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Dustin & Logan


Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
The new guy shows promise and Logan has yet to wear out his welcome but maybe he should be shelved for a time to ensure that?
I was disappointed when I saw this was just a JO scene but after I started watching it I got a lot more interested. I really noticed both boys voices for some stupid reason Logan has that quite and very pleasant sounding tone that you cant help but love and Dustin had that manly southern drawl that makes you think he rode in on a horse. Body wise you couldn't ask for anything better if you ordered it to suit. Logan just keeps getting hotter each time he comes back and Dustin shows massive promise. Beal I hear what your saying about wearing out but I would just cry to do without my Logan fix. I cant imagine getting tired of seeing him. What a great kid he just keeps coming back, he don't get upset, just does what he is supposed to do and treats everyone like his best friend, I so want to meet that kid some day. So for a JO scene it was pretty dam hot and I sure wont complain. Oh and David is always a laugh riot when Logan is around, I think he likes that boy LOL..:biggrin:
I am with you Denny, I saw this was just a JO scene and was a little disappointed but once it started I really enjoyed it. I like it when the guys get an opportunity to chat a bit.
I was impressed with the new boy too, nice looking and loved that accent.
Like you I would definitely cry if I didn't get my Logan fix as well.:tongue_smilie: He getss hotter and hotter and one flash of that smile and I am ready to bust a load I can tell you!!:001_rolleyes:
I was disappointed when I saw this was just a JO scene but after I started watching it I got a lot more interested. I really noticed both boys voices for some stupid reason Logan has that quite and very pleasant sounding tone that you cant help but love and Dustin had that manly southern drawl that makes you think he rode in on a horse. Body wise you couldn't ask for anything better if you ordered it to suit. Logan just keeps getting hotter each time he comes back and Dustin shows massive promise. Beal I hear what your saying about wearing out but I would just cry to do without my Logan fix. I cant imagine getting tired of seeing him. What a great kid he just keeps coming back, he don't get upset, just does what he is supposed to do and treats everyone like his best friend, I so want to meet that kid some day. So for a JO scene it was pretty dam hot and I sure wont complain. Oh and David is always a laugh riot when Logan is around, I think he likes that boy LOL..:biggrin:
I agree 100% with everything Denny said. At this point, I can't get enough of Logan and definitely hope to see more of Dustin too!
Agree with what you're saying Denny. Logan is such a nice guy who always shows respect to David and the other models. Logan's body seems to improve with each visit so he's definately been working out, Dustin on the other end is built like rock.

Two things put me off this video though and that was David's reference to eating pussy and then the popping a zit reference to Dustin's cumshot. But that's David for you, and Broke Straight Boys wouldn't be the same without him. xx
Nice shoot - very fun new guy. And I am also pleased that David didn't pull that hackneyed old trick of:- Stage Left - Knock at door:- "...oh who can that be at the door?" That was an insult to the scared young new model and to our intelligence. Too contrived. At least Dustin had warning of what was coming, and the chance to pull out or refuse. Nice tactful touch, unlike some of David's clumsy attempts in days-gone-by.
I can imagine these 2 tag-teaming a girl, either on or off camera. 2 very goodlooking boys, who would have NO trouble in pulling a bird, as we Limeys say:001_tt2:. I can also imagine them going out for a beer after this shoot and playing pool or something...
Nice shoot and nice cumshot from the new boy. I also loved his accent - where is he from? Anyone know? I am not good with American accents
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octopus, pimples, li'l case of std?

He's from Nashville, Tennessee centurion.

If David weren't as uncool as he is, octopussy and zits included, he wouldn't be the awesome guy he is. A good part of his charm is that he risks being klutzy with his humor and sometimes goes OTT, but can be terrific when the joke comes off. I'd read the text while downloading the scene so I knew what he was gonna say. Just disgusting. And unpardonable. And lovely.

