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Don't like Fred Phelps


Well-known Member
Feb 15, 2010
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I despise Fred Phelps and try to avoid even the mention of his name, especially in light of the decision about legal expenses being required of Albert Snyder, the father of the soldier whose funeral Phelps picketed. But this sort of made me feel better. Wish the faculty and staff of this high school could be cloned across the country.


With regard to the Albert Snyder decision: there is a wonderful piece on Bill O'Reilly's offer to pay Snyder's expenses here -


Makes me wish we could afford a permanent detachment of Romaine Pattersons to follow Phelps around the country - maybe hire a few to encircle O'Reilly too, and Limbaugh, and . . . .
Fred Phelps is a fucktard! Enough said!
The Most Hated Family in America

Fred Phelps is pastor of the small Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas who has led his congregation to picket and protest all over the world against the tolerance of homosexuality. He has been banned from both the UK and Canada and his church is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti Defamation League. His notoriety comes from picketing the Matthew Shepard funeral as seen in the play The Laramie Project, from picketing the funerals of soldiers killed in war because they died defending a country that tolerates homosexuality, from his attacks on everything from Princess Diana, HBO, Billy Graham, Jon Stewart, and the Irish, the Swedish, the Catholics and the Jews. Two of his sons have accused him of child abuse. He has been disbarred. And, the BBC produced a documentary about the Phelps family called The Most Hated Family in America.

In 2006 he picketed the funeral of Lance Cpl Matthew A. Snyder who was killed in Iraq. The Snyder family sued and won a judgment against Phelps for defamation, invasion of privacy and infliction of emotional distress. Through a series of hearings, appeals and reversals, on March 30 the decision was reversed and Snyder was ordered to pay Phelps 16,510 in legal fees. A writ of certioran was granted to the US Supreme Court and the case will be heard in the 2010 session.

Hope that helps. The man is a cult leader of the first order and his people are certifiably disturbed.
I spent 11 years living in Wichita, Ks. My mother worked in abortion medicine for the late Dr. George R. Tiller. On many occasions Fred Phelps accosted my mother and called her a whore and a Jezebel. He once sent a Barbie doll being hung by the neck with her name pinned to it to our home. His crazy antics were something I had to witness first hand, from a young age, and have never been able to forgive.
He preaches so much hate. I was at the Matthew Shepard funeral and couldn't believe it. Little kids with signs and their parents, it was very disturbing.


Mark did you by chance know him? Also do you know where the fence is and or where he is buried? I would love to visit some time when I am in Wyoming. I herd his mother speak one time, she is an amazing women.
I spent 11 years living in Wichita, Ks. My mother worked in abortion medicine for the late Dr. George R. Tiller. On many occasions Fred Phelps accosted my mother and called her a whore and a Jezebel. He once sent a Barbie doll being hung by the neck with her name pinned to it to our home. His crazy antics were something I had to witness first hand, from a young age, and have never been able to forgive.

Miss Deidra - is that avatar pic you?! You poor bound thing you.

Your Phelps story a doubt can be topped....what a horrible first hand look at pure evil. I saw the whole clan in Chicago at a gay pride parade a few years ago....what struck me was the youg people - so ordinary and midwestern - carrying these hateful signs. They had been restricted to a small enclosed area (I called it "penned in"). That was close enough for me. I feel so badly for your mother.
Miss Deidra - is that avatar pic you?! You poor bound thing you.

Your Phelps story a doubt can be topped....what a horrible first hand look at pure evil. I saw the whole clan in Chicago at a gay pride parade a few years ago....what struck me was the youg people - so ordinary and midwestern - carrying these hateful signs. They had been restricted to a small enclosed area (I called it "penned in"). That was close enough for me. I feel so badly for your mother.

The fact that this piece of pig shit is still alive is a testament to our tolerance and peaceful nature. I'd love to be driving down the street some day and have have him step out in front of me. There would be a brief gap in my tolerance.
It's why the kids at Gunn High School represent so much hope to me. They just stood up in front of that horrible, evil hate-monger and had a celebration of love. Romaine Patterson has always been, to me, one of the heros of the Shephard tragedy. She was only twenty and she and her friends built those huge angel wings and walked out in front of Phelps and shielded the Shepard family from him.

