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Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2010
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Last Friday I went out with a few people from work. Nick, Marah and Haylee. We went to the club then to a couple other bars and ended up at Waffle house at around 3 a.m. Nick is openly gay and we were just sitting there waiting for our food and this dude walks over and just starts gay bashing nick. Saying all kinds of hateful and fucked up stuff out of nowhere and kept calling him a faggot. !! So Marah and Haylee threw there water on the dude and he starts pointing his finger in there face calling them cunts and everything else in the book. I finally snapped and got up and said if he calls nick a faggot one more time im going to shove my dick so far up his ass I would be pissing out of his mouth and yelled JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE so then he punches me in the face, so i grabbed a hold of him and we both went to the ground.. next thing you know the cops were picking us up and handcuffing us in the waffle house. I couldnt believe it. I was telling the officer this dude was the crazy one and i didn't even do anything. We both go arrested and charged with "Affray" which mean fighting. Bullshit. I had to stay in jail all weekend and didnt get out until sunday afternoon.

Here's the kicker, this dude is in the Air force down here and worse his uniform to court and everything today where I plead Not Guilty. This is a violation of my probation and i could see Jail time for some bullshit this douche bag laid on us. We were minding our own business waiting for our food.

I'm getting a lawyer and getting my charges dropped, but for this Air Force Soldier to be gay bashing at a restaurant even if its Waffle House and getting into a fight with a civilian.. thats fucked up. He should get discharged and I should charge him for battery and It should be a hate crime!

I believe one of his lines were "If I bought you a set of balls would you use them and talk like a man".. Like what the fuck.. you are not funny dude.. and you look like a unintelligent asshole.

I'm just so sick and tired of how nasty some people really are. Spending there whole life being narrow minded sheltered piece's of shit. Its all jealousy. Jealous of people's success and rather then try to accomplish something of there own they try to down grade everybody to their lower then dirt level. It's insane how some people just cant respect other human beings and carry on with there day in a positive manor.

This country disgusts me.
I am truly sorry this happened to you. You do need a lawyer because this case is defensible. Your lawyer needs to contact the airman's commanding officer and file a complaint over this man's behavior. He needs to especially point out the man wore his uniform to court. You need to file a civil tort action against the airman for battery, terroristic threats and a hate crime. You need to check and see if the restaurant has a video recording system and especially if it has a system which has sound recording as well as video. Interview with a recorder everyone you can find who was present that night including waitresses, waiters and other customers. Put their statements in writing under penalty of perjury.

Contact Equal Rights Advocates or one of the other GLBT organizations which provide legal assistance and advice to the community, they can put you in touch with someone who can assist you.

The key here is publicity. Write members of Congress your own as well as others who are gay or gay friendly so they can contact the airman's commander and put pressure on him. The military hates bad publicity and they really hate members of congress writing them letters and asking pointed questions. Be polite, be thorough in explaining what happened and the order in which it happened and ask that they look into the matter and demand answers concerning what discipline is being directed at this service man. By engaging in an assault even though not on duty and off base, he has violated the UCMJ and can be sanctioned by the military for his behavior beyond whatever the local DA might or might not do.

If we do not stand up for oursel;ves then no one will stand up for us.

Good luck
Phill, good for you kid. Violence is bad, but there are times...

Most people associate bigotry and racism with certain redneck attitudes in the South, which is obviously a dubious generalization, although there are lots of excuses for this kind of thinking. The irony is the state of Florida, where the farther South you go you'd be expecting to find greater comprehension for differences in people, whereas North Florida is the really "southern" part of the state with its bigotry and racism.

You're a brave and principled little guy mister. Thanks for letting us know. Juanjo gave you some really detailed advice. If he's ok with it, I'd suggest you send him a draft of anything you propose to write to the authorities, law enforcement, the papers, for him to make sure you're on a firm footing legally (at least right here at the beginning). Obviously he and Mark want you to get a lawyer there. But Juanjo might be glad to help you with your written complaints to start with, since he's a lawyer himself. Just a thought.

btw, how is Nick doing and what does your face look like?
I am still wondering about Phillonaire. He posts all this drama and then leaves. I have eliminated Scorpio from any involvement in the Kennedy assassination. He was probably born after the event. However, he may well be involved in this Phillonaire persona. One has to watch French Canadians. Or maybe Casper is back.

Who's fist first???

I'm sorry for the hate you and your friends experienced. Bigotry of all kinds is alive and sick in the USA.
A lawyer is a smart move. One VERY important factor is who threw the first punch. The one receiving the punch can claim self-defense. Other questions that will arise are, "Why didn't one of you call the management for help?", "why didn't one of you call 911?", "why didn't you refuse to get physically involved until he struck first?".

