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Erotic Story: A Crush on My Best Friend


Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Here is my latest erotic story. I comes in two parts with the second to follow next week. I hope you enjoy it.

A Crush on My Best Friend​
For years, I've had a crush on my friend Scott, but he showed no interest in men and appeared very straight. He was also very faithful to his girlfriend, a quality I admired. I never told him how I felt or even that I was gay. Secretly, I adored him. He had the most beautiful sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and a great body. His arms and legs had a moderate amount of hair on them, but other than that, he had little body hair. I often fantasized about him while I jacked off. How I wanted to take him to my bed and make love to him all night long. Never in my life did I believe it could really happen. He was straight through and through from what I saw. Well, I was at home one Saturday night watching a movie when I heard a car door slam outside. I looked out the window to see Scott walking up to my front door. Something didn't look right, so I hurried to the door to let him in. There was something in his face that troubled me. When I opened the door, it was obvious that he was depressed about something.

"What’s wrong?" I asked.

"I came home to find my girlfriend in bed with her boss," he said, fighting back the tears. "When I got her alone and confronted her about it, she just shrugged it off like it was no big deal. She didn't even care that I was hurt. I can't bring myself to go back home tonight."

"Stay here tonight", I insisted.

"Thanks, Alex. I'd rather not be alone right now."

Now I didn't have a spare bed since nobody ever stayed at my house. I didn't see the point in taking up space with something that wouldn't get used. "You’ll have to sleep in my bed" I told him. "It's big enough for both of us. You know I don’t have a spare bed or a couch worth sleeping on"

"I don't know," he said. "Don't you think that would feel kind of weird?"

"Why?" I asked. "We're just good friends. Besides, who's going to know?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders as if to say that I had a point. We took turns with the shower and he borrowed a pair of my shorts to sleep in. We both slept shirtless, but this was nothing new to me since I had seen him topless several times. His chest was well defined and his skin fair and gorgeous. I could have gotten hard just looking at him like that. I had just settled into bed and turned off the light when I heard him sigh like he had something to say.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"It's nothing," he lied.

"Scott, You'll feel better if you talk about it," I insisted. “I’m here for you.”

"It's just that I can't believe she did this to me."

"She did you wrong, Scott. She's not good enough for you."

"Why did it have to be tonight? I had a romantic evening planned. I even went out and bought her roses, chocolate, and her favorite wine. I really loved her."

"I know you did."

"It was going to be an evening of passion. I've been looking forward to it all day,” he said turning away from me to try to hide the fact that he was rubbing his crotch. It wasn’t working. I could see his shorts sticking out where his cock was getting hard. He sighed and said, “Thinking about what I had planned is making me so...well...horny."

"I understand that.” I really did understand what he was feeling at this point. Here was the man I had wanted so badly for so many years, right next to me in my bed, and I couldn't make a move on him for fear of complicating our friendship. My cock was getting really hard just thinking about him being there.

"I guess I'll just have to get over it," he said, sounding depressed. It was then that he said something that almost made me jump. "Too bad we're not gay. We could just take care of each other right here."

Had I heard him right? Was he coming on to me? I would have passed it off as wishful thinking if I had not been so hard and so horny. I decided to chance it.

“What?” I asked "Are you serious?”

"As horny as I am right now, yes," he replied. Then he added, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s just because I’m so horny right now, and hurt.”

He was serious. I could hear it in his voice. This was everything I dreamed of. I wouldn't get this chance again. It was now or never, so I decided to risk it all. "Scott," I said, a little nervous. "I have something to tell you. Promise me you won't freak out."

"Of course I won’t," he replied.

I mustered up all my strength and prepared for the worst. "I am gay," I said nervously. Silence can be loud when you're waiting on a response to that statement. Seconds felt like hours. All I could think was “Please say something”. Finally, he broke the silence.

"I always suspected you were," he told me ever so calmly.

"You did?" I asked a little surprised. I am very straight acting and even dated girls to dispel any rumors that might arise. I thought I hid it well, but there was always that lingering doubt.

"Yes, but you hid it well. Still, I always suspected."

"I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want to damage our friendship. I was afraid you would freak out if I told you."

"No, it's cool. To tell the truth, I've always been a little curious. What's it like being with another man?"

"If you're really curious, it would be easier to show you", I offered. “I think you’ll like it. A man knows what another man likes and can really pleasure him.”

He hesitated for a minute, and then replied, "If I say yes, will you promise me one thing?"

"What's that?" I asked, thinking he would swear me to silence.

"Don't try to stick anything up my butt," he said.

"I won't" I told him, laughing a little. I moved closer and my naked chest pressed against his as I wrapped my arms around him.

