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Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
It is with great sadness that I also have decided to relinquish my relationship with Blu Media. I have very much enjoyed my time here and I have made many close friends. I have always tried to look for the best in people here and have done my best at trying to help promote the site and what I believed it stood for. I have offered my services for anything I could do to help.

The reason for my departure is two fold. First I am extremely upset at how the appointment of our new moderator was handled and feel that management has decided us middle aged paying gay members are no longer needed. Beyond that and much more serious is for some reason David has falsely come to the conclusion that me and some of the other members of the forum have for some reason started a conspiracy against him. This is not true! Yes I am a member of a small group that likes to chat off line and share information. None of us have ever knocked on his door or harassed him or his family members in any way. Repeat NONE of us have ever done anything even close to that. Our crime is this, by using information obtained through watching the videos and from just word of mouth we were able to figure out the real names of some of the models and have found a few of their Face Book and or My Space pages. The most recent one was passed on to us by our new moderator who is a My Space friend with at least 3 of the models from Broke Straight Boys Our group on the other hand never shared any of this information with anyone outside of our group as we understand the importance of maintaining the privacy of the models. At least two of us have contacted management in the past to advise them how dangerous it was for them to post information on these networking sites.

There were a few other things we learned or at least heard rumors of that I will not discuss with anyone but some of which is fairly serious. At the time I chose to hold my feelings on this until I could more closely verify it. For that reason I made the mistake of asking our moderator before I knew of her appointment if she had heard anything regarding this info. Again solely in an attempt to disprove what I had heard and only in what I believed was a very private conversation. It was shortly there after that David let loose with his conspiracy theory. Ironically I now know that at least one of these things is true as it has now been opened to the public by David himself in his message on the forum. I used to hold the entire management team in very high regard and considered them all decent and honorable men. I have since then drastically changed my opinion. With all of these things to consider I do not feel that I could enjoy any further stay here and will be closing my account very soon. Until we meet again I will bid you all farewell.

Red Skeltons's Famous Good Night Song

"The time has come to say goodnight,

My how time does fly.

We’ve had a laugh, perhaps a tear,

And now we hear good-bye.

I really hate to say goodnight,

For times like these are few.

I wish you love and happiness,

In everything you do.

The time has come to say goodnight,

I hope I’ve made a friend.

And so we’ll say ‘May God bless you,’

Until we meet again."

I hope mgmt are happy with themselves, and they said it was to get the forum livened up lol, what a joke. Now Denny, who put so much work on his spreadsheet before we had model search facility and has posted so many good and well thought out posts is also leaving.

Conspiracy.... makes me laugh. Which world do you guys think you're living in ? I suppose next you'll be getting on to the CIA and accusing "the gang" of being spies like the recent so called Russian spy scandal to hit the States. There are many groups of friends on this site and they have various means of communication. Joe states that he regularly speaks to Miss D on the phone and good luck to him, but we don't get a bug put on his line to check that he's not speaking out of turn or about members or models or site owners personal lives, or do we ? LOL ROMFAL
if i were to say anything uncooth about other members could you hardly blame me? i dont know why you all feel so wronged. we did nothing to hurt ANYONE, not even you denny, so i appologize that you feel like we have betrayed you. because we HAVENT. half of me wants to quit this site, but since all the people that i have beef with are leaving, then i guess i will just wait and see the new wave of people that join the forum. bye guys, have a nice life, and i wish you no ill harm, i just feel bad the parting was over some heresay chit chat and more speculation.
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if i were to say anything uncooth about other members could you hardly blame me? i dont know why you all feel so wronged. we did nothing to hurt ANYONE, not even you denny, so i appologize that you feel like we have betrayed you. because we HAVENT. half of me wants to quit this site, but since all the people that i have beef with are leaving, then i guess i will just wait and see the new wave of people that join the forum. bye guys, have a nice life, and i wish you no ill harm, i just feel bad the parting was over some heresay chit chat and more speculation.

I am not surprised by your uneducational and immature response. You and your women friends have only been on this site for a few months but you think you already own it. So if you want to cut off your cock and become a dyke, please feel free to, because I believe you are already half way there.

You also dont give a fuck what has happened previously and how this forum has developed by the aforementioned members, otherwise you wouldn't be posting on here at all. Most of the site improvements that you have seen would not have happened without the input from the likes of Denny, Jace and a few others.

But Joe, you and others need to take a step back and go through some threads that the people who have just left have written. Without these threads there would probably be no forum, no more suggestions to the films we see and lots of other things that come out of a forum.

