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Don't pay the ransom, I've escaped

Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
When returning from an extended unplanned absence one hopes at least to some extent that they have been missed so with that hope in mind I will happily report of my return and briefly explain my sudden disappearance. My health has been going down hill for a while now and I have seen more Dr's then General Hospital but on the 19th of April things took a turn to the worse and I ended up in the hospital for extreme shortness of breath. We calculated I had put on about 60 pounds of fluid in 30 days. Fortunately I went in at the nick of time as in the next week all hell broke loose. My heart was beating like the Harlem Globetrotters and my blood O2 hit rock bottom. Thank the Lord they didn't have to do it but at one point they called my family for permission to intubate me if needed at 5 AM. Well things progressed and after just over two weeks I came home for about 12 hours but almost passed out and had to return for another week. So finally got out today and boy do I have some catching up to do. I am still extremely week so give me a few days but I should be back to my old obnoxious self soon. Thanks any of you that may have missed me and for those who didn't sorry for wasting your time.
Denny Bear
Denny Bear, it was unusual not to see you posting, specially with there being a long gap.
Sorry to hear of your illness and hope that you are on the road to recovery and that you will be back on sooner than later.
Take care of yourself and please keep us posted.
I can't speak for the other members, but yes I did miss reading your posts.

Again, get well and take care of your self.
Denny, you take care of your self. You come first and foremost. As much as we love you and miss you we want you to be arround as long as is humanly possible. We enjoy your wit and your humor and the occasional turbulence that you bring to the Forum.

My prayers are with you... Live well, laugh much, and love always.

Nameste my good friend... nameste.:001_wub::001_smile::wink:
Welcome back Denny! I'm sorry to hear you've been having so much trouble. I'm glad you're on the mend again.
A guy will do just about anything to get out of a losing argument but I am glad you didn't. Good to see you back Denny (& no more sneaking off to see that dishy doctor, we know what you were up to). :thumbup:
Yes Denny it was noticeable to me that you were missing but I thought you may have gone on vacation - see I'm now using American words. Sorry to hear of your ill health and glad to see you're home and recovering. I wish you a good and speedy recovery.

Please take whatever time you need to get better.... and that goes for Jeffrey Bear as well. While I have missed your posts, I, like Jayman, would like to see you around for as long as God graces us with your presence. My prayers and hope go out to both of you.......
Denny dude, I didn't even notice you hadn't been posting since I've been a bad forumite for the last ten days myself. So if it had depended on me, you would have had to pull the tubes out yourself once you woke up to find your dear self connected to all that machinery.

Thank goodness you were in better hands.

Feel the love zinging atcha from España mister. Take enormous quantities of care with your heath and keep us informed.

Thanks everyone for your comments and it is good to be missed. It is going to be a long road but good Lord willing I will be back up to par soon.
Thanks everyone for your comments and it is good to be missed. It is going to be a long road but good Lord willing I will be back up to par soon.

Hey buddy.

so sorry to hear that you have been a poorly bunny and I hope that you are back to your usual self soon.
Certainly have missed you posting but I thought you might have been doing something like a good holiday.
Not nice to be sick but I am sure that jeffrey bear has been lookin after his denny bear.
You keep us up to speed on how you are doin and I am sending you a big hug from NZ and I hope that you are all better soon.

Denny, I haven't got to talk to you before, but I know you are a really nice guy, and nice guys are usually blessed so I hope you are too. Get well soooon! I'll be praying for you. :001_smile:
Denny, so sorry you've hit a rough patch. I hope you are feeling much much better really soon! Take care, Denny.