We embraced and I kissed him. He liked that. He had never kissed a guy before. Slowly, I began to move down his body to his chest and licked and sucked his nipples. Scott moaned his approval. There wasn't much light, but I could definitely see his hard cock in his shorts. He obviously liked this. I moved on down until I reached the tent pole sticking up in his shorts. He moaned as I played with his very hard cock and fondled his balls through the fabric. I always did want to see what was inside those shorts. Now I was going to see, hold, lick, suck, and otherwise pleasure my best friend.

I would wait no longer for the prize. I reached inside the waistband and slowly pulled his shorts down. His pubes were blond too and the base of what appeared to be a nice cock came into view. I decided to go ahead and just pull them all the way off. His cock was perfect. It was about seven inches long, kind of thick, and cut with a big reddish-pink head. His balls were huge and hung low. I started with his balls, taking them in my mouth one at a time. Scott gasped with pleasure, moaning loudly as I licked and sucked his large nuts. Slowly, I ran my tongue up the shaft of his beautiful cock, around the head a couple of times, and then swallowed as much as I could. I heard him sigh and in almost a whisper say, "Oh, yes!” This told me I was doing something right. It didn't take long for his hands to find my head and direct the rhythm. We kept this up until he got close. I had planned to suck him off, but he pulled me off.

"I want to try this on you." he said, much to my surprise.

"Sure", I replied. What was I going to do, say no?

Scott had a rocky start. I had to tell him to watch the teeth a few times, but his sucking skills were good for a beginner. In fact, he was excellent for a beginner. The combination of his natural talent, warm mouth, and the fact that this was the man of my dreams could have driven me over the edge easily if I had not held back. I wasn't ready for this to end. I never wanted it to end. Putting my hands on his head, I guided him up and down my very hard cock. I was in heaven. Suddenly, Scott pulled my cock out of his mouth, looked me in the eyes, and said something I had long wanted to hear from his lips; "Can I fuck you?"

"Yes," I said. "Please do"

This is what I really wanted, the intimacy of being joined together. I got on my back and pulled my legs up to my chest and told Scott to get the lube from my night stand. He poured it on his cock and in my crack. After we were both lubed and ready, he proceeded to penetrate me. There was a lot of resistance at first due to his size and the fact that it had been a while since I had been fucked, but we kept at it until he was inside me. There was pain, but Scott was patient and very gentle. As he began to slide his hard dick in and out of my ass, he went slow to give me time to get use to him. I didn’t even have to ask him to take it easy. When I had loosened up enough, I started encouraging him to fuck me a little faster. It felt so good. I had to stop stroking myself or I would shoot my load too soon. He was hitting areas inside me that no one else ever had, and he had a look on his face that spoke not only of pleasure, but also something else, as if he loved this even more because it was me. As he got closer and faster, I began to notice a tingling sensation in my balls. I had not stroked my cock for some time to keep from cumming. My balls ached for release. The sensation got more intense every time Scott pushed into me. I knew I was about to shoot my load even if I didn't touch my cock. Scott was on the edge of an intense orgasm. I could tell. My balls pulled in closer instinctively from the pleasure and I could feel my load rising. I tried to hold off until he was ready to shoot, but to no avail. Without even touching my cock, I exploded. My muscles contracted and my sphincter tightened around Scott’s dick instinctively. This caused Scott to cum too. I shot big stream after big stream onto my chest and his as he wrapped his arms around me and creamed my insides, unloading his balls inside my tight ass. When our orgasms subsided, Scott fell on top of me and we just held each other for a long time, out of breath from our love session, saying nothing and not needing to. We just held and kissed each other.

"Thank you," he whispered in my ear after some time. "That was probably the best sex I ever had."

“Better than any girl?” I asked.

He laughed. It was the first time I had seen him happy since I opened the door to let him into my house. “I don’t know about that”, he said, “but it was sure better than any I had with that slut I’m leaving.”

“The apartment is in her name”, I reminded him. “Where will you go?”

He smiled and said, “Well, I was kind of hoping to come live with you, if you think that would be alright.”

“That would be perfect”, I said, then I kissed him.

We slept well that night, with Scott holding me tight all night long, his arm wrapped around my chest. The next day, Scott went back to his place. He dumped the whore, got his things together, and moved in with me. I heard she didn't get the promotion she was after. Some other woman with bigger tits got it instead. It serves her right for betraying such a wonderful man. As for Scott, he had finally found someone who would never hurt him or betray his trust. He had found love.

It got even better later on, but that is another story for another time.

To be continued…
Oh hell yes, more please! That was a great story, thank you. I am waiting eagerly for the next part.
Here is my latest erotic story. I comes in two parts with the second to follow next week. I hope you enjoy it.

It got even better later on, but that is another story for another time.

To be continued…

That was fabulous, and it's going to kill me waiting for the next installment!
Wow, that was hot! There is just something magical about teaching a straight man, the pleasures of man-on-man sex. Even more so when they are open to the experience. This story really resonates with me, Brought back some sweet memories!
Thanks Phantom.
It got me hard - but it is the morning.

Some cream for your coffee, Jon?
I found this pic on the net and thought you might enjoy it.
WOW that was hot. It would be really cool if it were a pron movie. I can't wait for the next part. Too bad we can't see video of this love story.
♥ Hot ♥
Vary hot story! I cant wait to hear the rest of it!
I'm glad everyone likes the story. Part 2 should be ready to post Friday or Saturday. It will appear on this thread. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
WOW that was hot. It would be really cool if it were a pron movie. I can't wait for the next part. Too bad we can't see video of this love story.

I always thought it would be fun to have someone who was a tallented cartoon artist do some pictures to insert into the story.
Wow, waiting for the next part is going to be a killer. Why not write a book and we could all buy it and read to our hearts and dicks content. You are a master at story telling.

I tried using pics of real models once to see if I could enhance the story, but I found it limited me too much. My descriptions had to fit the pictures instead of the pictures bringing the story to life. I didn't post that story. I don't even have it anymore because it wasn't good at all. Drawing the guys to fit the descriptions in the story frees me of that restriction, unless I wrote the story and models that fit the descriptions in the story were brought in, but that would just be too much. Anyway, drawing is not my tallent. I'lll stick to writing.
I tried using pics of real models once to see if I could enhance the story, but I found it limited me too much. My descriptions had to fit the pictures instead of the pictures bringing the story to life. I didn't post that story. I don't even have it anymore because it wasn't good at all. Drawing the guys to fit the descriptions in the story frees me of that restriction, unless I wrote the story and models that fit the descriptions in the story were brought in, but that would just be too much. Anyway, drawing is not my tallent. I'lll stick to writing.

i'm with you Phantom! Could not draw a straight line with a ruler!
Part II

As promised, here is part 2. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

A Crush on My Best Friend
Part II​
Scott and I had been together for several months and were very much in love with each other, but lately it felt like something was missing from my sex life. You see, I love being the bottom for Scott, but I like to top too and he wouldn't try bottoming. Since we were in a monogamous relationship, which was very important to him, after what happened with his X-girlfriend, I couldn't just go find some other guy to bottom for me. I never complained about the monogamous relationship because not only was it important to Scott, but to me as well. He is my best friend and now, my lover. Scott wasn’t very adventurous in bed yet. He wouldn’t even let me rim him until nearly two months after he moved in. When he finally did let me explore more, I licked his ball sack and slowly moved down and spread his butt cheeks. There it was. His tight, pink, virgin hole was right there for the taking. I licked the area around it. He moaned a little, breathing heavily between moans in anticipation of what was to come. I flicked my tongue across his sphincter and he gasped and moaned.

“Damn, that feels good”, he said.

“Now you know what you’ve been missing,” I told him. “How about a little more?”

“Hell, yeah!” he replied.

With that, I began working on his tight hole with just my tongue. He went crazy, moaning loudly. My neighbors were probably wondering what was going on. Even with all of this, he still wouldn’t let me do anything else with his ass. It was taking him time to get use to sex with another guy. He liked sex with me, but this was all new to him, so I tried to be patient.

One night, after he had a few drinks, we got into a hot love making session. Now I’m not one to taking advantage of a guy when he’s not entirely himself, but the temptation to try some anal play was just too much at that time. I knew he would like it if I could just get him to try it. I licked and sucked his balls as my hands began to caress his ass. When I touched his asshole with my finger, he stopped me.

“I’m not into that”, he protested

“How do you know if you don’t give it a try”, I countered, continuing to message his ass. “I’m not going to try to fuck you, but you should try a little anal play and see if you like it or not. If you don’t, I’ll stop, but I bet you’ll love it.”

He agreed to that, albeit reluctantly, and let me proceed. I positioned myself to rim him. We had already done this, but I knew it would help him get more comfortable. He writhed in pleasure as I worked my tongue all around his virgin hole and especially when I got my tongue into his hole. I put my finger in, using my spit as lube and began to slide in and out a little. I didn’t go in very far, but I wanted him to feel what it is like to have something going into your butt. He was definitely tight. It wasn’t easy getting a finger in, so I knew getting my dick in there was going to be a challenge, but that could wait.

"I never imagined", he managed to say softly between his moans as I worked my tongue and finger into his butt. That's when I decided I was going to take his cherry one day, and that day would be soon. I had to be patient. He was still reluctant to let me try anything new on his butt, saying he wasn't sure he could handle it, but he loved being rimmed now and could take a little fingering, so I knew I could get him to relax and experiment more, in time.

One night while we were sucking each other, I moved in to rim him as usual while he rimmed me. It also took time to get him to try that, but he found that he liked it. As I circled his hole with my tongue and listened to his moans of approval, I thought to myself, "This is the right time." I decided to insert my finger further this time to open him up a little more and also to message his prostate. I was sure to use enough spit to lube him and slowly inserted one index finger.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he felt my finger probing deeper than usual.

