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Filibuster Posts


Well-known Member
Jan 16, 2010
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One thing that is begining to bug me on the forum are filibuster post. You know what I am talking about. I believe in the right to free speech but if a post is over ten lines.... I am not gonna bother to read it. You may have something to say but when it takes 12 paragraphs to say it.... well, like the old saying goes,"don't take yourself so damn serious".:cool:
I 100 percent agree with posts being to long. I get some people like writing epic poem posts but its overwhelming and annoying more then anything. Especially when people quote long posts and the whole page is full of only 4 posts cause its so long and drags on. I'm more of a straight to the point guy. No offense.
Again, I don't see why it's an issue. Some of us can get into both writing and or reading a long involved post and others are into the "one liners", and we all have the option of reading or not reading whatever we choose to.

It's the same with some of the models who post. Both Jason & Blake have often written long involved posts which I can find really interesting. Others like Paul & Damien are part of the "twitter generation", where things are expressed in short sentences. And our newbie model Graham seems to enjoy expressing himself in words, as do Jason & Blake.

Again, we all have the option to read what we like and not read what doesn't interest us. No biggie either way to me.
Again, I don't see why it's an issue. Some of us can get into both writing and or reading a long involved post and others are into the "one liners", and we all have the option of reading or not reading whatever we choose to.

It's the same with some of the models who post. Both Jason & Blake have often written long involved posts which I can find really interesting. Others like Paul & Damien are part of the "twitter generation", where things are expressed in short sentences. And our newbie model Graham seems to enjoy expressing himself in words, as do Jason & Blake.

Again, we all have the option to read what we like and not read what doesn't interest us. No biggie either way to me.

I couldn't have said it any better! Thanks Mike :smile:
Again, I don't see why it's an issue. Some of us can get into both writing and or reading a long involved post and others are into the "one liners", and we all have the option of reading or not reading whatever we choose to.

It's the same with some of the models who post. Both Jason & Blake have often written long involved posts which I can find really interesting. Others like Paul & Damien are part of the "twitter generation", where things are expressed in short sentences. And our newbie model Graham seems to enjoy expressing himself in words, as do Jason & Blake.

Again, we all have the option to read what we like and not read what doesn't interest us. No biggie either way to me.

Of course people will read the model's long posts and Jason's long ones are a pleasure to read, especially when he returned after doing some time inside. I would surmise that the author of this thread is indicating towards the members elongated posts; some such posts of recent have been so ass licking towards the models that there have been bucketfuls of puke around the world.. jk

Let's get short and to the point and not fanny around lol.
Too Many Notes

This thread reminds me of the discussion in AMEDEUS where Mozart's new opera is being criticized because according to the Emperor and his advisors, the opera contains too many notes. The human ear can only handle so many notes in a given space of time and anything more detracted from the music.

Personally, I find people who post promiscuisly tend to add very little to the conversation.

Why can we not limit all responses to grunts which are open to a wide variety of interpretations?

I do not care how many characters someone uses in a post. Rather, I prefer a post which has a point and makes it.

We need to respect each other enough to let people make their points in their own way and not try to control what is being said by arbitrary standards.
We need to respect each other enough to let people make their points in their own way and not try to control what is being said by arbitrary standards.
I couldn't agree more. I've read some brilliant well thought out posts that went on and on, and some equally brilliant posts expressed in a few words.

We all have our own way of expressing ourselves, and if it gives a person pleasure to express themselves in a long detailed manner, why is it an issue, and why should anyone try to censor or inhibit them from doing so in the future?

We also have the right to read or not read whatever we choose as well. Isn't diversity a precious thing? And as gay or gay friendly people, isn't it hypocritical of us to tell others how they should live their lives, or how to post on this forum? We are all individuals with our own preferences, and I consider that precious and I find it disrespectful and rude to try to censor or criticize another person's style.
One thing that is begining to bug me on the forum are filibuster post. You know what I am talking about. I believe in the right to free speech but if a post is over ten lines.... I am not gonna bother to read it. You may have something to say but when it takes 12 paragraphs to say it.... well, like the old saying goes,"don't take yourself so damn serious".:cool:


Now, Erik - who'd ever do a damned fool thing, like that? LOL!