I knew a guy who was almost a Dustin clone, same ginger guy's sensitive skin. Just to continue the seafood and pimple theme one more step, I was wondering if Dustin had a touch of herpes simplex on his dick, and that the wank hand might have otherwise been extended to Logan for a hot handshake. So much was made of their not touching each other that I began to think the lady Dave was protesting more than necessary. I bet when Dustin's dick gets better a lot more is gonna be goin' down. Hopefully with Logan.
I have got to agree with Denny as well. I need my Logan fix and think he should do more. I can see why he is used with the new guys he is so relaxed and easygoing. Butter would not melt on that boy and I would be using alot of butter Lol).
He has been working out and is in good shape. Graet ass!! BTW.. Fingers crossed they are back and Logan gets head. I love watching him getting head as he really loves it! I really liked Dustin's accent and he has a great body as well. I get the feeling he needs the money so hopefully he makes a few return visits.
Any hints Mark / David as to whether they will be back ?
I would be very upset if they shelved Logan or Tyler. I really like those guys...don't know why I just really like them alot.

I thought the new guy did great as it was after all his first time. I can also see why they would put Logan in the scene to help get someone at ease because he really seems easygoing and nice. There seems to be some models here on the site like Tyler, Logan, Jason (they ran him off) and others that..well I just don't know. I kinda wished we was friends in real life because I think hanging out and being friends with them would be really spectacular and just a really kewl time.

I was also watching the video form 10 Oct 2009 starring Logan and Holden. David , or whoever writes the introduction said that while having anul sex with Holden that Logans dick was turning white from Holden's prostate. I don't know much about any kind of guy on guy sex but I thought I would just ask....What does that mean? Can someones prostate make your dick turn white? ..how does that happen? Is it dangerous or something? I never heard of that..is there a doctor in the house?

I love this site, and am really having a good time reading all the forum postings and I even watched some of the videos and looked at lots of the pics. I couldn't get in the site the other day and thought I must have got banned or kicked out of the place for something, I was very disappointed. They reset the password and everything seems to work.

Can I just appologise now for anything I might do in the future that might get me in any kind of trouble whatsoever...I thought someone didn't like the poems I've been writing In my , "The artist in you and dande01 too" social group. if anyone don't like them I can delete them just let me know...

Casper O
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Gonna check your poems casper, and will let you know if you have to delete. Just woofin' ya, I'm sure they're really nice.

If I remember that scene, I think what David was suggesting was that the white stuff in the condom was prostatic fluid (as opposed to semen since it's not kosher to cum in your condom on Broke Straight Boys). That stuff was btw INSIDE the condom, wasn't it? You would normally produce that if you were getting a prostate massage and in fact it's usually clear, like precum. But if it was being frothed around inside a condom from fucking, it might get opaque, like beaten eggwhite, I don't know. It was an odd moment since I hadn't seen the top get anything in his ass, and the prostate is part of a closed system with the exit being the dick, not the ass, so it didn't come from the bottom guy. It would be a case for Intensive Care if you started to leak prostatic fluid from your behind. So who knows what David meant. I tend to think the guy maybe shot his load? and Dave had to say something to move the scene on? They probably took a break for a rest and got it on again a while later to finish the scene.
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I would be very upset if they shelved Logan or Tyler. I really like those guys...don't know why I just really like them alot.

I thought the new guy did great as it was after all his first time. I can also see why they would put Logan in the scene to help get someone at ease because he really seems easygoing and nice. There seems to be some models here on the site like Tyler, Logan, Jason (they ran him off) and others that..well I just don't know. I kinda wished we was friends in real life because I think hanging out and being friends with them would be really spectacular and just a really kewl time.

I was also watching the video form 10 Oct 2009 starring Logan and Holden. David , or whoever writes the introduction said that while having anul sex with Holden that Logans dick was turning white from Holden's prostate. I don't know much about any kind of guy on guy sex but I thought I would just ask....What does that mean? Can someones prostate make your dick turn white? ..how does that happen? Is it dangerous or something? I never heard of that..is there a doctor in the house?

I love this site, and am really having a good time reading all the forum postings and I even watched some of the videos and looked at lots of the pics. I couldn't get in the site the other day and thought I must have got banned or kicked out of the place for something, I was very disappointed. They reset the password and everything seems to work.

Can I just appologise now for anything I might do in the future that might get me in any kind of trouble whatsoever...I thought someone didn't like the poems I've been writing In my , "The artist in you and dande01 too" social group. if anyone don't like them I can delete them just let me know...

Casper O

casper, ok, you don't have to delete any of those poems even though the use of the archaic form, "thy", when poetically addressing a Brokie is weird. I've been known to write a poem occasionally myself and might join your group if I come up with one in the future.

