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Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
Hi folks I just wanted to drop in and say that unfortunately I will be leaving Broke Straight Boys at the end of today. The reason is two fold in that primarily I can no longer justify the expense for the current return. While I still very much enjoy the forum and talking to all of you great folks the current format of videos available is not totally consistent with my personal taste. This is nothing against the models as they have very much improved and I think will some day soon be top notch. I do however believe management has blindly led the site away from what made it great in the first place. I have great respect for Mark and his staff but I am afraid they are just not currently consistent with my taste. Perhaps in a few months things will change and if so I will return. As many of you know I do have a membership to the site owned by D&E and if you wish you can contact me there.
It’s been fun folks
I hate to see you go Denny. I hope that we will see you back in the near future.
Sorry to see you go

Hi Guys,

Denny, sorry to see you go dude:crying: I always enjoyed your posts and will miss them. I too will be leaving here very soon as i do not like most of what i am seeing.

I have been on this site for about 2 1/2 years and really enjoyed it, but now to me it really lacks class. I hate the money being showed, the directors (Clay's) mouth running on, and the constant whing of some of the models.

With that being said i think it's time for me to follow many of the others who left here dissatisfied.


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Darling Ostrich come back soon. I'll keep you informed. Love you buddy.
