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Ethan Steel Porn Highlights Reel - scene thread


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
Wow! What a fantastic surprise is now on the site. My boy, Ethan Steel has a compilation video going back to his beginnings on Broke Straight Boys with highlights of his Getting to Know interview with Sha from back in 2019 right through some of his hottest sex scenes. As I’ve said so many times, Ethan is my ideal Broke Straight Boys, going back to the prototype of a gay for pay handsome young guy. And Ethan has upped the ante with kissing, cocksucking and even rimming.

So many highlights of my favorite Ethan scenes including Calhoun, Masyn Thorne, James and more. And besides being hot as fuck sexually, his boyish sense of humor and incongruous quips calling his partners terms like Daddy. Watching these highlights make me want more Ethan. Any chance of bringing him back, powers that be at Broke Straight Boys? Thanks Mark for giving us this beautifully well edited highlight episode of Broke Straight Boys I loved it. :smiley-love021:

All good! I wanted to practice adding titles and models names to videos so I thought Ethan would be a great model to do. He’s one of those models who most love and some don’t lol, but all of that brings interesting conversations to the forum. I was one who started off on the fence but grew to really love Ethan in the end.
Glad you liked it. Thanks for the compliments.
Also, I didn’t select the stills chosen for the scene, but I have to thank whoever chose the still of Ethan’s hairy asshole. That shot was the reason I included that scene. BRAVO
While not a fan of Ethan I congratulate Jay for his loving effort and am happy for those who are fans of his.
All good! I wanted to practice adding titles and models names to videos so I thought Ethan would be a great model to do. He’s one of those models who most love and some don’t lol, but all of that brings interesting conversations to the forum. I was one who started off on the fence but grew to really love Ethan in the end.
Glad you liked it. Thanks for the compliments.
Do you edit professionally or is this more of a passion project. Either way great job!
Do you edit professionally or is this more of a passion project. Either way great job!
I used to work in television and did some editing many years ago. I would say it was more of a passion project now. I’m practicing my skills for when I decide to produce my own onlyfans content. lol. Kidding….somewhat.
Thank you Jay and Broke Straight Boys! Jay you are very talented and I for one love that you are an ass guy, the shots of Ethan's cherry hole in your video were great. Maybe Mark can replace HSBoys with Jay's Compilation's? Kudos Jay great Job!:love:
Thank you. I’m glad you liked it. Yes, I am very much an ass guy and when it’s not shown in a video I’m disappointed. LOL.
Wow! What a fantastic surprise is now on the site. My boy, Ethan Steel has a compilation video going back to his beginnings on Broke Straight Boys with highlights of his Getting to Know interview with Sha from back in 2019 right through some of his hottest sex scenes. As I’ve said so many times, Ethan is my ideal Broke Straight Boys, going back to the prototype of a gay for pay handsome young guy. And Ethan has upped the ante with kissing, cocksucking and even rimming.

So many highlights of my favorite Ethan scenes including Calhoun, Masyn Thorne, James and more. And besides being hot as fuck sexually, his boyish sense of humor and incongruous quips calling his partners terms like Daddy. Watching these highlights make me want more Ethan. Any chance of bringing him back, powers that be at Broke Straight Boys? Thanks Mark for giving us this beautifully well edited highlight episode of Broke Straight Boys I loved it. :smiley-love021:

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As soon as I saw this thread title, I knew this would make your Passover celebration one of your best ever. And you thought your Seder meal was good!! - lol!!!
Too bad you are in The Big Apple, I wouldn’t last very long in a real city. I visited once and it’s way too busy for this forest dweller.
Much of my youth was spent in the woods and I loved it.
Too bad you are in The Big Apple, I wouldn’t last very long in a real city. I visited once and it’s way too busy for this forest dweller.

I‘m curious, where you live. You don’t have to be specific, but generally where? Back when the forum was super active, we had folks from Spain, Amsterdam, England, France, Canada, New Zealand, and most every part of the U.S. from sea to shining sea. I never got into social media, but got to know folks really well through this board. One of my besties was a lady from California who was separated from her husband, a single mom who discovered gay porn, this site and this forum. Her motto, which I fully subscribed to was, “I came for the the porn, but stayed for the forum”, but that was long ago.

I always hope that the forum could one day reach at least some of what it was, just a place to check into and see what my forum friends are up to or thinking about today. The forum used to remind me of the bar on Cheers.

I‘m curious, where you live. You don’t have to be specific, but generally where? Back when the forum was super active, we had folks from Spain, Amsterdam, England, France, Canada, New Zealand, and most every part of the U.S. from sea to shining sea. I never got into social media, but got to know folks really well through this board. One of my besties was a lady from California who was separated from her husband, a single mom who discovered gay porn, this site and this forum. Her motto, which I fully subscribed to was, “I came for the the porn, but stayed for the forum”, but that was long ago.

I always hope that the forum could one day reach at least some of what it was, just a place to check into and see what my forum friends are up to or thinking about today. The forum used to remind me of the bar on Cheers.

This site is one of the first I ever paid for oh so many years ago, and really wish I had found the forum sooner. I guess it’s just not what one is looking for when visiting this fine establishment we call Broke Straight Boys.

I grew up near the silicon forest aka in Oregon. My parents were from California so not the best mentors for living in the hills but thru out the years we had goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats, turkeys, and even a cow for awhile. It was a drag as a child having to travel many miles just to see friends, but I wouldn’t have traded my experience for anything else.