"Relax, Scott," I told him. "You'll like this. Just trust me"

He did and I continued probing for his prostate. I knew I had found it when he drew a deep breath and his hard cock jerked a little. Scott went wild every time I stroked his prostate. I put my finger on top of it and gently tapped it for stimulation. He writhed with pleasure and his hole clamped down on my finger. He loved it. While doing this, I was holding his hard, twitching cock in my other hand and licking around the shaft just below the head. He was leaking precum. I was driving him wild with all the attention he was getting. I sucked on him as I continued the prostate stimulation. It was more than he could take. The head of his dick began to swell in my mouth and I saw his balls pull in closer to his body. His moans became higher pitched. His leg muscles contracted and his sphincter clamped down on my finger as I messaged his prostate. I knew he was about to blow his load.

“I’m cumming”, he said.

His cock exploded in my mouth. I swallowed as much of his load as I could. Some of it leaked out of the sides of my mouth. It was more than I could swallow. Scott panted hard, recovering from what was most likely the most intense orgasm of his life. Even after cumming, he didn’t lose his erection, and the anal probing continued. I slid my finger in and out slowly, letting him get use to the sensation, and get use to it he did. His protests had ended with the prostate message and the wonderful orgasm that it had brought on. He certainly wasn’t going to protest now that he had cum. He liked the attention his prostate was getting. I decided to try two fingers. It made him a little uncomfortable at first, but he got use to it and even started to like it as well. He was so tight. I just had to get my cock in there somehow. I knew he would object, so I just kept up the fingering. I had just got up the nerve to ask him when he surprised me.

"You want to fuck me, don't you?" he asked, sounding a little nervous. “That’s why you did all of this.”

"Yes, I do", I replied. "I promise to be very gentle. You can handle it. You might even like it."

"I guess if it's going to happen, I'd want you to be the one to do it", he told me.

"You'll like it", I assured him. "If it hurts you too much, I’ll pull out, but I think you’ll be surprised at how good it can feel."

"Just go real slow. I've never had anything in there before tonight."

That was all I needed to hear. My dick was so hard at that moment. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I got the lube out and prepared him for his first penetration. Once he was ready, I had him get on his back and lift his legs in the air. I put his feet on my shoulders and put the head of my cock against his hole and slowly, carefully, slid it in just past the head. He instinctively tightened up and it made it impossible to go in any further. I could see the pain in his face as he tried to deal with the pain of being penetrated for the first time. I leaned over with my mouth next to his right ear.

"Relax", I whispered in his ear. "It will get easier in a minute.”

I was patient with him. It took time, but Scott finally calmed down and the pain in his face turned to one of astonishment. I guess he couldn't believe this was happening to him. After his hole loosened up a bit, but only a little bit, I started slowly moving in and out of him. He was still so tight. That combined with me looking into Scott’s eyes as I took his virginity was almost more than I could take. If I had not held back, I would have cum right then and there. This had to last longer. I wanted it to last longer. I watched as his face shifted from grimaces of pain to astonishment at the pleasure he was feeling as I began to pick up the pace. We really got into it at that point. I was pumping in and out and he was grunting his approval as he stroked his cock. His hand was flying over his rod and his moans told me he was loving this.

"Why didn't you tell me it felt this good?" he whispered. "I would have tried this a long time ago."

A moment later, I could tell he was getting close, and so was I. His breathing got heavier and his muscles tensed up a little. He was on edge. His ass tightened around my cock as his balls pulled in closer to his body. He was about to cum again. My own load was rising within me and I was on edge too.

“I’m about to cum again”, he said.

“Me too”, I replied with a smile. “Just let it happen, Scott”

As he shot stream after stream of warm cum all over his chest and abs, I went over the edge and blew my load inside him. His legs wrapped around my back and locked together. We kissed and I embraced him while my cock leaked out the last few drops of cum inside him. We were both exhausted when our orgasms subsided. I kissed him and we just stayed in each other's arms for while, not saying a word and not really needing to. I could see the pleasure and love in his eyes as he finally spoke.

“Thank you,” Scott said, breaking the silence. "I really needed that."

"I love you, Scott" I told him. "I've wanted to do this since the first time I saw you. Thank you for letting me the first."

“I love you too, Alex”, he said and he kissed me.

We kissed for a long time after that, my still hard cock still buried deep in his butt. Neither of us wanted it removed. It felt natural there, for both of us. I couldn’t even tell you how long we stayed like that. From that day forward, we flip-flopped just about every time we had sex. He had found a whole new source of pleasure.
Thanks so much for sharing your story, Phantom, it just about killed me waiting you to post the second part, but the wait was sooo worth it!