In the meantime you should continue to be your interesting and hypersensitive self, and not worry too much about what you imagine other forumites might think about what you say. You have great potential as a member of the varied and fascinating group that forms the core of this board.

I love David too btw.
Dustin is a very hot addition to the Broke Straight Boys stable. It would have been interesting for this to have remained a solo for him and see what else David could learn from him. However, adding Logan is always a plus and I'm sure David had his reasons. Dustin seems pretty straight and it will be a challenge to get him to do more. Stay tuned.
I would be very upset if they shelved Logan or Tyler. I really like those guys...don't know why I just really like them alot.

Can I just appologise now for anything I might do in the future that might get me in any kind of trouble whatsoever...I thought someone didn't like the poems I've been writing In my , "The artist in you and dande01 too" social group. if anyone don't like them I can delete them just let me know...

Casper O
Casper, I want to comment on your two points that I quoted. First I totally agree about Logan and Tyler. For whatever reason, I cannot get enough of both of them. Tyler is now working for Broke Straight Boys, as per David's last mention of him, but he said that he will periodically appear on the site, and he did say that he would be interviewing him, including some questions that we forumites suggested. And Logan is the number one star on the site now, and the more I see of him the happier I will be.

I really don't think that you need to worry about being "banned" from the site for anything that you say that might offend management. I've been on the site since the first day of the forum, and I can only recall two banning's, (one member twice, under separate screen names, but with the same bigoted racist ranting's, and after repeated warnings from Scorpio and Mark, that he was crossing the line), and the other was a most interesting fellow, Pervert, but who seemed somewhat schizophrenic in his postings. He actually said he was leaving the site, but then said he wanted to come back. I didn't fully understand his banning, but he was somewhat weird in his moods and rantings, and I'm sure it was not for any particular comment that he made.

Scorpio, our moderator who was named such during the "Mitch" drama, and Mark seem to be perfectly willing to let us speak our minds here, even when criticizing the site, and some of David's not politically correct statements and jokes. But as Slim has often pointed out, David's somewhat crude sense of humor is all part of the package, and as I've often said, he is the "true star" of the site, as he is in almost all of the episodes. His personality and interaction with the models is what sets the mood and climate of the shoots. Of course, without the hot guys, there would be no site either, but David's personality is what makes this site different and so much better than any other site that I have belonged to or previewed clips from.

So please continue to voice your opinions, and post your poetry. You are an interesting fellow and I enjoy your point of view and opinions. As a guy who has always known that I was attracted to boys and men from childhood , it is most interesting to hear from guys who consider themselves mostly straight or bi. You, Casper, help make the forum interesting, so please keep on doing what you are doing.:thumbup1: Thanks.
Dustin is a hot, new model! DAMN, what a voice, body and cock! Handsome also. Hope he sticks around for the "big" $$! Looking forward to Monday's show! Those 3 boys should be awesome, hehe!
Dustin is a hot, new model! DAMN, what a voice, body and cock! Handsome also. Hope he sticks around for the "big" $$! Looking forward to Monday's show! Those 3 boys should be awesome, hehe!
I agree lights about Dustin and the new show on Monday. And yes, Dustin's voice is a big turn on for me too, as well as his other attributes.:thumbup1:
Both guys were very hot, no question I might suggest that David take his meds before the shoot He was off to the races on this one I don't know which guy made him nervous but his voice got so high I thought we were in for some Traviata I love you , David no offence meant You made me giggle inappropriatly LOL

I've never posted before but wanted to let you all know that Dustin has in fact been on another site, Amateur Boys First Time. He fucked a guy a few episodes back. Not sure when that was filmed, but he is obviously willing to stick a dick up the ass.

I've never posted before but wanted to let you all know that Dustin has in fact been on another site, Amateur Boys First Time. He fucked a guy a few episodes back. Not sure when that was filmed, but he is obviously willing to stick a dick up the ass.

Welcome to Broke Straight Boys and the forum.

Dustin has been on quite a few sites. I believe he was on amateur boys first time after we filmed him. A lot of our scenes don't get put up for 6 months and some welll over a year.

Welcome to Broke Straight Boys and the forum.

Dustin has been on quite a few sites. I believe he was on amateur boys first time after we filmed him. A lot of our scenes don't get put up for 6 months and some welll over a year.

Mark, can you tell us how many scenes he's been in so far, and if you know whether he's still part of the D&E stable?