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"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Repealed!!


Oct 30, 2008
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I'm sure that most of you have heard by now that the U.S. military's policy of "Don't ask, don't tell" was repealed at midnight on September 20, 2011. Even though I have never served our country in uniform I was very proud of our country and our military for allowing all of our gay men and women in uniform to be able to serve openly. I feel that the ripple effects of this watershed moment will forever change the way gays are perceived in the civilian world as well.

Just as the end of desegregation of blacks in the military gave a huge boost to the Civil Rights Movement for African/Americans I feel that we will see the same thing happen for the Gay Rights Movement. I get the sense that the train is leaving the station...and that the country overall will never be the same again. And I mean in a very good way of course. :)

I encourage those of you who either are serving or have served in the military to share some of your experiences with us. What was life like knowing that you could be dishonorably discharged if anyone found out your secret? What does the end of witch hunts in the armed forces mean to you personally? How do you feel about the end of DADT?

I wanted to start off by sharing a rather short video on the matter. I don't claim that this is the most serious of journalistic perspectives on it, but I liked it nonetheless. I encourage you to post any particular video clips you might like to share with us.

Watch in particular this poignant moment as this beautiful U.S. airman... currently stationed at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany... calls his father in Alabama after the repeal of DADT. Who would not be joyful to have him as a son?


:waw: :waw: :waw:
Here's a video I found of this same young man before he was free to show his face. While it could just as well go on the "It Gets Better" thread, I decided to share this one with you here. He is wise beyond his years.

I hope you enjoy it!

It baffles me that we had to go through:allowing women to vote, the civil rights movement for blacks, and now the DADT repeal for GLBT. Doesn't anybody still remember what our founding fathers wrote? "All men are created equal." To me, that sums is up in a nut shell.
It baffles me that we had to go through:allowing women to vote, the civil rights movement for blacks, and now the DADT repeal for GLBT. Doesn't anybody still remember what our founding fathers wrote? "All men are created equal." To me, that sums is up in a nut shell.

And sadly, to many men, that statement would mean that women should still not have the right to vote, because they are not "men.":scared:
Tampa... I was so happy to see your post. The repeal of DADT is going to get an extra celebration of the commissioning of the USS Spruance. The Spurance will be sailing into Key West of Friday with 285 sailors. (mmmm but that's another story) :001_tt1: Some friends and I will greating the new ship from the beach with a giant sign... "Welcome! One Human Family". One Human Family of our city. We welcome all. In addition to the beach welcome, I have an invitation to the formal commissioning of the ship. It feels like a big deal being the first ship to be commissioned after the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I have many friends who lived under the rule of DADT. This is a major mile marker in history. This is so cool!! :thumbup:

That sounds like an awesome time! No doubt there were some wild parties and celebrations down there last night. This is one of those events where I feel so glad that I lived to see it in my lifetime. :biggrin:
I served for nine and half years in USAF as a security police. I earned a meritorious service medal and three commendation medals but I would have gladly given them all up to experience the freedom of serving as an openly gay person. Free at last, free at last God Almighty, we are free at last!
I served for nine and half years in USAF as a security police. I earned a meritorious service medal and three commendation medals but I would have gladly given them all up to experience the freedom of serving as an openly gay person. Free at last, free at last God Almighty, we are free at last!

Thank you for your service Angelone!

I can only imagine the sigh of relief and the sense of freedom that is silently creeping through the ranks right now. The policy the military has adopted is much more in keeping with the ideals that the country is supposed to stand for in the first place. And for which that very military is there to defend.

Freedom and equality for all.
This was an amazing day. I, along with three gay friends, got a tour of the Spruance today. I'm not obviously gay but my three friends are. I wanted to share that we were so welcomed today. While we did not anounce that we were gay, I believe it was no secret. I've had a high level clearance for many years but it was because I've always been open about who I am. Tomorrow, my three friends and I have invitations to the commissioning. I feel so proud to be part of day of history. This is the first ship commissioned in Key West and the first ship commissioned after the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. One of my fiends was a doctor in the military and was removed from service after Reagon decided that Gays were not fit to serve in our military. My friend cried as we boarded this ship. I have so many friends in the military and find myself EXTRA proud of all of them this weekend. :thumbup:
I think this calls for a celebration!!! What do you think?
I am very proud about the repeal of DADT. I feel it is yet another step toward acknowledgement that "we are ALL created equal!" Way to go America!