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Experimenting with other guys when you are young.

Sorry, Drake Tyler, and John Henry. . .

I have to go to work, and cannot (at this moment) find the second part of this documentary, which is a little more hopeful. In the years AFTER those covered by this documentary, new combinations of anti-retroviral drugs did enable (and have enabled) many people infected by the HIV virus to manage their illness, as chronic illness, rather than as a definitive death-sentence, as HIV used to be. (But that management is no PICNIC - the drugs required to keep the virus at bay make some people sick; and cause organ-failure in some; and are altogether UNPLEASANT. Some people cope with them famously - a lot of other people find then to be huge burdens in life.)

But (and I hope Tampa will forgive me, for this) when he and I were your age, there was always a definite thought in our heads, that, "If this guy is infected, and I don't know it" ~ and there was never any way to KNOW IT, from looking at a guy ~ my making love to this person, now, might be my death-sentence. And nobody from my generation is ever without, that thought. (That is why SOME of us STILL GET SO UPSET, when this site features sex, without condoms.)

Drake, you are a very young man - and I hope you will watch the documentary, above, IN FULL. If you view it, and take its message seriously. . . there is no better gift I could ever give you.

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For Drake and any others out there who have not seen the HBO presentation of The Normal Heart, I highly recommend it. I believe it's out on video now also. It captures the era of AIDS and its impact on the gay community in particular going back as far as the late 70's and through the 80's.