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Evolving taste for sex


BSB Addict
Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Benicia, CA
I turned 58 years old and I'm even hornier than ever. I don't get bent out of shape when I get turned down for sex these days not like when I was younger. I just go with the flow and if I get lucky - well, I just let things happen and let things fall where it will. Though I'm hornier, I'm not aggressive about getting a nut. I'm more into feeling my way around my partner's body not just his ass hole. I used to be have very high standards on the quality of man I'm with, but these days, I just glad to have someone to be with. I used to be more into physical looks, but now I'm into what's going with someone head and whether he is able to communicate it coherently. What about you, those of you who have a few years under your belt, are your sexual tastes evolving with each additional year?
I turned 58 years old and I'm even hornier than ever. I don't get bent out of shape when I get turned down for sex these days not like when I was younger. I just go with the flow and if I get lucky - well, I just let things happen and let things fall where it will. Though I'm hornier, I'm not aggressive about getting a nut. I'm more into feeling my way around my partner's body not just his ass hole. I used to be have very high standards on the quality of man I'm with, but these days, I just glad to have someone to be with. I used to be more into physical looks, but now I'm into what's going with someone head and whether he is able to communicate it coherently. What about you, those of you who have a few years under your belt, are your sexual tastes evolving with each additional year?

Oh yes angelone, I too used to have all sorts of requirements. These days, I am happy if they are breathing and willing. Everything else, I can close my eyes and be with whoever I want, in my mind.
Now that I have been single for 3yrs and possibly dipping my toe back in the dating pool, I know for a fact that my taste has changed. Last time I dated I was 24 and very picky. Only liked jockish and/or hippy boys. Now that I'm 49 I too Angelone are more interested in whats happening in their upper head.lol A plus is that at our age maybe the twink type boys are far and in between but with our preference change we have opened up a bigger dating pool. I remember before my partner I didn't care if the guy was still in my bed when I woke up, now I think I would enjoy maybe spending the day with him. It's good getting more mature :)
Considering I am in a long time monogamous relationship, it has been many, many years since I was in the market for a man. However, I have noticed, that as I have aged I now look at guys in a different light. I enjoy looking at certain types of guys today, that in my younger days, I wouldn't have looked twice at them. The effects of age on a guy is sometimes hard to understand.
Considering I am in a long time monogamous relationship, it has been many, many years since I was in the market for a man. However, I have noticed, that as I have aged I now look at guys in a different light. I enjoy looking at certain types of guys today, that in my younger days, I wouldn't have looked twice at them. The effects of age on a guy is sometimes hard to understand.

I'm going to have to get my head around the avatars. I keep thinking we've got lots of hot guys in the forum :thumbup1: Well I'm sure everyone is hot in their own way lol.

Nice to hear that you're still in a long term monogamous relationship. I think that the fact that it is monogamous relationship is testamount to it's longevity. From my experience messing around or having multiple partners only ends up in disaster.

I thought I had a monogamous relationship until I caught the ex bf with another guy, and that was after 18 months. Since then, which was a few years ago, I have had to concentrate on my job and getting up the ladder to earn a good wage. I am now fairly comfortable for a 25yo and in the last 8 months or so I have dabbled into the world of Grindr. I'm not a slut, but I'm no angel anymore either. :par50:
I'm going to have to get my head around the avatars. I keep thinking we've got lots of hot guys in the forum :thumbup1: Well I'm sure everyone is hot in their own way lol.

Nice to hear that you're still in a long term monogamous relationship. I think that the fact that it is monogamous relationship is testamount to it's longevity. From my experience messing around or having multiple partners only ends up in disaster.

I thought I had a monogamous relationship until I caught the ex bf with another guy, and that was after 18 months. Since then, which was a few years ago, I have had to concentrate on my job and getting up the ladder to earn a good wage. I am now fairly comfortable for a 25yo and in the last 8 months or so I have dabbled into the world of Grindr. I'm not a slut, but I'm no angel anymore either. :par50:
I haven't been 25yo in almost 25 yrs.!! But Joninliverton that was the age (give or take a few) I met my best friend and who eventually became my partner of 20yrs. So don't let the ex's poor mistake leave you negative or weary of another. Time goes by very quickly and would hate to see you end up lonely. @ Angelone thanks for the friend request, I have always enjoyed your :2c: on subjects.
I am 48 and have been with the same guy, monogamously, for 30 years. As we age, we are definitely more aroused around each other; all we have to do is look at one another and we are turned on. When we were kids, we'd fuck, but most times now, its lovemaking and sensual touching. He also likes all types of anal toys and I love rimming him! We both like the fact that we are getting older and have deepened our experiences with sex. Try this: getting someone close to an orgasm without touching the genitals or asshole; it is lots of fun and requires lots of pacience.
I am 48 and have been with the same guy, monogamously, for 30 years. As we age, we are definitely more aroused around each other; all we have to do is look at one another and we are turned on. When we were kids, we'd fuck, but most times now, its lovemaking and sensual touching. He also likes all types of anal toys and I love rimming him! We both like the fact that we are getting older and have deepened our experiences with sex. Try this: getting someone close to an orgasm without touching the genitals or asshole; it is lots of fun and requires lots of pacience.

Excellent post Beth and may it continue. I was once made to cum by a guy who was a superb kisser..
I am 48 and have been with the same guy, monogamously, for 30 years. As we age, we are definitely more aroused around each other; all we have to do is look at one another and we are turned on. When we were kids, we'd fuck, but most times now, its lovemaking and sensual touching. He also likes all types of anal toys and I love rimming him! We both like the fact that we are getting older and have deepened our experiences with sex. Try this: getting someone close to an orgasm without touching the genitals or asshole; it is lots of fun and requires lots of pacience.

Yes it is Beth, indeed! It's always been my contention that there are so many different ways to get an orgasm. All fun, erotic and sensual.
Joninliverton, don't let the experience with the ex turn you sour on relationships. I am a firm believer that there is someone for everyone. You just have to keep searching. One day, God willing, you will find your perfect mate. I wish you the best of luck.
Excellent post Beth and may it continue. I was once made to cum by a guy who was a superb kisser..


What an excellent way to get off! I have been close, but never had the actual pleasure of cumming while getting kissed. How fortunate you were, jon.
All - I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment. At the moment I am concentrating on progressing at work, doing more exams, and saving for a deposit on a house. I'm open and do have one off meets which sometimes end up in sex and sometimes do not. If the right person comes along then so be it. But I'm not actively searching for a hubby. Thanks for your good wishes though and back to you xx
All - I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment. At the moment I am concentrating on progressing at work, doing more exams, and saving for a deposit on a house. I'm open and do have one off meets which sometimes end up in sex and sometimes do not. If the right person comes along then so be it. But I'm not actively searching for a hubby. Thanks for your good wishes though and back to you xx

I'm sure all of us wish you nothing but happiness Jon. :001_smile: