Well-known Member
Hi Everyone. Thought I would share a Central Pennsylvania Dutch tradition with you. Central Pa was Settled mostly by German Immigrants in the late 1700's and early 1800's. and of course those immigrants brought along there traditions...Some of the things we enjoy today in this area is our Rope style fresh and smoked sausage, hog maw ( Stuffed Pigs Stomach ), Sauerkraut, Ponhaus, Puddin an Hominey ( not to be confused with puddinG ) and Fausnaught's....Fausnaught's are made as part of a Christian celebration for Shrove Tuesday, or the day before Ash Wednesday....The premise is that on Shrove Tuesday is the last day that a christian can enjoy fattening foods / pleasure foods, because Ash Wednesday starts the christian fast till after Lent. So in my neck of the woods a lot of Churches make Fausnaughts and sell them to raise money. What is a fausnaught ??? It is the best doughnut you will ever eat......The traditional way is flour, yeast and potato's and then deep fried in lard till they float on the grease and get a medium brown and slightly crunchy....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM so good
So just to tease you I picked mine up today because we might have snow tomorrow morning....And I just finished eat a glazed one.....Wish I could share with all......
So just to tease you I picked mine up today because we might have snow tomorrow morning....And I just finished eat a glazed one.....Wish I could share with all......