Just food for thought. If you have no priors for assault, you should be fine. I admire you for standing up for your friends...

Good Luck!!!!
I am still wondering about Phillonaire. He posts all this drama and then leaves. I have eliminated Scorpio from any involvement in the Kennedy assassination. He was probably born after the event. However, he may well be involved in this Phillonaire persona. One has to watch French Canadians. Or maybe Casper is back.


Dude. I think you are Casper. I think you should drop this whole Phillonaire is fake thing you have going on. This thread isn't the time or place.
Dude. I think you are Casper. I think you should drop this whole Phillonaire is fake thing you have going on. This thread isn't the time or place.

I think I can see where Tim is coming from: he thinks the ongoing saga of his doubts about and subsequent research into the existence of one of the forumites is kind of droll in a bloggish sort of way. But Deidra has got it absolutely right, the drollery is getting dull, mainly because the butt of the joke is a young guy with a bunch of new hurdles to negotiate every day as he makes a new life for himself in a new place. Or maybe I'm too sensitive. Phill might not mind. He's got enough other stuff to handle that this obsession with his existence on a porn site forum might be the least of his worries.
Miss Deidra, maybe you need some dick and a reality checkup. This Forum is getting boring.

Phill, good for you kid. Violence is bad, but there are times...

Most people associate bigotry and racism with certain redneck attitudes in the South, which is obviously a dubious generalization, although there are lots of excuses for this kind of thinking. The irony is the state of Florida, where the farther South you go you'd be expecting to find greater comprehension for differences in people, whereas North Florida is the really "southern" part of the state with its bigotry and racism.

You're a brave and principled little guy mister. Thanks for letting us know. Juanjo gave you some really detailed advice. If he's ok with it, I'd suggest you send him a draft of anything you propose to write to the authorities, law enforcement, the papers, for him to make sure you're on a firm footing legally (at least right here at the beginning). Obviously he and Mark want you to get a lawyer there. But Juanjo might be glad to help you with your written complaints to start with, since he's a lawyer himself. Just a thought.

btw, how is Nick doing and what does your face look like?

Slim Slim Slim:crying:
Bashing north Florida or should I say L.A. (lower Alabama) shame on you!!! lol
But really there is no more hate and bigotry here than is in any other part of the state or for that matter country. Take it from someone who has been all over this country it everywhere. BUT America as a whole is getting better and more liberated.
I believe the big villain in Phil’s trouble is Alcohol! They wing nut with the big mouth needs to pay for his hate speak (believe me his C.O. will come down on him like a ton of bricks. The air force does not like or stands for this type of non since)

I am still wondering about Phillonaire. He posts all this drama and then leaves. I have eliminated Scorpio from any involvement in the Kennedy assassination. He was probably born after the event. However, he may well be involved in this Phillonaire persona. One has to watch French Canadians. Or maybe Casper is back.


Dude. I think you are Casper. I think you should drop this whole Phillonaire is fake thing you have going on. This thread isn't the time or place.

Miss Deidra, maybe you need some dick and a reality checkup. This Forum is getting boring.


My grandfather always said, "Don't dish it out, if you can't take it."

I must say Tim, from all your past posts, I did not expect you to jump to being blatantly rude and disrespectful.

Phil, you have been given some great advice here. This situation will definitely be taking up all of your time for a while. I hope things work out for you.
Miss Deidra, maybe you need some dick and a reality checkup. This Forum is getting boring.


Not cool Tim, but you've confirmed what I thought, that you feel you are doing us a favor with this twitter style musing on Phillip's existence, in an attempt to make the forum more fun.

Think of this one as a valiant try that just missed the mark, and invent a new faux-theme to ruminate on. And please don't make any more Anthony Weiner style misogynistic remarks to the forumettes who may find your stuff tedious.

Take care mister, you're a good guy.
Slim Slim Slim:crying:
Bashing north Florida or should I say L.A. (lower Alabama) shame on you!!! lol
But really there is no more hate and bigotry here than is in any other part of the state or for that matter country. Take it from someone who has been all over this country it everywhere. BUT America as a whole is getting better and more liberated.
I believe the big villain in Phil’s trouble is Alcohol! They wing nut with the big mouth needs to pay for his hate speak (believe me his C.O. will come down on him like a ton of bricks. The air force does not like or stands for this type of non since)


I apologize jt. Sorry. I grew up, till just a little younger than Phillip is now, few enough miles from Joplin to be able to identify with him and his experiences in rural, back-roads Missouri. I got away at 18. It's taken him a little longer. But I also know the South pretty well. And I think the bigotry and racism in the South is a little meaner than what I remember in other parts of the country.

