Last from me, on this one:
Yes, I'm well aware that I am one of the worst offenders (if not THE worst offender) when it comes to long, rambling posts. (Sometimes I am very inspired by models I admire, and do go on and on about them. And yes, I know that the
brilliant Blaise Pascal once wrote, to a friend, "I am SORRY I didn't have TIME to write you a shorter letter, so I had to write a LONGER one, instead.")
However, I don't think that anything I have ever written (or anything another "longer poster", has ever written, here) counts as a "filibuster" -because, as all of you who've studied U.S. (or English parliamentary) government will know, a "filibuster" is an exceptionally long speech, making use of parliamentary procedure, which HALTS proceedings, and FORCES others to listen, whilst their own projects, and the business of government, are indefinitely suspended.
I don't think anything I, or anything any other "long poster" has ever written here, has ever FORCED another member to READ IT; or to refrain from SKIPPING ON to the NEXT and BRIEFER and BETTER POST; or to refrain from POSTING HIS OWN consummately pithy, and SUCCINT, remarks, HIMSELF. (If I'm wrong, I beg your pardon.)
Not to mention, when was the last time any "longer poster" ATTACKED someone, who prefers to write in briefer compass, saying: "That post was so SHORT, and SHALLOW, and SILLY, and ILL-CONCEIVED - it REQUIRES a further explanation, beyond the two-point-five lines of obloquy, it offered?" I think this. . . has never happened. . . .
While I love this board, and most of the people on it (!!!); yes, I'm only human, and there are some whose comments (long or short) I dislike. (Sometimes, quite intensely.) My usual practice is to pass quickly over these, and focus on the POSITIVE, and friends and images and ideas for which I feel real sympathy. It's EASY - it only takes a little "scroll" - and that is ALL I'd ask of anyone who's angered or upset, or BORED, by things that I (or other "longer posters") sometimes write.
For any who are too arthritic to be able to scroll past posts that are offensively long, to them: I am sorry, because this IS a genuine health concern. But I would be glad to hook you up with a reputable Canadian pharmacy, which can offer anti-inflammatory medications, at a reasonable price ;-)
If you dislike or even HATE me, or other "longer posters", personally; or dislike the things we SAY; or, think we are STUPID, and don't express ourselves as briefly and economically and eloquently, as we OUGHT TO DO - it is (I feel) quite good and right that you should SAY SO. But. . . please don't torture us (or you, yourselves) by reading things you do not WANT to read - and then expatiating on the pain you feel, in the bitter aftermath. This, I feel, is quite gratuitous, and a waste of everybody's time.
Because, if you feel this way, please be assured - our posts were never, ever, MEANT for YOU.
All the best, and my apologies, your ever-prolix,
"A" ;-))))