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First child cured of AIDS. Thoughts?

Yeah its awesome news man! I honestly believe we are getting soo close now until aids will be totally curable! Whether that will be a good or bad thing in the sense of if the virus could be expelled from your body completely it would most likely cause a huge rise in the number of aids cases from what we have now due to the fact that so many people would be having raw sex not caring.. im sure then they would make the treatment/medicine for the cure very expensive to stop this from happening. But anyway, thats totally hypothetical and im prob totally wrong about us being so close to a full cure... i am just hopeful thats all and the baby news is a big step in the right direction! : )
Yeah its awesome news man! I honestly believe we are getting soo close now until aids will be totally curable! Whether that will be a good or bad thing in the sense of if the virus could be expelled from your body completely it would most likely cause a huge rise in the number of aids cases from what we have now due to the fact that so many people would be having raw sex not caring.. im sure then they would make the treatment/medicine for the cure very expensive to stop this from happening. But anyway, thats totally hypothetical and im prob totally wrong about us being so close to a full cure... i am just hopeful thats all and the baby news is a big step in the right direction! : )

The child was actually cured of the HIV virus.
They found a good pantheogen- its a chemical in the Bumbleebees poison. Rather cool if you ask me. Idc how they come up with a way i just want them too. Its been too long of death.
This article isn't very accurate obviously, who ever wrote it lack the basics of medicine!
The girl was born with an HIV she didnt get to Aids,
HIV is the virus that causes Aids. HIV and Aids are not the same !!
It's like saying Benign Tumours and Malignant Tumours, they may sound the same but they're not.
This article is more accurate,
There is hope for children effected with HIV, however it is tricky and an uphill challenge for doctors.
Let hope they'd find the cure that would save millions.
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I get all the warnings you're trying to convey James. Yet even to find a way to "cure" HIV and expel the virus from the body before full-blown AIDS develops would still be a huge advance. Any company that developed a cure for either or both would see its fortunes soar to astronomical heights. Any researcher or team of researchers who found the magic bullet for HIV and/or AIDS would be shoo ins for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. So there are plenty of earthly incentives as well as good old simple altruism to help motivate doctors, researchers and pharmaceutical companies to keep searching for that cure until they have it.
Im glad someone pointed out that hiv is not aids. A person can live a long life being hiv + it is only when a person doesnt take care of themselves that they run the risk of going from hiv to aids. I have a lot of friends that are hiv+ and they live reguler lives they do things just like everyone else. We need to be more educated in this subject, and when I say educated I mean information that is back with facts and real data. That is the real problem GET EDUCATED
It's important to get the facts right. If the world medical authority came out with a statement that there was a cure for Aids, then everyone would throw their condoms away. There is NO CURE for AIDS, however, there have been major advancements in the treatment of HIV, and a lot of HIV + people can now live a near perfect lifestyle.
There is NO CURE for AIDS, however, there have been major advancements in the treatment of HIV, and a lot of HIV + people can now live a near perfect lifestyle.

Well... Yes and no. If the lifestyle includes fulfilling sex lives then no. I sat with a younger friend this weekend who was in tears at times because he wanted to approach a cute guy in the club. But he told me that as soon as he had to tell the guy of his AIDS status (if it got that far) that the guy would have likely have nothing to do with him after that. I tried to console him. I also told him that while I could get it from an intellectual standpoint that I could never say that I knew exactly how he felt. I'm very glad that my friend is alive and doing very well health-wise. He looks perfectly normal. But I don't think he would go as far as to say that he has good quality of life.
Well... Yes and no. If the lifestyle includes fulfilling sex lives then no. I sat with a younger friend this weekend who was in tears at times because he wanted to approach a cute guy in the club. But he told me that as soon as he had to tell the guy of his AIDS status (if it got that far) that the guy would have likely have nothing to do with him after that. I tried to console him. I also told him that while I could get it from an intellectual standpoint that I could never say that I knew exactly how he felt. I'm very glad that my friend is alive and doing very well health-wise. He looks perfectly normal. But I don't think he would go as far as to say that he has good quality of life.

I said near perfect lifestyles - I thought it would be rather obvious that they could have condomless sex, but then sometimes I do assume a lot with you guys ha ha. I too have a younger friend who is HIV + and he has to get his blood tested for blood count reasons. He went the other week and they said it was settled. Hopefully he will be okay if he continues taking his medication.
It is difficult to discern the nuances of this particular case because we are getting most of our information from the secular press. Then there are the very definite particulars of this individual case.

However, I have lived with HIV since 1987 and AIDS since 1992. In late 1980, one of my dearest friends died of what would later be called GRID, then HIV. Since then as I witnessed so many die and we all witnessed millions die, if people would have told us back then that there would be people who could live as long as I have, we would have thought they were nuts.

There is an old Chinese proverb: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step". Our journey to a vaccine which can prevent HIV continues with each new step of research success. In this case, if there is even just one new piece of that puzzle discovered, then we are ahead of the game. The same applies to finding a cure for those already infected.

Let's hope that is the case!

