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Diesal and Aaron


Well-known Member
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
woooo! goooo miss deidra for getting another shout out! girl youre fucking popular! great video.
First I must admit the Aaron was very hot!! My disapointment is that there is no chemistry with Diesal And that kiss: What a joke. Where is the passion that should be coming from an experienced porn star. The whole video was a waste. At least we got to see Aaron. That was positive.
I enjoyed it. Immensely. In my opinion Diesal can do no wrong. But you all can just hate hate hate and I'm gonna sit here and bask in my love love love for the man.

P.S. Love my shout out! :) Of all the shout outs I've gotten, this was the best ;)
I enjoyed it. Immensely. In my opinion Diesal can do no wrong. But you all can just hate hate hate and I'm gonna sit here and bask in my love love love for the man.

P.S. Love my shout out! :) Of all the shout outs I've gotten, this was the best ;)
MissDeidra, I object to your use of the words "hate hate hate". Isn't thatdude as entitled to his opinion as you are your's? I did not see it as a hateful attack on Diesal, merely a member of the forum expressing his opinion. Isn't that the purpose of this forum?
Oh Mike. Don't take everything so serious. I wasn't attacking anyone. I was making a statement, and one I am allowed to make. Settle down. You don't need to object to what I said.
Next you will object to my words "love love love" as well.....
Let me clear something up for some of y'all. When people in my age group use the term hatin'. It doesn't mean the same thing as what it used to mean.

from the Urban Dictionary:
meaning: Not liking or appreciating, disliking.

example: "Now why do you be hatin', I'm jus' playin' with ya."

So when someone like me says you are hatin' or hating or you all can just "hate hate hate", this is what I mean.

I thought about it for a minute, and it came to me that Mike has gotten mad at me before for using the word "hate" in reference to someone saying something in a negative light. But it is merely an age and cultural thing....

So there. FIN.
Let me clear something up for some of y'all. When people in my age group use the term hatin'. It doesn't mean the same thing as what it used to mean.

from the Urban Dictionary:
meaning: Not liking or appreciating, disliking.

example: "Now why do you be hatin', I'm jus' playin' with ya."

So when someone like me says you are hatin' or hating or you all can just "hate hate hate", this is what I mean.

I thought about it for a minute, and it came to me that Mike has gotten mad at me before for using the word "hate" in reference to someone saying something in a negative light. But it is merely an age and cultural thing....

So there. FIN.


I wish you can educate many of the members about the urban dictionary, since I use certain terms from the urban dictionary myself to try to stay and be "hip" and then I'm accused of being a "racists". Wow! I'm a Jewish gay man and I'm being called a racist because I use slang from the urban dictionary to have fun with the models that use many urban words and to have fun and make them feel comfortable by trying to communicate in a language they can understand and relate too!

Please MissD...help!!!
Let me clear something up for some of y'all. When people in my age group use the term hatin'. It doesn't mean the same thing as what it used to mean.

from the Urban Dictionary:
meaning: Not liking or appreciating, disliking.

example: "Now why do you be hatin', I'm jus' playin' with ya."

So when someone like me says you are hatin' or hating or you all can just "hate hate hate", this is what I mean.

I thought about it for a minute, and it came to me that Mike has gotten mad at me before for using the word "hate" in reference to someone saying something in a negative light. But it is merely an age and cultural thing....

So there. FIN.

I understand what you are saying Miss D, but people of Mike & my generation are still roaming this planet & hate is a very strong word.
David, we have, unfortunately, become a society that is up to our collective ears in political correctness. It has almost gotten to a point that no matter what someone says or does, there will be someone who will be offended. Just watch our cable "news" shows! The President and his wife do a 'fist bump' and suddenly they are members of some kind of cult. Hopefully, in my lifetime, people will lighten up and welcome the return of free an open communication. Speech is, after all, according to Mr. Webster, "dialect; an individual manner or style of speaking". Maybe those of us here on the forum could begin a movement more towards the center of things when it comes to all this political correctness and be less critical of an individual's manner or style of speaking. I think our world would be a better place.

I wish you can educate many of the members about the urban dictionary, since I use certain terms from the urban dictionary myself to try to stay and be "hip" and then I'm accused of being a "racists". Wow! I'm a Jewish gay man and I'm being called a racist because I use slang from the urban dictionary to have fun with the models that use many urban words and to have fun and make them feel comfortable by trying to communicate in a language they can understand and relate too!

Please MissD...help!!!

Sorry...no no no
So let's get back to talking about the update!
How can anyone not want to look at Diesal or Aaron?

Word. First thing I thought when looking at the upcoming updates was that Aaron is very cute. And D, well he is just sex on legs, so I was very pleased visually by this update. I don't care about all that kissing stuff, I enjoy the banter and conversation so much more. I liked it. But I have yet to experience work by Diesal that doesn't get my pulse racing.
Word. First thing I thought when looking at the upcoming updates was that Aaron is very cute. And D, well he is just sex on legs, so I was very pleased visually by this update. I don't care about all that kissing stuff, I enjoy the banter and conversation so much more. I liked it. But I have yet to experience work by Diesal that doesn't get my pulse racing.

I am beginning to rethink my position on the "idle banter" issue that arose last week. Perhaps I was too hasty in dismissing the banter as wasted film time. It certainly was not wasted this time. Great video, guys.:001_smile:
hmmm okay so i thought Sue Namie would interject here, being a 24 year old, old fart. part of a forum is getting to interract with a large amount of people. everyone has their own personal style. Miss D's happens to be very hip hop and urban. Some people like to take the intelligent and sometimes pretentious route. i get that we still have some older generations here as porn isnt geared only towards the young, the dumb, and the full of cum. so here is the Sue Namie Lesson in Life. GET OVER IT. by all means, sit on your porch with a rifle and yell at the young whipper snappers on your lawn, but understand why they are on your lawn. we all have a different personal style of interractions. Now david is the perfect example here. He is old (no offense) and spends his time with a lot of younger people (often hot and hung so who could blame him). so he makes strides in understanding their language and demeanor. Mikeyank, please understand where deidra and the rest of us young whipper snappers are coming from. and we will try not to ban you all to the retirement thread.

if anyone has any questions on today's lesson, feel free to catch me during my office hours between 6-9 down on the last layer of hell!
Y'all best watch who youse callin' a ol fart, or I'm like ta git up out dis rockin char 'n beat yo ass, wid ma cane! Seriously people, c'mon. And David, I don't think you are racist in the least. I hope no one here thinks that you are. Your use of the "Urban Dictionary" as a tool to relate to your models is laudable. I myself have attempted to do the same on occasion, most often when working with my college students a few years back. It often served to drive home a point I could not otherwise make clear. I even use eubonics if the term or terms are ones used by the person I am communicating with at the time. It shows respect for their comfort zone, if nothing else, but also increases the chance that meaning will be more precise.