No, Denny, the fence is no longer there. It was taken apart and the rails used in other fences so there is no remnant of it left. It's a really hard place to find and people aren't usually too helpful in giving directions. Get a copy of the movie "Dear Jesse." It's about a man who went back to North Carolina to investigate a heritage he shared with Jesse Helms and in it, for just a few seconds, is an interview with the real Matt Shepard. It really puts his murder in perspective - he was a sweet, typical young college student and it ennobles his memory and makes his killers and people like Phelps the more obvious monsters they are.

Miss Deidra, we should never forget that the people like your mother who performed such a valuable medical and social service have been treated horrifically by the ignorant and the fanatic among us and that often their families suffer equally. My heart goes out to your mother for her skill and devotion to her job and for the abuse she sufferred because of it. Shelley Shannon and Scott Roeder along with Fred Phelps have no reason to expect your forgiveness. I applaud your family's courage.
i was at a Q&A with Judy Shepherd. shes an amazing person and had me crying many times during her speech. she has so much strength. I got to shake her hand and that was one of the single most wonderful moments of my life.

fuck fred phelps. i would not hesitate to make an attempt on his life. i have no respect for a man so evil.
No, Denny, the fence is no longer there. It was taken apart and the rails used in other fences so there is no remnant of it left. .

Thanks Aquarius for the information. I am not surprised that the rancher or whoever owned the property has done that as I suppose there must be thousands of people like me that would try to make the trek to see it. Pity as I am sure it would have been a very emotional thing to see. I of course was not there but have seen video of the funeral and saw the large angles you referred to, It was amazing.

Another task the evil dickhead Phelps tried to erect a monument in the city park of I think Matt's home town or some place out there. Anyhow the monument was to say how many days that Mathew has been in hell. As I recall the community would not allow him to do it. I wish I could remember it better.

A few years ago our local Human Rights Campaign officially requested the city council to alter the wording of the city's non discrimination regulations to include GLBT. Phelps heard of this and picketed city hall. I was out of town so did not know about it until latter but the next day several thousand people got together and held a peace rally to show support for the commission. Countless numbers of people got up to testify in favor of the amendment at the council meetings for the next several months but after a very long deliberation the council voted all but one to NOT make the amendment. It almost tore the city apart. A few days later the county board of supervisors met to unanimously add such an amendment to the county documents. Most of that council has now been voted out of office but unfortunately it is still a very conservative group. Oh also the same council before the state supreme court ruled in favor of gay marriage the council tried to enact a law preventing it here just in case the sate approved it. Yep I live in my little corner of Hell.
Miss Deidra - is that avatar pic you?! You poor bound thing you.

Only in my dreams Silver! It is actually the great Bettie Page. She is one of my idols. I found this book of old bondage/fetish photographs and stole the photo....I dont want to take this thread off topic, but I have to say that being bound, gagged and punished is one of the greatest pleasures I have ever had....
i was at a Q&A with Judy Shepherd. shes an amazing person and had me crying many times during her speech. she has so much strength. I got to shake her hand and that was one of the single most wonderful moments of my life.

fuck fred phelps. i would not hesitate to make an attempt on his life. i have no respect for a man so evil.

There was a tv documentary about Phelps shown over here a few years ago. Raised quite a stirr from what I can remember.
so i watched a few videos today on youtube of people pranking the westboro baptist church, they are hilarious!
In the UK we very very very rarely come accross such people as Fred Phelps, but we know of him and his "church!" thanks to a documentary that was shown on Channel 4. I was about 19 or so at the time when this was on and I was horrified at what i was watching. I couldnt believe that in country like America this sort of thing could happen, but as I have grown older and wiser (ok i am only 23) I see more and more of this happening, not just in the USA, but all over the world.
I am all for freedom of speach and it is a fundamental right as a human being and one that we exercise every day.. this chat room being a prime example. What I am not for is the Freedom of speech right being abused in order to harm and hummiliate people. Fred Phelps is a prime example of this right being abused. This really puts to my belief that. A good man will do good and an evil man will do evil, but religion is what will make a good man do evil!
This video if what Gunn High School did, i feel is a testament to the change in the world as we know it.. Like the revolution in the 60's for African Americans to achieve qualisation in their rights, i feel we are in the times for GLBT equality rights. I, and I am sure many of you are, am passionate about this and i feel that if we can raley behind one another, all around this earth, WE CAN MAKE THESE CHANGES HAPPEN!
I have deliberatley not talked about Fred Phelps too much because it angers me too much, and i do not what to give him the air time.... BUT THESE PEOPLE NEED TO SILENCED. Get about your business, evaluate your life and that of your family and see the bigger picture!

Love To All!

Johnny xx
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