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Everybody's Grinding

Order me an assignment, like hunting butterflies... for you I would hunt the species...


and come up with an improvement... to release them.


You made me tear up, Robert. Love the PS. <3

My beloved Monkey how are you doing? Glad to see you here tonight!

You can't vote for the presidential election if I remembered that well, monkey. But you are an American... so why can't you vote?

This thread "Everybody's Grinding" by JoninLiverton... are you grinding Monkey? Do you have reception for the Grinder App? Or are you still devoted to you Latin Friend? ( The Latinboy I would love to see more pics of - toghteter with you... yes... and I want to see you happy; and feel jealous at the same time. Does that makes any sense?
Let's talk about Tampa. How are YOU doing this Monday October 8th my friend? We both met Abraham...

Life can be such a bitch... that's why I take this anti-depressive prescription. Believe me, to me, the diminished libido is a blessing. Ever since I realized that gay I was, I felt this fear as ending up as the dirty old man in the park.

Watching porn video's between young guys on this website feels okay. Watching old and young porn feels okay. So as a born European, liberal, I'm wondering what's wrong with silver daddy porn? On every jug some cork should fit.

But then there is just that thing... once young all was fine. Now, meeting Abraham's age, somehow I prefer watching video instead of the once oh so real action.

I poked around Google and think that this may be a translation.

Cute Abraham spells

50 jaar abraham teksten 50 years abraham lyrics

Gedichten en uitspraken voor 50e verjaardag Poems and sayings for 50th birthday

Als een man 50 jaar wordt heet het dat hij Abraham ziet. If a man is called the 50 years that he sees Abraham. Voor zo'n heuglijke gebeurtenis zijn er ook al veel heuglijke spreuken en uitspraken verzonnen. For such a memorable event there are already many memorable aphorisms and sayings invented. Lees hier de leukste, grappigste en origineelste Abraham spreuken en gedichten die je kunt gebruiken voor spandoeken, t-shirts, feestgidsen en wat je allemaal nog meer kun verzinnen om de verjaardag van Abraham nog leuker en gezelliger te vieren. Read the nicest, funniest and most original Abraham proverbs and poems that you can use for banners, t-shirts, party guides and more what you can come up to the anniversary of Abraham more fun and enjoyable to celebrate.

Using my deductive logic Robert, should I be asking Tampa be starting a 50th :birthday: thread for someone on this Monday October 8th???????:par50:
P.S. Robert, I love the beautiful, meaningful version that Bob Dylan did of "The Times, They Are A Changing".

P.P.S. Sorry Jon that all of this has gone down on your thread. I know that you like to keep your threads tidy. :001_rolleyes: :biggrin:
If you're gonna have a general chat thread then friggin make one. Robert you've really pissed me off...

Sorry Jon... did not realize you were so strict on your forum topics. Yesterday... it was late at night, I was tired, the wine clouded my brain almost instantaneous. So I behaved like the happy drunk in the bar... Children and drunk peoples speak the truth; but use way too many words. Will try not to hack your threads no more Jon.

PS: Mike you clever interpreter... are you a secret agent?