Long time forumite
I've noticed on Facebook promos such as this current one posted earlier today:
Ian Dempsey "Broke Straight Boys" Model
Broke Straight Boys
5h ·
Ryan ended up marrying a girl who used to work for me and is still married to her to this day so I can verify that Ryan is definitely straight. See his first time at onlyfans.com/OGPornBoss
I am confused by this ad on several levels. By the way Ryan's scene with Tyler is one of my favorites as Ryan does something I've never seen before or since. But my confusion is three fold:
1) Why is this being posted by the former model, Ian Dempsey?
2) The post says, "Ryan ended up marrying a girl who used to work for me". Who is saying that, Ian Dempsey or Mark who is the onlyfans, "Porn Boss"?
3) If this is Mark posting for his onlyfans platform, why is he promoting Ryan who filmed three scenes in Florida for David in 2008. I am sincerely not trying to be obnoxious or anything. I've seen these Ian Dempsey "Broke Straight Boys" Model ads on Facebook before for onlyfans Porn Boss, and the connection between Ian, Mark and now Ryan is confusing to me. If Mark or someone else on the site wants to explain what this is all about, I'd appreciate it.
Ian Dempsey "Broke Straight Boys" Model
Broke Straight Boys
5h ·
Ryan ended up marrying a girl who used to work for me and is still married to her to this day so I can verify that Ryan is definitely straight. See his first time at onlyfans.com/OGPornBoss
I am confused by this ad on several levels. By the way Ryan's scene with Tyler is one of my favorites as Ryan does something I've never seen before or since. But my confusion is three fold:
1) Why is this being posted by the former model, Ian Dempsey?
2) The post says, "Ryan ended up marrying a girl who used to work for me". Who is saying that, Ian Dempsey or Mark who is the onlyfans, "Porn Boss"?
3) If this is Mark posting for his onlyfans platform, why is he promoting Ryan who filmed three scenes in Florida for David in 2008. I am sincerely not trying to be obnoxious or anything. I've seen these Ian Dempsey "Broke Straight Boys" Model ads on Facebook before for onlyfans Porn Boss, and the connection between Ian, Mark and now Ryan is confusing to me. If Mark or someone else on the site wants to explain what this is all about, I'd appreciate it.