"A" ;-)))

*A young woman sitting next to President Calvin Coolidge, at a dinner party, in the 1920's:
* "Mr. Coolidge, I just bet my dinner companion FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS, that I could get you to say more than two WORDS, to me!"
* President Coolidge: "You lose."

Of course people will read the model's long posts and Jason's long ones are a pleasure to read, especially when he returned after doing some time inside. I would surmise that the author of this thread is indicating towards the members elongated posts; some such posts of recent have been so ass licking towards the models that there have been bucketfuls of puke around the world.. jk

Let's get short and to the point and not fanny around lol.


Hey, Jon,

I kinda LIKE licking cute guys' asses. Apparently you don't? LOL! (I guess you're straighter than I thought - LOL!)

Lots of special Scottish love to my favourite Englishman (you've made such an impression on me, I'll never forget you, that's for sure!)
"A" ;-)))

P.S., I'm passing you the bucket, and here are a couple of lovely tunes, for you ;-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGiHYKhLDf4
Last from me, on this one:

Yes, I'm well aware that I am one of the worst offenders (if not THE worst offender) when it comes to long, rambling posts. (Sometimes I am very inspired by models I admire, and do go on and on about them. And yes, I know that the brilliant Blaise Pascal once wrote, to a friend, "I am SORRY I didn't have TIME to write you a shorter letter, so I had to write a LONGER one, instead.")

However, I don't think that anything I have ever written (or anything another "longer poster", has ever written, here) counts as a "filibuster" -because, as all of you who've studied U.S. (or English parliamentary) government will know, a "filibuster" is an exceptionally long speech, making use of parliamentary procedure, which HALTS proceedings, and FORCES others to listen, whilst their own projects, and the business of government, are indefinitely suspended.

I don't think anything I, or anything any other "long poster" has ever written here, has ever FORCED another member to READ IT; or to refrain from SKIPPING ON to the NEXT and BRIEFER and BETTER POST; or to refrain from POSTING HIS OWN consummately pithy, and SUCCINT, remarks, HIMSELF. (If I'm wrong, I beg your pardon.)

Not to mention, when was the last time any "longer poster" ATTACKED someone, who prefers to write in briefer compass, saying: "That post was so SHORT, and SHALLOW, and SILLY, and ILL-CONCEIVED - it REQUIRES a further explanation, beyond the two-point-five lines of obloquy, it offered?" I think this. . . has never happened. . . .

While I love this board, and most of the people on it (!!!); yes, I'm only human, and there are some whose comments (long or short) I dislike. (Sometimes, quite intensely.) My usual practice is to pass quickly over these, and focus on the POSITIVE, and friends and images and ideas for which I feel real sympathy. It's EASY - it only takes a little "scroll" - and that is ALL I'd ask of anyone who's angered or upset, or BORED, by things that I (or other "longer posters") sometimes write.

For any who are too arthritic to be able to scroll past posts that are offensively long, to them: I am sorry, because this IS a genuine health concern. But I would be glad to hook you up with a reputable Canadian pharmacy, which can offer anti-inflammatory medications, at a reasonable price ;-)

If you dislike or even HATE me, or other "longer posters", personally; or dislike the things we SAY; or, think we are STUPID, and don't express ourselves as briefly and economically and eloquently, as we OUGHT TO DO - it is (I feel) quite good and right that you should SAY SO. But. . . please don't torture us (or you, yourselves) by reading things you do not WANT to read - and then expatiating on the pain you feel, in the bitter aftermath. This, I feel, is quite gratuitous, and a waste of everybody's time.

Because, if you feel this way, please be assured - our posts were never, ever, MEANT for YOU.

All the best, and my apologies, your ever-prolix,
"A" ;-))))


I am also not courting controversy, with this one. I would be MOST GRATEFUL for no response, at all. I just wanted to have an opportunity to reply; to say what honestly needed to be said; and, as far as I'm concerned, it's DONE.

"A" :-((( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WHx0B90FUc