy to get around! When I was there, city had one of few thunderstorms for the year. Awesome!
Sorry dude - too busy right now rooting for the 49'ers.:thumbup:

I also wanted the 49ers to win, but I also would have liked a good game from a team that wants to win...oh well, we got the Panthers instead. North Carolina never really seemed to "show up" for the game.
Peter, my team was out of the running, even when they were in the running. Not always a blast being a Bengals fan, but at least I am not one of those "fair weather" fans. Nor do I support multiple teams so I can say I have a team in the playoffs. I appreciate the Seahawks and love to watch them play. Not sure I shall root for them, but I know damn well I am not going to root for those blasted cheating Pats. They always manage to get every call at home their way. I watched the Dolts v. Pats game last night and laughed practically all the way through, it was that obvious. Anyway, if it will make you happy, GO HAWKS. And will someone PLEASE kick Manning where his ego is the thinnest!
Ms. Beth, I am glad we agree on one thing. While I believe Cam Newton is a better-than-average QB, he never seems to play to his full potential, does he? There are times I sense he plays as if he is afraid of being hurt. Sure, he can scramble when he has to, but most of the time he prefers the comfort of the pocket a bit too much. Oh, well, Ms. Beth. See you next year (damn, now I sound like a Chicago Cubs fan after the first inning of the first game of the season.)
It was a good game Juanjo!! Now the big question is for Mark: Seahawks vs Broncos in the Superbowl whats our bet buddy?
My seahawks did it again yesterday!!! One more game to win:dance: next week at home then off to "The Meadowlands" for our first Superbowl trophy. If your team is out of the running please cheer for mine.
As my team was out before the playoffs even began, I was rooting for your Hawks Peter, and it was a very exciting game coming down to almost the last play of the game.

I hope it isn't too cold and snowy in two weeks here. Welcome to the Big Apple Seahawks & Broncos!
Damn....I Wish We Did Start Betting! We Would've Won Peter!
I was hoping Mark would respond. I was thinking a months membership if I won, and either some Salmon or Starbucks coffee if he won. Oh well in the end I won anyway