There is a lot more that I would like to add to this post but I am not as nasty as you.
I am not surprised by your uneducational and immature response. You and your women friends have only been on this site for a few months but you think you already own it. So if you want to cut off your cock and become a dyke, please feel free to, because I believe you are already half way there.

You also dont give a fuck what has happened previously and how this forum has developed by the aforementioned members, otherwise you wouldn't be posting on here at all. Most of the site improvements that you have seen would not have happened without the input from the likes of Denny, Jace and a few others.

But Joe, you and others need to take a step back and go through some threads that the people who have just left have written. Without these threads there would probably be no forum, no more suggestions to the films we see and lots of other things that come out of a forum.

There is a lot more that I would like to add to this post but I am not as nasty as you.

jon i wasnt addressing you, so i dont know why you responded to a message that was geared respectfully to the members that are leaving. and do not come at me with that nasty word "dyke" again, it is offensive, and i am just as offended as you were when i used the word "twat". i have been on this forum for just over 6 months, and i wasnt aware of any pecking order that was in place, i am a senior member just like the rest of you, so back off. and lets not forget the contributions the ladies have given this forum as well. we added diversity. just because you dont like women, doesnt mean you have to shoot us a stink face every time we post. i say it again, back off with your attacks.

and denny, i really am sorry the parting of ways happened like this. i will miss you and the other members that are leaving, especially tampa as i have gotten to know him pretty well, and i know we have a shared understanding of what its like to hang out with the guys.
Jon come on, Women friends??? Who are you clumping together? If you are going to call someone out DO IT! I have been posting on this site for 2 months yes but watching videos much longer than that. I will tell you that I joined because these same men were here. They seemed to enjoy the women on the site being here. I was actually not welcomed by a woman first it was a gay male. I have enjoyed even reading and thinking differently from the posts that been put up by the people that are being called out. I don’t wish any ill will but something had to be done if the person they are investigating is fed up and the models are now going to have to watch everything they say. I will say this the pride events won’t be the same and it's just sad!
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I am not surprised by your uneducational and immature response. You and your women friends have only been on this site for a few months but you think you already own it. So if you want to cut off your cock and become a dyke, please feel free to, because I believe you are already half way there.

But Joe, you and others need to take a step back and go through some threads that the people who have just left have written. Without these threads there would probably be no forum, no more suggestions to the films we see and lots of other things that come out of a forum.

There is a lot more that I would like to add to this post but I am not as nasty as you.

LOL, you're not as nasty? You could have fooled me. Why call out all the women like we're some kind of horrible thing that happened to this site. It seems to me most of the people in the group David's talking about aren't even women. I think those people have done far more damage to this site. I think a lot of the people leaving have posted wonderful, intelligent posts but most of them are leaving of their own volition and not because of us pesky women. I hate to say it, but I certainly won't miss you when you leave if you're going to have such a prejudiced, misogynistic attitude.
I owe a big thank you to all the members of this forum who have created a place where we can share our love of porn, likes and dislikes, politics, opinions, accomplishments, sorrows and friendship. If it weren't for all the members of this forum, the intelligent conversation, idle banter, fun quizzes and just silly banter, I would have joined for a month and quit Broke Straight Boys altogether. I had no initial idea about the scope of this forum, I just liked what everyone was saying, and certainly how even with differing opinions about things, generally respected the opinions of the others on the forum. I especially appreciated the fact that, as a woman in a mans world, a place I wasn't sure I would be welcome, I was welcomed with what felt like open arms. It surprised me that anyone would even care what I had to say, and was completely startled to have someone reply to something I had to say the first time I posted. This has quickly become a place I come to when I feel the need to connect to people who don't know me but share similar interests, ones that are far different than those of the people in my daily life. It means a lot to me because I found that, in the grand scheme of things, even though most of my every day friends think I'm a total freak for loving gay porn, all of you here don't. But it's about much more than that, and I quickly came to realize what a wonderful community of people this is. I'm surprised it's become so important to me. I've never been involved in anything like this, and have spent many hours talking about this at length with my husband to help keep it all in perspective. I just want to thank everyone involved for the entertainment, friendship, compassion, understanding, intelligent conversation, and interesting perspective. I appreciate all of you.
WOW! Where do I begin? I'll do this on Denny's thread, because he was my friend. I'll also do this with time references that fit what was happening for me.

Two nights ago there was a lot of tension happening on the forum. My favorite Slimmie and I were pming about the "Story" thread, and all hell broke loose. Slim and Miss D. tried to ease the tension and open communication, but it just went worse. All of a sudden we had sides popping up that I didn't even know existed. I had very dear friends on both, so I was afraid to post anything. I sent some pm's to a few people trying to get people to slow down and think. Nothing was working, people started posting that they were leaving. I worried about what was happening at Broke Straight Boys and to my friends all night. I cried, I felt sick, and I watched my new favorite place crumble.