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There was a long discussion of this case on NPR with several eminent doctors expressing some time on the case. The child in question was assumed to be HIV+ because her mother was HIV+ and they started antiretroviral therapy immediately upon birth of the child. There were antibodies in the child's blood so their assumption was almost certainly correct about the child being HIV+. The child now shows no detectable virus which means the child is apparently virus free. The doctors made the following points:

1. The child was treated immediately upon birth at the time when infection would have occurred. This is not typically the situation for most adult HIV exposures but it does mean that immediate administration of anti-retroviral medications in situations where infection is suspected would be a correct procedure to follow, i.e. rape or other situations where exposure may have taken place in the very recent past;
2. This also supports the position of other researchers that starting anti-retroviral therapy as soon as infection is detected in a person is a proper therapy model as opposed to the current model of waiting until the person's white blood cell count falls below a certain number;
3. It also supports implementing an infectious disease follow-up model similar to that used for many sexually transmitted diseases where all identifiable contacts of the newly infected person are tracked down and treated. If immediate treatment could result in a removal of the virus from the newly infected person or at least minimal damage to the person's immune system then it is cost effective and worthwhile from a humane standpoint to do so;
4. The use of anti-retroviral medications on people who have been exposed for a period of time will not result in a complete removal of the virus from the infected person's body because the virus, once established [which can take two weeks to six weeks from infection,] from virus reservoirs in the endocrine system and other places in the body where the meds do not reach it. So while the medications will keep the virus from increasing and continuing to attack the immune system, it will not be completely eradicated.

They also mentioned that the research is showing that people on antiretroviral medication and whose viral load is undetectable are apparently NOT passing the infection on to others. They did say that there has not been sufficient research done yet to conclusively say this but based upon research to this point it seems to be the case.
I noticed..... What section would this be under?
And i meant to come bak and correct myself abou the AIDS/Hiv thing

You can easily overlook both minor oversights Liam. lol As a young man of probably 19 y/o right now you can be forgiven for not yet having an advanced degree as an infectious disease specialist. :) Those of us who are bit older and have no medical training are still learning things about HIV/AIDS every day. Some of it unfortunately for some may come from firsthand experience. Others like myself are learning it from friends and acquaintances. Most of us gay males and even females who are 40 or older have lost many friends to AIDS. :/
This is great, what a decent read it was. I know that science is growing rapidly it was only matter of time before they even found a cure. Who would have also thought that it could even be a bumblebee to have a chemical for scientists to use and create something that could help millions ha. I always thought it was gonna be some type of flower that would rid the world from an infection like HIV/AIDS, guess not ha.
This is great, what a decent read it was. I know that science is growing rapidly it was only matter of time before they even found a cure. Who would have also thought that it could even be a bumblebee to have a chemical for scientists to use and create something that could help millions ha. I always thought it was gonna be some type of flower that would rid the world from an infection like HIV/AIDS, guess not ha.

Graham, read closely - it hasn't. This is a typical example of what happens when such a press release is made and not backed up by World Health Authority. There is currently no cure for Aids or HIV so keep those condoms in your wallet.
Graham, read closely - it hasn't. This is a typical example of what happens when such a press release is made and not backed up by World Health Authority. There is currently no cure for Aids or HIV so keep those condoms in your wallet.

Absolutely!. Thank You Jon for excellent advice! :001_wub:

This is great, what a decent read it was. I know that science is growing rapidly it was only matter of time before they even found a cure. Who would have also thought that it could even be a bumblebee to have a chemical for scientists to use and create something that could help millions ha. I always thought it was gonna be some type of flower that would rid the world from an infection like HIV/AIDS, guess not ha.

You may still be right Honey Graham, that a flower will be the source of the ultimate cure for HIV and/or AIDS. In the meantime... El mejor amigo todavia es un condon en el bolsillo.
Graham, read closely - it hasn't. This is a typical example of what happens when such a press release is made and not backed up by World Health Authority. There is currently no cure for Aids or HIV so keep those condoms in your wallet.

Well, damn that really sucks to hear that I had almost thought they had something. At least the child was safe that's a big plus :)
Absolutely!. Thank You Jon for excellent advice! :001_wub:

You may still be right Honey Graham, that a flower will be the source of the ultimate cure for HIV and/or AIDS. In the meantime... El mejor amigo todavia es un condon en el bolsillo.
Like, somewhere in the rainforest or something flowers and plants have all sorts of minerals and not to mention that some plants are even used to help heal people, so its only a matter of time my good sir :). What does that mean exaclt? I'm spanish, but that doesn't mean I speak it lmao.
What exactly does that mean Mr. Tampa lol.
Like, somewhere in the rainforest or something flowers and plants have all sorts of minerals and not to mention that some plants are even used to help heal people, so its only a matter of time my good sir :). What does that mean exaclt? I'm spanish, but that doesn't mean I speak it lmao.
What exactly does that mean Mr. Tampa lol.

Sorry Honey Graham. lol I assumed you knew some Spanish even if you were not fluent. Oops! xo :wink: On one of the posters targeting Hispanic at-risk youth, the slogan always said in Spanish, "A condom in your pocket is your best friend." I took it and changed it slightly to, "Your best friend is still a condom in your pocket."

Don't go throwing them away or leaving them in a bottom drawer at home just yet. We want you to be around for a long long time Honey Graham. xo