That said, the airman who ruined P's day may not even be from there. He might be from Hyannis for all we know.
Miss Deidra, maybe you need some dick and a reality checkup. This Forum is getting boring.

Tim, I have for the most part enjoyed your posts over the past few weeks, as the forum has been going through a somewhat "boring" phase, and you have initiated some thoughtful, interesting subjects. However your initial questioning Phillionaire's existence was a bit silly at first, for as was said before, we don't really know anything definitive about anyone who posts anonymously on an internet message board.

However now that Phil has shared a very serious, troubling incident that he has experienced in his personal life, I agree with Miss Deidra that this is not the time or place to continue your questioning of his reality, and I feel that your taking a rude shot at Miss Deidra is both offensive and uncalled for.
Phill, good for you kid. Violence is bad, but there are times...

Most people associate bigotry and racism with certain redneck attitudes in the South, which is obviously a dubious generalization, although there are lots of excuses for this kind of thinking. The irony is the state of Florida, where the farther South you go you'd be expecting to find greater comprehension for differences in people, whereas North Florida is the really "southern" part of the state with its bigotry and racism.

You're a brave and principled little guy mister. Thanks for letting us know. Juanjo gave you some really detailed advice. If he's ok with it, I'd suggest you send him a draft of anything you propose to write to the authorities, law enforcement, the papers, for him to make sure you're on a firm footing legally (at least right here at the beginning). Obviously he and Mark want you to get a lawyer there. But Juanjo might be glad to help you with your written complaints to start with, since he's a lawyer himself. Just a thought.

btw, how is Nick doing and what does your face look like?

Slim, are those regional references really necessary in your second graph? You are insulting a lot of people. You know I love you, but I have to call you on this one my friend. Those comments are beneath you. I agree with the rest of what you wrote.
I am still wondering about Phillonaire. He posts all this drama and then leaves. I have eliminated Scorpio from any involvement in the Kennedy assassination. He was probably born after the event. However, he may well be involved in this Phillonaire persona. One has to watch French Canadians. Or maybe Casper is back.


What are you talking about.. How old are you? You seem very unintelligent with your bizarre accusations. I am very much a real person.

To whom said why didnt we call 911, why didnt we call a manager...

Well first off, may i remind you we were in WAFFLE HOUSE.. The management and cooks and waitresses can all SEE and HEAR what is going on. Secondly, why didn't we call 911? We didn't do anything, and this dude should have just shut up.. no police necessary at this point. And it happened so quick, the whole ordeal probably took no more then 4-5 minutes from when he first started being disrespectful to the table to the time the cops were putting handcuffs on us. Waffle House called the cops as soon as it started.

Also TIM.. I post all this "Drama" and then leave?? It's called i'm STRAIGHT first off, so I have drifted away from the site when I was denied the opportunity to do a shoot and make some money because I am probably the closest thing to a Broke Straight Boys! and Secondly I work 40 + hours a week and most of the time when I get on and check the posts, None of them reach out to me to make a comment. This Gay Bashing incident just seemed appropriate to share with the forum.

I am getting a lawyer. I am having my friends and the waffle house cook testify. I am going to the recruiting office and informing them about the Gay Bashing Hate Crime law suit that will be heading their way if they don't get everything dismissed and the proper consequences appointed to the SOLDIER who is suppose to be so highly respected for serving this country.. NOT BASHING IT.

I got away at 18. It's taken him a little longer.


It hasnt taken me long at all. In 7th and 8th grade I lived in St. Petersburg, FL and in 9th grade I lived in Anchorage, Alaska. When I moved back to Missouri summer of 9th grade, The next following years we took weekly trips every year to Minnesota for fishing, and when I was 19 I went to Indiana and opened up a Restaurant for the company I work for and was there for a month.

I have been all over the States and seen many many different cultural s and many different types of people. That is why I am who I am today. So yeah I grew up in Missouri, But I was never contained there.
Hope you don't feel to big to apologize Tim.

And Phillionaire, if it takes too long before you win the lottery... you could always apply as Broke Straight Boys model; you are that good looking! (Who would you pick to do a scene with?)
Ok. I was trying to be humorous and liven up the Forum. It was wasn't humorous and turned out to be rude. My apologies to Phillonaire, Miss Deidra, and French Canandians.