The next morning I had a family obligation that I could not avoid, put off, or move so I started a three day drive halfway across the U.S.. This was bad for me, because when I drive, I think. So all day I thought of ways to tell people to think before they speak, to act their age, to have some compassion, and eventually to just shut the fuck up. When I checked into a hotel at 11pm, things were worse, more people were gone, and those that remained were still either trying to hurt each other, trying to avoid the whole thing, or wondering what the hell happened in the first place. I talked to a few people privately and went to bed, and cried because I was driving and didn't get to say good-bye.

I checked in from the road today. More threads, more confessions, more quitting. My friends I checked in with were worried it would take weeks to recover. Some were worried we never would.

For me, it's 11:15pm. I just got into a hotel room and logged on. This was the first thread on my list, so I read it. I have not gone to my pm's, any other threads, or any friends profiles. Because I am afraid. Afraid I'll find out that someone else I have come to care about is gone.

That may sound dramatic to some of you. Those of you that know that I am such a GIRL, will not be surprised at all. The simple fact is, internet or not, I have formed very real relationships here. There are people here who have captured my heart. There are people here that have made me think and challenged me.

This whole thing sucks! People are getting hurt. Enough is enough.

Please stop! All of you, please stop.
Are you kidding me? It's a porn site, for god's sake!

for some of us, this is not just a porn site. for those of us with menial lives with sucky jobs, no friends and a fucked up home life, this is our getaway. my very best friend and i met here. this is so much more than a porn site now. im sorry, but this is all so fucked up. i dont even know why this is an issue, if i had never called joninliverton a twat (thats what he assumes i meant) he never would have gone on a vendetta against our new moderator and start this crazy fight that would snowball into what we have now. this is all just so fucked up. especially since while we were all arguing about miss deidra, an new issue came out about a secret society and such. what happened. i dont want any of you to leave, well except maybe certain people that think i should shove a dick in my brain....which isnt possible ive tried, ear sex is not fun!
I seriously was not going to post anything further to this forum but after reading some of the responses and seeing the hurt some people are feeling I thought I would chime in one last time. First off I am not at all dissatisfied with my decision to leave and in fact I think it is the best thing I can do right now to help put my life back in perspective. I have been stagnating and spending way to much time pampering the forum lately and ignoring my own life. Therefore this is going to be a fresh start and a new day for me and I am actually feeling better already. Also anyone wishing to stay in contact with me is more then welcome to do so. If you do not currently have my email address simply ask for it in a PM just be quick as I have already cancelled my account. You can also find me on My Space under the same name Denny Bear. I consider many if not most of you to be very close friends so I hope that will help ease this transition.

That said let me also say again I am not a women hater and that is not why I have chose to leave. I welcome them to the site and into our lives. I simply wish the control of the forum to remain in the hands of a guy to give us the feeling of having our place. Is it really to much to ask for a bit of space. No one here I guess really knows me personally as I have never met any of you but I assure you I am a very real person and I have very strong beliefs in people and friendships. I do not tolerate people who lie or use false or misleading statements to corrupt others. I am not going to burn any more bodies then those that have already been shed but I will tell you I, through channels was given some information that I feel very strongly against. I can not in good conscious continue to support Broke Straight Boys and it's management for that reason. I will also swear to you that despite what you may hear contrary, the small group I belong to has done nothing illegal or immoral in any way, at least to the best of my knowledge. Face Book and My Space are public entities and it is not illegal to search for people on these sites and when found to request a friendship. This is public information and if those people do not wish it to be found then they should not post it there. Also they have every opportunity to ignore any and all friend request from people they do not wish to talk to. If you have a My Space or Face Book account then you are doing the same thing that we did.

I mentioned that we became aware of other information. This was NOT acquired through any form of stalking or covert searching. It was instead acquired simply by speaking to a person that has worked with this management before. We also did not solicit this information as it was simply handed down to us. It was their information to share as it dealt with them personally. I will say nothing further on this mater so those wishing to live behind a lie may feel free to do so.

I don't know if this has helped in any way but I sincerely hope it has not made maters worse. I do not ask to be marterd simply to not be drawn and quartered for something you you may not fully understand. So I will only ask before dragging my name or the names of my friends through the mud simply ask yourself have we done anything against you personally. If we have them you may light the fires other wise please treat us with a bit of kindness and respect.

Denny Bear