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Excited to be back, BOING!


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Have rejoined the site after a few months away. Main reason was the models...no one really got me hot, lol! I'm back and I'm soooooooooo happy! Johnny Forza, Paul Canon and several more are as good as they get! OMG! The big cocks, the kissing and cum drinking, the bodies, the personalities are cock hardening, NO SHIT! I mean seriously, who could ask for more? I for one don't want dirtbag boys or professionals pretending to be playing straight. Come on you whiners, give it a break.

Now, here's an open message to Paul Canon...boy, you are incredibly sensual and sexual. Gay, straight or bi, you are PRIMO and a real TROOPER! Hope you take a chance and contact me via e-mail at [email protected] I don't tweet or message cause I have an actual life, lmao! But I know a hot and adventurous guy like you when I see or meet them. (OH, and btw, lol, I'm a fan, not a stalker, lol! So talk to me dirty leg, lol!) Gonna watch you in action again in just a little while. Damn you are smoking hot!

To the members reading, give me a break, lol! And give the site a break...if all you have to do is bitch about this, that or something else then leave like I did a few months ago.

I truly admire your making a direct appeal to a particular model.
That's very much to my way of thinking.

If you are fortunate enough to have a response, just say one
word to let us know, would you?

And welcome back!

Welcome back lights. Paul sure has made a big impression on folks here, and I agree that he is very hot.

As far as those of us bitching about this and that, that is all fine and good too. That is the beautiful thing about having an open forum where we can express our honest opinions.

It is always good to see old friends rejoin the forum. :welcome: home.
I would love to see Paul find a hot boyfriend and fall in love with him and give it all to one safe guy. So are you hot and safe? Paul is the cutest, hotest guy, to me, on the site. They let Duncan spit all over him in his last scene and open him too (with no finess) which really pissed me off and caused a bit of a firestorm here on the forum. If your're a spitter, leave my boy alone! Otherwise, let us know if it pans out! He is one beautiful hunk of manhood from the top of his head to his toes and EVERYTHING in between.
I would love to see Paul find a hot boyfriend and fall in love with him and give it all to one safe guy. So are you hot and safe? Paul is the cutest, hotest guy, to me, on the site. They let Duncan spit all over him in his last scene and open him too (with no finess) which really pissed me off and caused a bit of a firestorm here on the forum. If your're a spitter, leave my boy alone! Otherwise, let us know if it pans out! He is one beautiful hunk of manhood from the top of his head to his toes and EVERYTHING in between.

Mrs V., I couldn't agree more. Paul's deflowering here was truly gruesome. Although he said he liked it, I suspect
that was just his being a trooper. He really deserved to have a sensual and fulfilling first fuck. I pray it has not
put him off being the receptacle of man-love for very long.

I wonder if Paul will be going bareback ?

God, I hope not. I just posted about that on the bareback thread. I can't stand to think about it. Unless it is with a real life partner and they both test, wait six months and then do the do.
Thank you all for your warm welcome back.

My open message to Paul carries with it no expectation that he and I would ever meet let alone become a couple! I would just like to talk TO him (as in my open message) and not just ABOUT him, haha. I totally agree he is amazingly hot and what I consider to be adventurous which is quite extraordinary wouldn't you agree? Given that info Paul, I hope you take me up on my sincere desire to get to know you better thru e-mail.

Of course, the forum allows us to express our opinions it just seems to me some things mentioned are nit-picking as my Mom says, lol!

Thanks again!
Welcome back Lights! :)

I remember 2 other models, with one in particular, that you were absolutely crazy about once upon a time. What was his name again? LOL
Haha, it was Tom of Tom and Kayden. Big calf eyes and monstrous cow balls, lol! Tan, toned and personalble. Though average in length his cock was thick as hell, hehe!
I'll deff check out Johnny! You Chuck made it possible for me to get back on the forum! Thank you for that. Yes, I'm very happy with the site!
This is lights again! I failed to mention Paul's nicely hairy legs, a HUGE turnon for me in guys! When he was fucking Duncan the camera angle switched to below the action and Paul's beautiful leg hair was amazing! Thick and as erect as his luscious cock. Paul can bag me anytime, hehe, and I'd have my tongue deep in his boi pussy in a heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm always up for a deep face fucking...being super oral I'm blessed with very little gag reflex! Plus Paul's tan is a huge plus as well, hehe! I love tan lines.