I want to thank you again Carter for continuing to post in here and allowing us to get to know you a little better as a real person. It
is a really hard question. Since you took the time to start this thread, I will try to to answer your question myself. It's such a difficut qqestion, and I have so many answers...that I run the risk of sounding like a 10 y/o kid who doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up. haha
I originally wanted to be in the diplomatic corps working with the State Department representing the U.S. in embassies overseas. (One of my actual fields of study) I love to travel. PLus, if I get the chance to learn new languages, I'm all for that too. lol Being gay in the late 80's, 90's and onward pretty much precluded that though. There was discrimination in the State Department as there was in the military. A gay employee in the diplomatic corps was derisively considered by the powers that be, to be a "security risk".
But anyway...
I have always been interested in archeology. I love the idea of the thrill of the chase of unearthing treasures and helping to answer riddles of earth's past civilizations. There are many mysteries of the past and ancient knowledge that could help us solve problems today. As well as to add to our own understanding of our place in history. The only downside to that job that I can see is that I would probably not be able to interact with many people. And I enjoy people!
My other passion would be astronomy. Just like Blake! haha I would love to have the expertise to be able to operate those huge telescopes and peer deep into space. Again there would be thrill of the chase of discovering things that we hadn't before imagined possible.
In my real life I seem to be led to situations and opportunities where I help other people. Caregiving and that sort of thing. I wish I had the money, expertise and ability to do more things like work with organizations like Smile Train. Where people here go to third wold countries and help fix cleft palates and dental problems. I also like the programs where people go to third world countries and outfit hard of hearing children and adults with hearing aids. I think there is a desire among many of us to feel like we have made a positive difference in the lives of others.
Is it too far-fetched or whimsical for me to say that I would love to be the captain of a space ship? The Enterprise would be just fine. LOL